A GIRL of 17 was given a £4,000 boob job on the NHS – because she was jealous of school pals’ bigger busts.
Amanda Ryan was just 16 when she decided she fancied the op, even though her body was not fully developed. Girls under 18 are almost always turned down, but after hearing how the stress of being flat-chested was making Amanda grumpy a counsellor at her health centre put her forward.
Now she wishes it had NEVER been done as she has been plagued by problems ever since. She told News of the World: “It is worryingly easy to get a free boob job at an age when you might not be ready for it. “If I could advise anyone, I would tell them to wait until they are at least 18. You aren’t ready for it at such a young age.”
Campaign group TaxPayers’ Alliance hit out at the decision. Spokeswoman Susie Squire said: “The NHS is struggling to provide basic and life-saving surgery. “Cancer drugs should always come above boob jobs. Some serious questions need to be asked about the spending priorities of this NHS trust.” Amanda – a petite size 8 – went to her GP 16 months ago because she was feeling moody and losing her temper with her family.
She said: “I was a bit down and getting annoyed all the time. I was referred to a counsellor at my GP’s surgery and went once a month for four months. “I wanted to be one of the girls with big boobs. I felt everyone was laughing at me behind my back for having a smaller chest. “But I was amazed when the counsellor said I could have a boob job-all I needed was a signature from my mum.
“My mum wasn’t happy about me being so young but knew I would probably have it done privately when I turned 18 anyway.”
So being cranky is considered an illness in the UK?
#41, Alphie,
THAT is why our bill of rights states our right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, is from our Creator…
Where in the Bill of Rights is THAT written?
Jesus would favor free will…that’s what God does…gives us free will…
So all the preaching of “Love one another” was not mentioned by Jesus? You really think Jesus would favor greed over passion and love for the common people? Jesus washing feet is really about free will?
Geeze you’re a dolt.