(Click photo to enlarge.)

An Oklahoma City man who announced on Twitter that he would turn an April 15 tax protest into a bloodbath was hit with a federal charge of making interstate threats last week, in what appears to be first criminal prosecution to stem from posts on the microblogging site.

Daniel Knight Hayden, 52, was arrested by FBI agents who identified him as the Twitter user CitizenQuasar. In a series of tweets beginning April 11, CitizenQuasar vowed to start a “war” against the government on the steps of the Oklahoma City Capitol building, the site of that city’s version of the national “Tea Party” protests promoted by the conservative-leaning Fox News.

START THE KILLING NOW! I am willing to be the FIRST DEATH!,” read a tweet at 8:01 PM that day. “After I am killed on the Capitol Steps, like a REAL man, the rest of you will REMEMBER ME!!!,” he added five minutes later. Then: “Send the cops around. I will cut their heads off the heads and throw the[m] on the State Capitol steps.”

Hayden’s MySpace page is a breathtaking gallery of right wing memes about the “New World Order,” gun control as Nazi fascism, and Barack Obama’s covert use of television hypnosis, among many others…

Hayden’s penultimate tweet at 12:49 AM on April 15 returned to the subject of his martyrdom. “Locked AND loaded for the Oklahoma State Capitol. Let’s see what happens.”

The FBI arrested him at his home later that day, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oklahoma City, which otherwise declined to comment on the case.

Warms the cockles of your heart to see a nutball truly deserving the title.

  1. Improbus says:


    Please, take your meds.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Private,

    I don’t care what their signs said. If you have a point make it.

    Bush came into office telling us how he would unite a divided nation. He then went ahead and proceeded to ignore everyone but his own inner council. So some compared him to Hitler. I’m sure that if necessary, Bush would have started the incarceration of loyal Americans who disagreed with him.

    The ignorance and stupidity of suggesting hyperbole be restricted is asinine. Yet, as the right wing nuts so often claim, Obama is a dictator, doesn’t listen to those who disagree, and a commie to boot. Yes, they are stupid and ignorant to compare themselves to those in Colonial times trying to stave off an unfair tax.

    I am quite sure that 98% of those claiming the “Taxation Without Representation” have no clue to what happened or the background to the original Boston Tea Party other than what they learned from watching Goofy in a recreation on the Disney Channel. Your attempt to twist words and elicit some confession shows you don’t understand either.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    Fox News. Encouraging insanity, in the 21th century. What’s next for them? Bringing back the Spanish Inquisition? Or perhaps the Salem Witch trials in more their style. Hey Fox News, time to bang the rocks together guys.

    How come the republicans didn’t have a problem with “too much government” as long as their boy Bush, was a head of it. NOW, they’re anti-gov. since Obama is “running” things. Although some of Bush’s cabinet appointees are still there. Apparently the Pentagon keeps who they want, regardless of the regime change.

  4. Benjamin says:

    #32 Alfred1 The extreme left are Moonbats, the extreme right are wingnuts. Get your terminology straight.

    #29 Alex What I am suggesting is extreme McCarthyism when any mention of Conservatives protesting or whatnot. It is even dangerous to be outed as a Conservative on a college campus. The Left doesn’t get put on blacklists for political purposes.

  5. Darjeeling says:

    LOL you’ve got to be kidding me, there are people who watch Fox News and don’t think it just rightwing version of the Daily Show but with a bigger budget, lower production values and second rate writers? ROFL stop say you are joking! They believe this stuff and go to the Fox Tea Parties to protest what? That for over 90% of them there taxes will go down.

    What kind of hallucinogens do they pass out at these gatherings? I have got to get me some of those.

    Ok let’s hope this is nothing more than like those stupid people who joke about bombs in the security lint at the airport and not some sort of Harris & Klebold kind of crazy.

    Fox News is just a big show not news but I’ll defend their free speech rights to spew their insane rants.

    Just remember you can’t yell FIRE in a crowded theater when there is NO fire

  6. Phydeau says:

    Conservatives fought the Nazis, and Hitler was a left wing loon, proving the twritting kid was terribly confused…no doubt a product of the public school system…run by liberal teachers union.

    Poor Alfie… you might want to google “who financed Hitler” for an education. The Republicans loved doing business with Hitler right up until the start of the war. They were the ones against the war, because selling bombs, guns, planes, etc. to Hitler was so damn profitable. And there’s even evidence that some American companies did business with Hitler during the war, through front companies.

    The almighty dollar cares not for war.

    And here’s more:


    George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

    The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

    His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

    That’s right, Dubya’s grandfather rubbed elbows, metaphorically speaking, with Hitler DURING the war.

  7. Phydeau says:

    D’oh, I forgot to ask… why did Prescott Bush hate America so much? And judging from the mess Dubya has left the country in, he passed that hatred of America down to his grandson.

  8. Darjeeling says:

    Alfred1 the adults are talking please keep it down. Have you done your homework yet? Remember you have that paper on the US Constitution protecting the rights of the minority from the tyranny of the majority due. -hint- Start with line from the preamble “promote the general welfare” be sure to look into the idea of no particular classes of people being favored. You need to have that SA on my desk by the start class tomorrow so get busy.

  9. Darjeeling says:

    Democrats and Independents…they were protesting

    lets see your facts from any nonpartisan pool of those in attendance

    Just because you or your FoxRush media demigods say some thing doesn’t make it so.

    If you can post a link to prove that you are just typing out some form of personal narcissism.

    ‘its spending their money without our consent…not taxation without representation per se, a modern, sick form of that…”

    new assignment look up (Representative Democracy) You live in one should be easy

  10. Darjeeling says:

    “Just because you or your FoxRush media demigods say some thing doesn’t make it so.”

    Sorry all links that start with Fox or that link to Fox/Rush personalities are exempt from belief.

    Got any thing from Politico, BBC, Gallop, ect.?

    And we need a percentage not one or two that claim to be Democrats on camera/mic. If they are real Democrats just one or two won’t do it that would be like a gay or non white face caught on camera at a GOP rally.

    we are still waiting …

  11. Phydeau says:

    The Tea Party wasn’t partisan…many there were Democrats and Independents…they were protesting Government GIVING BILLIONS of their money to the Rich…who rightly lost their shirts…

    Let’s see some independent verification of D vs R at those meetings, not anecdotal stories.

    And haven’t you figured it out yet, Alfie? The Republicans are and have been for a long time the party of the rich. Bush’s tax cuts for the rich added god knows how much to the national deficit and put our country into a huge hole. If McCain had been elected, even more money would have been flowing to the big bankers. You wingnuts mindlessly bash Obama for every single thing he does. By doing that you’re only making the party of the rich (the Republicans) stronger. So you’re either clueless idiots who just don’t understand what the parties stand for, or you’re Republican hacks who really don’t believe your own populist bullsh*t. Either way, you’re making things worse.

    Or go ahead, be my guest… try to argue with a straight face that McCain, bought and paid for by the rich Republicans, would have been harder on the banks. Go ahead, it should be good for a few laughs…

  12. Phydeau says:

    OK Alfie, you refuse to acknowledge the tax cuts to the rich that Bush gave. And all the ways the Republicans favor the rich. I get it… maybe you were molested by a Democrat when you were a child.

    Anyone who thinks the Democrats favor the rich more than the Republicans just isn’t in touch with reality, but you have amply demonstrated that characteristic.

  13. Phydeau says:

    I hesitate to ask a wingnut a serious question, but… Alfie, you think we would have been better under McCain? He was in bed more than Obama with the big money boys. You really think he’d have been better than Obama?

  14. Phydeau says:

    And can you explain the rationale that Obama has given for spending so much money, Alfie? Do you even know what their reasoning is? Or do you just assume that Democrats are EEEEEVIL???

  15. Phydeau says:

    You didn’t answer my first question, Alfie… do you think McCain would have been better?

  16. Phydeau says:

    OK Alfie, no straight answer to a simple question. Thanks anyway.

  17. Phydeau says:

    #58 that was very telling… an extremist personality, gone from one extreme to the other… very illuminating Alfie.

  18. Phydeau says:

    Alfie, I don’t expect you to understand this, but not everyone is like you, so black and white. Some of us actually voted for Obama and think he’s doing a good job overall, but still dislike some things he does. We don’t fanatically love him, like you fanatically hate him. We like some of the things he does, and we dislike other things he does.

    The point of asking whether McCain would have been better, is that if the answer is no, Obama is the best we have. And you can have more effect on what he does by curbing the blind hatred (which makes you look unhinged and not someone to be listened to) and acting like there’s a possibility that he could do something good.

    But I suspect that’s much less satisfying than blind hatred.

  19. BubbaRay says:

    #40, Phydeau said,

    “The almighty dollar cares not for war.”

    Har! You’ll need to do some homework on that one. Be sure to include firms like Lockheed, Boeing, Blackwater, Chrysler, GM, Beechcraft, Cessna, TI, etc.

    What fun!

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #65, Alphie,

    You keep repeating that $350 billion is missing. Where do you get that number from?

    As Phydeau pointed out, no one in their right mind would trust the organizer of an event to be truthful about the attendees. It is in FOX SPEWS’ interest that they have some token blacks and Democrats show up. That doesn’t mean they did.

  21. Uncle Patso says:

    # 2 Hmeyers said, in part:

    “But the Republican party message will fail because they are trying to appeal with a message only the biggest dimwit flatheads would buy into and that anyone with an ounce of education would reject.”

    It has been a _long_ time since I met anyone under 30 who could speak in complete sentences or evince a single complete idea. Education in this country is so bad… [“How bad is it?”]
    So bad that the majority of respondents believe Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife. [BaDumpBump!] In other words, an entire generation ripe for the Faux News message…

  22. smartalix says:

    If the Teabagger movement was anything more than astroturfers trying to harness real anger at the government into a bullshit protest with no real traction because it is all built on bullshit.

    If there was a real sentiment among the populace at any real level, the last post on the AMerican Tea Party Website wouldn’t be almost a week old, and there would have been marches in all the cities this last week.

    Where is the movement now? WHat is their platform? “We’re scared of future taxes” sounds a little stupid, and “big government is bad” ignores the evidence of the last 8 years.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #68, Alphie,

    You effen moran!!! You didn’t even read your own effen link. Read what you linked to then come back and tell us $350 billion, or $78 Billion, or whatever is missing. Even FOX SPEWS can’t find their story that $350 Billion is missing.

    Jesus H. Christ girl!!! You’re making Lyin’ Mike look pretty good right about now.


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