
A GIRL of 17 was given a £4,000 boob job on the NHS – because she was jealous of school pals’ bigger busts.

Amanda Ryan was just 16 when she decided she fancied the op, even though her body was not fully developed. Girls under 18 are almost always turned down, but after hearing how the stress of being flat-chested was making Amanda grumpy a counsellor at her health centre put her forward.

Now she wishes it had NEVER been done as she has been plagued by problems ever since. She told News of the World: “It is worryingly easy to get a free boob job at an age when you might not be ready for it. “If I could advise anyone, I would tell them to wait until they are at least 18. You aren’t ready for it at such a young age.”

Campaign group TaxPayers’ Alliance hit out at the decision. Spokeswoman Susie Squire said: “The NHS is struggling to provide basic and life-saving surgery. “Cancer drugs should always come above boob jobs. Some serious questions need to be asked about the spending priorities of this NHS trust.” Amanda – a petite size 8 – went to her GP 16 months ago because she was feeling moody and losing her temper with her family.

She said: “I was a bit down and getting annoyed all the time. I was referred to a counsellor at my GP’s surgery and went once a month for four months. “I wanted to be one of the girls with big boobs. I felt everyone was laughing at me behind my back for having a smaller chest. “But I was amazed when the counsellor said I could have a boob job-all I needed was a signature from my mum.

“My mum wasn’t happy about me being so young but knew I would probably have it done privately when I turned 18 anyway.”

So being cranky is considered an illness in the UK?

  1. ± says:

    Big boobs can physically limit you. A woman opting for big boobs equals low IQ. A man attracted to that equals low IQ.

  2. brm says:

    What a waste of taxpayer money. What did they, bump her up to A’s?

    My money only goes to D’s and above.

  3. Daniel says:

    Call me crazy, but did her head get bigger, not her breasts?

  4. eaze says:

    #2 LOL they bumped her up to peks

  5. Paddy-O says:

    The future of Obamacare. LOL

  6. I liked the before better
    Come to Canada where the only thing in the socialized health care system that is getting better is the growth of the government departments – like a cancer. Its not good for the average citizen- health care is getting worse. A poor fellow with no legs waits 36 hours in an emergency ward of a major hospital.

    Finally after an inquest and highly paid civil servants are shown to be lying – the repeated answer is that is “irrelevant”. The problem is that it is irrelevant – all that matters while health care goes to hell in a handbasket is the graphs and charts of the clerks are on an upward trend – regardless of the apparent realities in the healthcare system.

    Wake up Americans before it is too late

  7. jealousmonk says:

    Gyp. Looks more like a good bra than a boob job. I guess that is probably not the point though.

  8. Zybch says:

    You gotta admit, she did need it though.
    Talk about a couple of peas on an ironing board.

  9. bac says:

    Where are the free boob jobs for the Cranky Geeks? I am sure it would make the show just that more interesting.

  10. Chris says:

    She seems to have gained some weight overall as well. Did they surgically implant that too? You know, some guys like small breasts – there’s a whole fetish dedicated to it…

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #10 Well, by the logic of the loony left, when you are bankrupt due to overspending, the cure is to spend even more. Logic isn’t part of the definition of “left wing”.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #14 Are you sure Rush didn’t tell that joke last year and O’Mama heard the show and thought he was serious?

  13. Jägermeister says:

    British girls need dental braces, not boob jobs.

  14. Nimby says:

    Did the NHS cover the dye job and the tanning booth, too?

    This is an absurdity. Seventeen year-old girls are SUPPOSED to feel confused by their bodies. Otherwise 17 y/o boys would never get laid.

  15. McCullough says:

    Alfred1 and Paddy-O……get a room.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #20 So true.

  17. Named says:

    I’d say #6 was actually Alfred1, but the grammar was better. Though the entire post was still conjecture and opinion. Good try though. I especially liked the details, specific details, like “major hospital.” Sheesh.

    And the “wake up Americans”? Who the hell is your audience.

    21… I agree. Though I think that Paddy-O has actually developed a “mature” alter-ego names Alfred1. They share the same room… in their mom’s basement.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 21 McCullough said, “Alfred1 and Paddy-O……get a room.”

    I don’t have the same genetic defect as yourself. I like women.

  19. Tomas says:

    ooooooooh! nice comeback Paddy-O. You are a mental genius.


  20. Troublemaker says:

    Strange… they look the same to me. Maybe a little bigger, but not by much.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, I would much rather see something like this than what occured near here just a few months ago.

    A man went to the ER complaining of sever pain. The physician treating him told him to go home and take some Tylenol thinking the guy was just looking for free pain killers. His friends brought him back later that night and the physician gave him the same advise.

    Finally he was taken to another hospital where he was discovered to have a large gall stone, uncommon in someone his age. Also very painful.

    For some reason Alphie and Cow-Patty like this type of health care better.

  22. Toxic Asshead says:

    At least they realize boobs are important.

  23. Hugh Ripper says:

    Listening to you Republican’s prattle on like moronic schoolboys is really depressing. It making me like Democrats for no reason other than your dickishness, which is equally depressing.

    Just stop paying taxes altogether and go hide in the mountains with your guns already, and spare us the drivel.

  24. father time says:

    The prettiest girl I know is completely flat-chested. Her face is amazing, but her inner self is what always floors me.

    Outside construction means nothing in the face of the practical reality that getting along with someone is the key discrimator for happiness.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Alphie, the Quaalude Queen,

    And you will have to do what Canadians and Brits do now…if you can afford it, find a doctor you can pay.

    Really? And how many Canadians do you know that want to give up their form of health coverage for the American style?

    Also…whenever I go to the DMV, any Government run office, do my taxes…I thank God my health care is not run by the same people…who NEVER put the “customer” first…their motto is the opposite

    Gee, I don’t know what State you live in, but shit, you should seriously write a letter to your local representative. Here in Indiana I couldn’t wish for better service. ALL civil servants I’ve dealt with are more than friendly.

    The only problem I’ve even had was at the BMV when I had my most recent license renewed. They didn’t care how ugly I look in my photo. In fairness, my wife claims I look better there than in real life, but she needs new glasses.

    I hope they are “American” about this, and not European….give everyone a choice…

    They are being American. It is called Representative Democracy. If you disagree with our system, it means you are not an American. You’re really an UnAmerican. Which leads to the question,

    Alphie old girl, why do you hate America so much?

    I would much rather not pay…and suffer the consequences…than pay, and suffer the same consequences…

    I think most on this blog would just hope you get the ultimate treatment. Hell, we’ll even pay for it.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, Alphie,

    We are free in this country to deny “the man” our labor and form unions…

    You are also free to sleep under a bridge at night too. As for the unions? Well, there are enough laws around to make them extremely difficult to form.

    And when the doctors opt out…your lefty loon health care will be so much smoke and mirrors…

    Sure. Then all the doctors can become plumbers or science fiction writers.

    Like those insurance (Medicare etc) that doctors opt out of, because the payments are too small…

    And how many times have you contacted your State representative or Congressman to complain the Doctors aren’t being paid enough to see your great grand pappy

    I rather not throw my money away on a program that only will benefit ACORN workers…

    I don’t know what ACORN has to do with anything, but I would rather my money went to ACORN than to Haliburton. And I not only wasn’t given a choice, my Congressman heard about it from me.

    And I rather see YOU thrown your money away on that…while I opt out…and LOL!

    What??? You would rather Lay On Lounger? I guess your mommy is being too kind to you. Get your effen worthless ass up and get a job.

  27. Named says:

    “Really? And how many Canadians do you know that want to give up their form of health coverage for the American style?”

    Not me!

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 36 Named said, “Really? And how many Canadians do you know that want to give up their form of health coverage for the American style?”

    I personally know 4. They drive to Seattle when they want good/fast medical care.

  29. Buzz says:

    So now the old saw “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” has a new punch word.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Alphie,

    That was an enlightening post. We see now where you are coming from. You hate America and all it stands for.

    It would be nice if you moved as far away as possible, some place such as the Antarctic. Only they are trying disparately to keep the Antarctic as free of pollution as possible.

    I don’t believe you are over 50. Your posts are much too juvenile in thought and style for someone past 15. Although it could be all the acid you took earlier that screwed your head.

    Besides, what would Jesus do? Do you really think Jesus would favor people die because they are too poor to afford health care?


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