1. bobbo says:

    I’ll take real life over frozen art any day.

    One of the themes of “Ode on a Greecian Urn.” Over my head no matter how many times I have read it, but the Footnotes are good.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    I wish we had legs…

  3. urban says:

    And he looked upon the window and saw that the Gods were generous, and pretty frustrated at being made of stone.

  4. AdmFubar says:

    damn!! we coulda had a V-8!

  5. Godsake says:

    Oh for Christ’s sake, we asked for men…..

  6. The Bobster says:

    YE GODS!!

  7. stats says:

    I can’t find my f’n legs!

  8. Jacob says:

    I vote on 2.

  9. thartist says:

    Bob : Dude ! What a hot piece of a*** !
    Dan : Damn man, I created that ?
    Bob: Stay right their babe. Ahhh yea. Let the God have a nice look at you !

  10. B.Dog says:

    Just do it!

  11. Greg Allen says:

    I don’t know about you, Larry, but these skinny chicks leave me stone cold.

  12. WhiteyMcBrown says:

    Interestingly, it was these women that made them hard.

  13. Talking Bear says:

    …When they said this building needed a buttress, I had my doubts, but now…..

  14. emh924a says:

    does this window make my ass look fat?

  15. dajaros says:

    I’m rock hard….You?

  16. ihatepcs says:

    I’m trying to think of a come on .. but i’m too stoned

  17. righteous indignation says:

    Toga! Toga!

  18. ECA says:

    Statue 1: DAM Iv been standing here for over 100 years. Holding up this wall..
    Statue 2: ya, I know. Iv been here as long listening to you gripe.

    Statue 1: WOW look at that..
    Statue 2: What, HUH!, what is it? OMFG!!

    Statue 1: After all these years of standing here, WE’ get a better view.
    Statue 2: I get the one on the right..

    Statue 1: AND WHAT?? You cant even get a woody, you are made of Stone.. You cant even move..
    Statue 2: Oops I forgot..DAM! At least I can dream.. MORE, MORE!!

  19. madtruckman says:

    and on the 7th day, God created HOT ASS!!!

  20. Palooka says:

    “I turn to stone, when you are gone, I turn to stone”

  21. ECA says:

    I cant move my hand…
    But would it do any good with this TOWEL around my waist..

  22. If the gods made something more beautiful than you, I hope they kept it for themselves. Oh look, they did!

  23. Mutant Nacho says:

    Pythagoras let’s delve into the age old question…Ginger Or Mary Ann?

  24. circuitsmith says:


    Johnny Carson we miss you!


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