
A man in northern Idaho says he has seen a massive hand of God in his life, and he is willing to share it with the highest bidder.

Paul Grayhek, 52, listed the rock formation he dubbed the “Hand of God Rock Wall” on the online auction Web site eBay. The highest bid was $250 early Sunday, with three days left to go in the auction…

However, the winning bidder on eBay should not start clearing out his backyard. Grayhek is not planning to part with the formation.

The buyer will “basically be buying the rights, complete and exclusive rights” to the rock, including literary and movie rights, according to Grayhek…

“People think I’m some holier-than-thou person trying to get rich. I’m not,” Grayhek said. “The purpose is to spread the story of God and eBay is just a vehicle.”

I’ve seen “vehicles” like this my whole life. The Pope rides in one. So, does Al Sharpton.

  1. bobbo says:

    Well, the old joke is that those rock are just another of a long line of “sex rocks.”

    Sex rocks? What is a sex rock?

    Just another bunch of fucking stones.

  2. It should only relate to ebay customer service and how ebay serves its customers
    Reality- What a Concept

  3. Sweedman says:

    Why does it have to be God’s hand? Maybe it’s really the hand of Satan.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Why does it have to be a hand? Maybe it is just a formation of stratified rock uplifted and fractured through weathering and rock slides.

  5. newglenn says:

    Lost his pinky in some freak accident?

  6. johnhattan says:

    With the very short “thumb” and very long palm, it looks more like a chimp’s hand than a human’s.

    And I’m still trying to figure out how to cause a big dumb internet sensation like this. My wife posted our Virgin-Mary closet door to her blog years ago, and nobody offered us a dime. What’s the technique to make this stuff go viral?

  7. pasquale caputo says:

    Stuff like this really irritates me…I cant believe there are so many stupid people, and I mean STUPID that could possibly believe this. This guy is laughing his ass off all the way to the bank. I bet he cant believe there are so many STUPID people out there either. This thing just appeared in his back yard…WAKE UP YOU MORONS.
    How about that story on ebay…thats a classic.
    A real tear jerker…boo hoo hoo

  8. AdmFubar says:

    “I’ve seen “vehicles” like this my whole life. The Pope rides in one. So, does Al Sharpton.”

    and rush limbaugh, rex humbard, ernest angley, every other snake oil salesman out there.. it is call the “BS Bus”, runs on hot air and gullibility.

  9. JimR says:

    Anyone else notice that the hand has 6 fingers? … or 5 fingers and a thumb if your picky with semantics.

  10. Daniel says:


    That’s how you can tell it’s really God’s hand, and not some chimp’s like #6 thinks.

  11. Faxon says:

    Oh, PUL-EEEZE. I saw god in a dog turd today. Want to buy it?

  12. Faxon says:

    In other news… a man riding in a group of motorcycles called “Bikers Against Child Abuse” was struck by lightning (Er…the hand of GOD) and killed. God DOES work in mysterious ways, doesn’t she? Good thing I was just walking around packing heat all day.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – Special Ed

    LMAO – He truly shows that he cares…

  14. Nimby says:

    #13 – Aha! So it IS the hand of God!

    Or, if JimR’s (#9) counts are right (5 Fingers and a thumb) it could be a panda.

    And, before Alfie shows up and gets started: No, it’s NOT the hand of Jesus. That’s “strata” not “stigmata”.

    Question: Are mineral rights included?

  15. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I think I saw a booger on one of the fingers.

  16. Faxon says:

    Ya know….if I was GOD, and I wanted to send a “sign” to Earth, I sure as hell would send one that was obviously a SIGN. Like a solid gold 1959 Cadillac convertible, with a platinum Elvis sitting in the driver’s seat, smoking a glowing cigar made of plutonium, and a Texas license plate made of platinum, reading, “YES, THERE IS A GOD, NOW QUIT FUCKING UP”. I would instantly make it appear, rotating and balanced on top of the Washington Monument on July 4th at noon, accompanied by the piercingly loud sound of Roy Orbison singing “Pretty Woman”, that lasted for four days. All the US flags would turn to stone, one stripe at a time.. Now, THAT is a sign. Not rotten cheese sandwiches, fungus on a water heater, oil scum, sap leaking from an old tree limb, or urine puddles.

  17. JimR says:

    #16, Sister Mary…

    Can they clone something from snot?

    Just wondering if I should bid….

  18. BubbaRay says:

    #17, Fat Elvis or Skinny Elvis? (Good one).

  19. ArisguirE says:

    hi – thanks an watch to your mention and i 100% separate with you. reductions don’t certainly by aspect of that you are getting a deal.
    in actuality, it strength signal that the seller is unwilling to last through that their stamping-ground was (and may stationary be) mispriced!
    I wonderment if web toil stiff by way of turning-point as well? and to what extend? Purpose the admins go on with this web?


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