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Oops. Sorry. We aren’t supposed to call it “swine” flu because Jews and Muslims might object. Calling it the “Mexican flu” isn’t offensive at all. Also, pork producers want it called “H1N1 human influenza” so people don’t stop eating pork products like bacon. Hmmm… bacon

  1. tomdennis says:

    Why would it offend the Jews?

  2. tomdennis says:

    I think that link is full of crap too.

  3. moss says:

    1st US death, overnight. Kid in Texas.

  4. dsullivan says:

    Look at that nice line that runs straight up Interstate 35.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    It’s too late to change the name. Swine Flu is stuck in people’s heads, regardless of what it should / could be called.

  6. dm says:

    I love how the Israeli health official who (for some reason l don’t understand) is offended by the name “swine flu”, suggests the name “Mexican flu”. As though that name would never offend anyone. With officials like that, no wonder that part of the world is such a mess.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.

  8. amodedoma says:

    Darn fearmongering Wall Street Journal. This thing is spreading faster than most people realize. Confirmed cases and suspected cases only account for a fraction of the probable infection. This went beyond control shortly after the outbreak began a month ago. An airborn influenza virus has a high infection rate. Of course by the time the death toll mounts it’s already too late to control. Looks like an awful lot of people are going to be exposed to this virus, let’s hope it’s mortality rate isn’t very high.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:

    #8, I think what we are dealing with here is closer to stinkweed.

  10. Rider says:

    Funny how this map has tons of information expect for one very important piece of data. Mortality, can you say fear mongering.

    Anyone else remember when we were all going to die from SARS?

  11. Paddy-O says:

    Uncle Dave incorrectly stated, “Oops. Sorry. We aren’t supposed to call it “swine” flu because Jews and Muslims might object.”

    Actually, the US gov’t doesn’t want it called that because it may hurt our pork exports.

    Your welcome.

  12. chuck says:

    Does this mean I have to stop importing bacon from Mexico?

  13. Uncle Dave says:

    #12: Pad-man, apparently your fervent desire to attack me got the better of you and whipped you into a ‘gotta write something now’ commentary frenzy which is why you were unable to read the next sentence which stated and linked to that exact point.

    And even what you pointed out as being incorrect is incorrect if you had read the link therein or realized that I hadn’t mentioned the government with regards to the religious objection.

    Sorry you’re not having a good day. Flu?

  14. soundwash says:

    #13 -“non-kosher flu” rofl! -good one.

    somebody wake me up when 65,313 have died (US)
    from this flu… as that was figure in 2002
    that died…

    where was the outrage then? *cough*

    imo, we should be paying extra attention to
    any bills being crammed through congress during this “pandemic time” it’s going to be like midnight Dec 24th in congress for the duration this headlines the news..


  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 15 Uncle Dave said, “if you had read the link therein or realized that I hadn’t mentioned the government with regards to the religious objection.”

    Of course you didn’t. The US gov is the primary driving force in the US to NOT have it called it “swine flu”.

    Get it right once in a while and people won’t be acting as your editor. 😉

  16. Re-write says:

    This headline is miswritten. It should state “Interactive Map of H1N1 Testing Outbreak”

  17. Uncle Dave says:

    #19: Come on, Pad, this is weak, even for you. I mentioned two sources who wanted to change the name. Nothing about “primary driving force” or related. Don’t put words in my mouth to further your agenda.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #21 Maybe I looked at from the wrong direction. I was assuming that you’d be commenting on the primary story rather than a side issue. My bad.

  19. Uncle Dave says:

    #22: The main story was the map. Apology accepted.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #23 Thank you for being gracious.

  21. J says:

    where’s the map showing all the people that die from regular flu?

    According to the CDC, at least 13,000 people have died of the “regular” flu since this year began and about 36,000 people die of the flu in the U.S. annually.

  22. ECA says:

    I still like the google map better..

  23. eaze says:

    #1, #2 and Uncle Dave, why would it offend the muslims?

  24. J says:

    The have only been 7 confirmed deaths so far according to the World Health Origination NOT 150.

  25. J says:

    It is 8 now including the baby in Texas

    Just in case any of the asshats here want to argue here is the link.

  26. jbella says:

    #28 #29

    It is against their religion to consume pork products. Both jews and mulsims consider pigs to be unclean.

    The Christian bible also considers pork to be “unclean” and not to be eaten, but by tradition Christian’s have never taken that part of the bible seriously.

  27. tc says:

    Little map has a blue dot on Australia whilst the bigger map linked doesn’t.

    Also link works fine with adblock active

  28. deowll says:

    I think the jet has departed the airport and the flu under whatever name you wish is going to show up where you/I live.

    I just hope the death rate stays down around .09% which is based on reported cases and may actually be higher than the real rate.

  29. Hugh Ripper says:

    What a massive clusterfuck of hype, speculation and misinformation. How is an interactive map of outbreaks useful apart from selling advertising?


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