![]() Re-created scene from the movie |
How do you film a movie set largely in the Vatican when the Holy See itself has banned you from shooting within its walls? If you are the producers of Angels and Demons, the prequel to the church-baiting worldwide blockbuster The Da Vinci Code, you send in cameramen posing as tourists to take more than 250,000 photographs and shoot hours of video footage…
Special effects supervisor Ryan Cook told Italian film magazine Ciak: “The ban on filming put us in serious difficulty because we were not able to carry out the photographic surveys necessary to reconstruct the setting. So for weeks we sent a team of people who mixed with tourists and took thousands of photos and video footage.”
The move was necessary because leaders of the Catholic church, still smarting from The Da Vinci Code’s assertion that Christ married and fathered children with Mary Magdalene, had banned the film-makers from filming in or around any of Rome’s churches. Father Marco Fibbi, spokesman for the diocese of Rome, said at the time: “Normally we read the script, but this time it was not necessary. The name Dan Brown was enough.”
Angels and Demons director Ron Howard hinted in an interview in December on US TV show Shootout that his team had been forced into unusual measures by the ban. “We didn’t shoot at the Vatican officially. But cameras can be made really small,” he said.
The Pope is a dope.
I think this may be pushing the ‘fair use’ envelope a bit. You pasted all but two paragraphs of the Guardian’s story, and added one word and a punctuation mark.
#2, expressing your views or opinions is not a sign of incompetence.
If this blog is the last refuge of the incompetent, then one can claim that membership in a cult like the catholic church is also a sign of incompetence or at least extreme ignorance.
The Swiss guards were wondering why Tom Hanks was always lurking about for the past 6 months.
Why not just go to the library and check out some books and use Google Earth? Maybe rent Godfather III? Are audiences really going to care if you don’t get it exactly right?
They probably made up the stuff about the cameramen to impress some aficionados.
Alfie is a dope, or worse.
Hmmmm. The Pope, a dope, Alfie.
Toss up.
ah. Religion. The institution that brought you the Inquisition, Indulgences, Lucretia Borgia, and the Borgia Popes, 9/11, Burkas, and Sundays off.
I just recalled I have taken two pictures where I wasn’t supposed to. One was of the tera cotta warriors in China and the other was the interior/outside private garden/cloister at the Vatican.
Both pics are treasured.
#8 loves the straw man!
Not that I want to defend: transubstantiation, infused grace, salvation by works & idolization of Mary.
I wonder how many free torrents of Angels and Demons there will be?
#10–Al Pacino wanta be==what is straw man about post #8? At worst, it is but a tangent of the main post but always a worthy touchstone as are the subjects you raise?
Religion: a bunch of old sexless worthless white men trudging up a flight of stairs leading no where. Sell off the Catholic church and move on.
If the Vatican censors had bothered to read the book, they would have discovered that at the end, the hero saves the Vatican itself from being destroyed by an anti-matter bomb.
#14 all religions are cults, while your cult is bigger than another, it is still a cult…
>> Alfred1
>> #1 Reading comments like yours makes me wonder if Dvorak Uncensored is the last refuge of the incompetent…
What? You don’t think “the pope is a dope” is informed insightful commentary? 😉
>> AdmFubar
>> #14 all religions are cults, while your cult is bigger than another, it is still a cult…
Blah. Blah. And all atheists are cold immoral mass murdering social engineers. Neener Neener.
C’mon folks. If we’re going to debate religion, try to have a fact or something.
Can’t the Vatican sue? I would hope so, as a believer in privacy rights.
It’d would be hilarious if the profits from Angels and Demons went to Catholic church!
>> Faxon said, on April 28th, 2009 at 7:10 am
>> ah. Religion. The institution that brought you the Inquisition, Indulgences, Lucretia Borgia, and the Borgia Popes, 9/11, Burkas, and Sundays off.
Ah, Atheism, the philosophy that brought you the Stalinist purges, Pol Pot and Mao — sustained, massive and unfathomable blood letting in the name of purging society of undesirables obstructing their religion-free, enlightened utopia.
Look, I am intellectually honest enough to admit that we religious people have done very horrible things. I own it and I condemn it.
But it’s a very rare atheist, indeed, who is intellectually honest enough to admit that _they_ took evil to an even higher level. They are in complete denial about the atheistic underpinning of that horrific chapter in human history.
The more the church fights about crap like this the worse it looks.A simple “no comment” is what they should say.
#19–Gregor==Religion kills in its name and does many other nasty things in its name. Not so with Atheism. True, it is some other philosophy that like religion raises something else up higher than man, and all such philosophies are equally wrong with the economic isms taking many more lives.
But not atheism. Like the Repuglican Party, being against something doesn’t really provide enough glue to hold people together.
#20–Paddy-O-Alfie==first decent post I have seen from you in quite some time.
I wonder why brave and enlighten Dan Brown or Ron Howard is not filming anything in Mecca….
#24, Alphie,
For example, if no muslims are students, the will insist the school teach the liberal agenda, even to religious people who object…but if there are muslims there…they are beside themselves to accommodate.
Maybe you could back that up and show us a link to an incident where everyone bent over backwards to accommodate some muslims?
That fear of muslims is here too…there were schools, teaching islam in NY, funded by taxpayer money, who certainly didn’t have sex ed or teach alternative life styles…
And how many schools were teaching Christianity on the tax payer’s dime?
After you show us where you got that information from, you can answer a few of your wild comments you failed to answer earlier.
Under Britain’s Health Care, you haven’t responded to:
Quit being such a dolt, Alphie. If you’re going to write it, back it up.
Hey God Damn it! I’m starting to resent some of these responses.
/Mary uses Holy water as bong water.
Can you imagine if someone had done this at Mecca???
#19, what part about Stalin, et al being COMMUNISTS escaped you?
Blaming their actions on atheism is like blaming their actions on them all being left handed or some other non-causal argument.
I rather doubt the need for much realism in this flick. Most people aren’t that clued in.
Unless they blow a lot of money they are going to be having people and objects in the film that most likely ought not to be there any way.
I guess blue screen acting with computer generated backgrounds aren’t that expensive any more.
Hmm, if the all knowing, all seeing god of the Roman Catholic religion missed this one…. Why didn’t he just strike every viewer of this material BLIND. A little shake of his majestic pinky should have erased all of the offending film or data cards.
Debating this is SILLY! God will meter out his judgement and punishment when he sees fit.
Yea right!
I have never been happier that I am an atheist.
#30 I guess you missed the part that says:
“carry out the photographic surveys necessary to reconstruct the setting”
I seriously doubt they will have unwanted objects or people in the way on their reconstructed set.
wow way to be American: Completely ignore a foreign groups wishes and do whatever you want . Reminds me a lot of the war we are in now.