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Senator Arlen Specter’s abrupt move to switch allegiance to President Barack Obama’s Democratic Party was a sharp blow to Republicans and will likely generate more soul-searching for the minority party…

* If he had remained a Republican, he faced a tough challenge for the party’s nomination in Pennsylvania’s 2010 Senate race from conservative Pat Toomey. The moderate Specter beat Toomey in a tight primary in 2004 but faced an even tougher battle this time.

* As far as the Republican base was concerned, his biggest Achilles’ heel was his support for Obama’s $787 billion economic stimulus bill. That bill passed the U.S. Congress in February with support from only three Republicans — Specter and Maine senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe.

* Specter’s announcement sharply criticized Republicans, who lost control of the U.S. Congress in 2006, and lost the White House and more seats in Congress in 2008. “I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans,” his statement said…

* Republican strategist John Feehery said Republican leaders in the Senate did all they could to hang on to Specter. More broadly, however, he said: “What it says about the party is they have to make a determination on whether they want to be in the majority or whether they want to be intellectually pure…”

* Republican strategist Scott Reed said: “I always thought Specter would consider switching to become an independent to get re-elected, and it’s too bad that Michael Steele pushed him into the Democrat Party.”

Overdue. And crafty.

  1. web says:

    #73 dantheman said …….

    That post is the biggest steaming pile of crap I have ever read. What the hell is it with you Democrats? You are unrelenting fanatics with a vicious streak a mile wide. You all construct your rants from the same formula.

    1. Republican
    a. Old people – unimportant and worthless
    b. White people – Racist
    c. Religion – Insane
    d. Homophobic
    e. Rush – Antichrist
    f. Stupid, uneducated – especially if from the south or rural area.

    Rush deserves a special mention because he has a talent that enables him to mock Democrats and show them as the pompous jerks they are. The best weapon against them is to laugh at them.


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