Statue 1: DAM Iv been standing here for over 100 years. Holding up this wall..
Statue 2: ya, I know. Iv been here as long listening to you gripe.
Statue 1: WOW look at that..
Statue 2: What, HUH!, what is it? OMFG!!
Statue 1: After all these years of standing here, WE’ get a better view.
Statue 2: I get the one on the right..
Statue 1: AND WHAT?? You cant even get a woody, you are made of Stone.. You cant even move..
Statue 2: Oops I forgot..DAM! At least I can dream.. MORE, MORE!!
For Kindle and with free ePub version. Only $9.49 Great reading.
Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
I’ll take real life over frozen art any day.
One of the themes of “Ode on a Greecian Urn.” Over my head no matter how many times I have read it, but the Footnotes are good.
I wish we had legs…
And he looked upon the window and saw that the Gods were generous, and pretty frustrated at being made of stone.
damn!! we coulda had a V-8!
Oh for Christ’s sake, we asked for men…..
I can’t find my f’n legs!
I vote on 2.
Bob : Dude ! What a hot piece of a*** !
Dan : Damn man, I created that ?
Bob: Stay right their babe. Ahhh yea. Let the God have a nice look at you !
Just do it!
I don’t know about you, Larry, but these skinny chicks leave me stone cold.
Interestingly, it was these women that made them hard.
…When they said this building needed a buttress, I had my doubts, but now…..
does this window make my ass look fat?
I’m rock hard….You?
I’m trying to think of a come on .. but i’m too stoned
Toga! Toga!
Statue 1: DAM Iv been standing here for over 100 years. Holding up this wall..
Statue 2: ya, I know. Iv been here as long listening to you gripe.
Statue 1: WOW look at that..
Statue 2: What, HUH!, what is it? OMFG!!
Statue 1: After all these years of standing here, WE’ get a better view.
Statue 2: I get the one on the right..
Statue 1: AND WHAT?? You cant even get a woody, you are made of Stone.. You cant even move..
Statue 2: Oops I forgot..DAM! At least I can dream.. MORE, MORE!!
and on the 7th day, God created HOT ASS!!!
“I turn to stone, when you are gone, I turn to stone”
I cant move my hand…
But would it do any good with this TOWEL around my waist..
If the gods made something more beautiful than you, I hope they kept it for themselves. Oh look, they did!
Pythagoras let’s delve into the age old question…Ginger Or Mary Ann?
Johnny Carson we miss you!