Taliban gunmen shooting couple dead for adultery caught on camera – Telegraph You can link to this story and watch this disgusting video at your own risk.

In footage which is being watched with horror by Pakistanis, the couple try to flee when they realise what is about to happen. But a gunman casually shoots the man and then the woman in the back with a burst of gunfire, leaving them bleeding in the dirt.

Moments later, when others in the execution party shout out that they are still alive, he returns to coldly finish them with a few more rounds.

Their “crime” was an alleged affair in their remote mountain village controlled by militants in an area that was only recently under the governments sway. It was the kind of barbarity that has become increasingly familiar across Pakistan as the Taliban tide has spread.

But this time, with black-turbaned gunmen almost at the gates of Islamabad, the rare footage has shown urban Pakistanis what could now await them.

related link:
Taliban behead geologist

Found by Norman Speight.

  1. Alex says:


  2. laxdude says:

    The “Religion of Peace” in action. I guess India will have to clean up this mess.

  3. fpp2002 says:

    Religion in general = most hateful and divisive force in the world. Violent actions are not limited to just Muslims.

  4. Alabaman says:

    Barbarians… stupid Indians

  5. Chris Mac says:

    this is news?

    free potshots across religions bow is getting stale.
    more quality potshots plz

    As silly as I think religion is, I can’t disallow it.

    Goal! eh?

  6. bob says:

    Sorry, but obviously this is what Pakistanis want….none of our business. If they really didn’t want this they would put in a govt that would really clean up the problem instead of enabling it.

    We should go in to get the nukes away from them and leave them them to the 8th Century barbarism they have allowed and largely support.

    We can’t force democracy in Pakistan anymore than we could in Iraq. It is the height of cultural elitism to continually assume that the Muslim world wants or is culturally capable of democracy…they are not.

    Leave them to their own devices.

  7. Nimby says:

    Don’t know that it’s true but I heard there is a detachment of US Rangers that actually guards the nukes. I guess we’ll be going to war on a new front soon. I remember the US bombers circling the valleys around Taloqan in Afghanistan. My guess? The Swat Valley will soon see that sight. And it ain’t nice. Even from a distance. If Pakistan wants to remain independent, they’d better start asking for an international force to come in very soon. It’s better to have someone fighting for you than to have a coalition just come in and take over.

  8. Dallas says:

    Didn’t see nor want to see the video but Pakistanis MUST see why religious fanatics must be kept out of government.

    In western society what keeps similar religious loonies from doing the same is the rule of law keeps them in check.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 6 bob said, “Sorry, but obviously this is what Pakistanis want….none of our business. ”

    In normal circumstances I’d agree. Pak has nukes. If these nuts take over we’ll have to turn it into a sheet of green glass.

  10. Fat_Anarchy says:

    These are troubling times. History has shown that is it always in times of financial crisis, that extremist forms of gorvernment can take power. If the Taliban get hold of Pakistan, and by default, their nukes, then this shooting of the couple will be a model for how they treat countries they deem to be inpure or whatever it is they believe. They will see nuking none muslim countries as what Allah wants, etc.

    Basically, if the Taliban gets hold of the nukes, then we will need to treat it as a Vietnam situation, and invade the country and destroy, or capture their nuclear arsenal. Unfortunately, when the country is in recession, people arent too hasty to start a war in yet another foreign land.

    I hope that India as a growing economic power takes some heed to this situation and looks to make sure it doesnt happen, instead of us having too. Or atleast works in conjunction.

  11. B.Dog says:

    I look at it as a British problem. They still own all the good stuff over there, or so I’ve heard. Are there any Pakistani folks reading this? Do you have anything to say?

  12. bobbo says:

    Evidently, any Taliban can shoot anyone else on that persons reported infraction of some rule? For their own protection, I would think even the Taliban would hold some kind of trial. Failure to do so shows the goal of the action is to instill fear, show power, not to bring Muslim Justice.

    Shows what the “Guns Make You Free” philosophy ultimately leads to. Government with guns is bad, citizen nut bags with guns are even worse.

  13. Dale says:

    Nukes and a religion that covets martyrdom isn’t a good mix. How long before the ultimate IED is utilized?

  14. JimR says:

    God created the Taliban.

  15. zorkor says:

    I am so proud to be a Muslim but I am not proud to see this video. The same way the Christians are not proud to see child molesters in the churches and bombing of the innocent villagers by Christian forces.

  16. Toxic Asshead says:

    To the Taliban, the only allowable sex is with a goat or camel.

  17. Ah_Yea says:

    #7, Nimby,

    The US helped train some Pakistani security forces in how to secure their nuclear arsenal, but we do not guard it ourselves.

    “But while Pakistan is formally considered a “major non-NATO ally,” the program has been hindered by a deep suspicion among Pakistan’s military that the secret goal of the United States was to gather intelligence about how to locate and, if necessary, disable Pakistan’s arsenal, which is the pride of the country.”

    “Everything has taken far longer than it should,” a former official involved in the program said in a recent interview, “and you are never sure what you really accomplished.”

    (NYT article)

    The fox is still guarding the hen house.

    Eventually, this will become India’s problem, or at least they will have to act first.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    This will make you think.

    “Among the places in the world that we have to make sure we have done the maximum we can do, Pakistan is at the top of the list,” said John E. McLaughlin, who served as deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time…

    “I am confident of two things,” he added. “That the Pakistanis are very serious about securing this material, but also that someone in Pakistan is very intent on getting their hands on it.”

  19. Ultraslug says:

    I am so proud to be a Muslim but I am not proud to see this video. The same way the Christians are not proud to see child molesters in the churches and bombing of the innocent villagers by Christian forces.

    A non sequitur and banal Islamic tu quoque.

    None of the “Christian” child molesters or soldiers who (presumably intentionally) bombed “innocent villagers” justified their actions with reference to the bible or church teachings. Unlike the Taliban, who can and do refer to the traditions and teachings of Islam and Muhammad to sanctify their acts.

  20. cornholer says:

    more from the religion of peace…


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