A dumpster diving friend once found a case of $50+ per bottle wine minus one, broken bottle. They had tossed it because the other bottles had gotten wet. She found plenty of other surprisingly useful and undamaged stuff in dumpsters, but never anything like this.

A Saanich police officer arrived at a parking lot where he heard noises coming from a large garbage dumpster.

The officer called out to the people in the dumpster, but no one responded. When he looked inside, he was surprised to see two naked adults intertwined and oblivious to his presence.

The two adults, a 30-year-old woman and a 26-year-old man, were ordered to put their clothes on and get out of the dumpster, police said in a news release.

The man was arrested on an unrelated matter and the woman was told to go home.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    When you gotta come, you gotta come…

  2. AdmFubar says:

    garbage in, garbage out….

  3. *WINGZ* says:

    Life initates art – see this orneryboy cartoon

  4. JL says:

    they probably just got ‘dumped’ the previous day…

  5. Zybch says:

    Um, just how did you know that the whole case of wine had been tossed out because “other bottles had gotten wet”???
    Sounds like porkies to me.

  6. bobbo says:

    Best use of a dumpster I can think of. Sounds like the police acted reasonably.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    #5: Because my friend knew someone who worked at the store and asked. The grocery store’s policy was they couldn’t sell them if the labels were messed up. The red wine from the broken bottle had stained them.

  8. Zybch says:

    #7 Fair enough 🙂 Guess I’m just having a cranky day. Also a bit jealous none of my local stores have a policy like that I could ‘make use of’.

  9. Benjamin says:

    Ick. All kinds of germs could touch you places they can’t normally get too when you do that behavior in a dumpster.


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