
ANDERSON, S.C. — Two young brothers caused an uproar in Anderson Friday morning when they wandered away from their home and into a neighbor’s home. Neighbors and public safety officers launched an intense search after John and Matthew Farrar disappeared from their home.

The boy’s mother called to report the 2- and 3-year-olds missing at about 9:45 a.m.

About 100 city and county emergency workers scrambled into the neighborhood to search for the boys. Little did they know that the toddlers were next door in the home of a sleeping neighbor, playing out their own version of Goldilocks gone bad. Angie Lovorn was sound asleep on the other side of the house after working a third shift and said she had no idea the boys were in her house.

“I would have right away looked through my house if I’d known they were missing,” Lovorn said.

But she didn’t know. And while she slept, the toddlers ransacked her cupboards, munching on Teddy Grahams, marshmallows and chips. Lovorn finally awoke and saw the emergency workers outside her home at about the same time searchers spotted the boys coming out her back door. One of the brothers was wearing a Clemson University football helmet that belongs to Lovorn’s son. “They even got on the top bunk,” Lovorn said. “These items — stuffed animals — were on the top bunk.”

From the looks of the house, the boys enjoyed their visit. “They played for a while, I think,” Lovorn said.

  1. bobbo says:

    Obviously, the kiddies mother should be charged with abuse and failure to monitor. The kiddies need to be taken in by the state for their own protection.

    Good thing the kiddies weren’t girls and the sleeping neighbor a man or his ass would be in jail as well for enticing the kiddies onto his property.

    These things need to be nipped in the bud—just like swine flu.

  2. AdmFubar says:

    what the hell??? have they not heard of locking their doors out there??

  3. Jim Duggan says:

    The original pic sans cigar was way better.

  4. Colorado says:

    The pic should be titled: “Denny Crain”

  5. Stu Mulne says:


    Actually, no…. Anderson SC is a Textile center, and home of Anderson College. Not a lot more going on there. My wife shopped out the Mall in an hour or two, and while you can go over to the K-Mart and see what’s hopping…. (I haven’t been there for more than 10 years….) It’s kinda rural in spots.

    (Anderson College and nearby Clemson U produce some of the finest looking young ladies on the planet. One reason I liked to visit whenever the former day job allowed. My wife was not amused, but at my age I can only look 🙂 )

    IAC, most of rural Anderson, in those days, at least, was safe enough to let the kids wander over to the neighbors without much concern. ‘Course, knowing where they are is still a better idea.

  6. amodedoma says:

    When they’re that age you gotta watch them like a hawk. Just remember what a hard time Popeye had to go through because of that naughty little Sweetpea! What was Olive-oyl thinking?!

  7. Alex says:

    I say with infants you just gotta implement the lycene contingency, or XKCD’s modified human version….

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    At that age they ain’t called ankle biters for nutin’.

  9. UNKN says:

    I’m surprised the neighbor wasn’t arrested, seems that would be standard operating procedure anymore.


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