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A top executive at Freddie Mac was found dead Wednesday morning from an apparent suicide, according to CBS affiliate WUSA-TV in Washington, D.C.

David Kellermann, the acting chief financial officer and senior vice president of the government-sponsored mortgage lender, was found dead in his home after his wife alerted Fairfax County Police to his suicide, authorities told WUSA.

According to Kellermann’s bio on Freddie Mac’s Website, the 41-year-old was with the company for more than 16 years and was named acting CFO in September.

That was the same month Freddie Mac was placed under conservatorship by the U.S. Treasury as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis.


  1. keaneo says:

    Must have tired of waiting for that knock on the door.

  2. Don says:

    Hmm, wonder what they will find when they start digging into his activities at Freddie Mac.

    He had no sinse of irony. He should have offed himself at Fort Marcy Park just to set the conspiracy nuts off.


  3. MRN says:

    This could be linked to the investigations carried out as mentioned in the LA Times

  4. bobbo says:

    I’ll bet his home life sucked too. No homelife, no business success. THEN what happens is your back or knee goes out and there just isn’t any reason for living.

    Thank god I found beer.

  5. SparkyOne says:

    Bailout, sans chute.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yup. Something for the conspiracy nuts to drool over.

  7. Nitroneo says:


    It’s all lies, he’s part of a government program and is now in a government hiding program along with Baxter from ENRON.

  8. chuck says:

    Did he shoot himself 8 times in the back of the head, pausing only once to re-load?

  9. ObamaSucks says:

    Nice hat trick if Barney Frank and Franklin Raines would take his lead.

  10. god says:

    He could have done something useful – like take out Cheney before he offed himself.

  11. robrites says:

    1. What did he know?

    2. What was he unwilling to do?

    3. Who was he going to tell?

    4. Does the wife get the nearly 1 million dollar bonus he was due?

  12. Paddy-O says:

    He was only appointed CFO last Sept. Wasn’t “in charge” during the debacle. Wonder what he discovered after taking the post that people like Frank & crew didn’t want aired?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Chuck,

    No, it was more like he cut out his own heart and stuffed it in his mouth while waiting for the cyanide to take effect.

  14. jsauer says:

    Anthony Piszel is the one that should hang himself as he was the CFO when shit hit the fan. Kellermann was brought in as CFO after the government got involved in Sep 2008.

  15. pokey says:

    He shot himself twice in the head, in the morning.

    I can’t believe no one else said it yet.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    “The police would not release the cause of death or say if a suicide note was found. ”

    Hmmm, interesting…

  17. ObamaSucks says:

    Ok, time to quit dancing around it… It was MURDER MOST FOUL!

  18. SparkyOne says:

    His suicide note is still being edited. It is scheduled for release upon completion of multiple reviews.

  19. B.Dog says:

    He’s got a million dollar smile.

  20. qsabe says:

    Honorable action should be expected from all who participated in the killing of America. Starting with Cheney and his stooge Bush, then going down the wrong side of congress.

    Hari Kari is the only way to avoid the coming disclosures. Go repukes while you can still have a respectable burial instead of just being thrown on the ash heap of histories worst villains.

  21. Toxic Asshead says:

    #21 you’re almost there. My first thought was this poor guy saw Obama’s plans and couldn’t bear it.

    Your second paragraph will be prophetic in a few years (if we’re still around)

  22. From the Grave says:

    Since no one else will say it how about a little sympathy for his wife and daughter and the rest of his family and friends.

    Now, I am sure that he found something that tied Obomba directly to the $100 million that Franklin Raines got paid while working there and someone faked his suicide.


  23. eaze says:

    #16 well done, at least someone got there.

  24. amodedoma says:

    No mystery, if professional ambition, social status, and greed are the motivating factors of your exsistence, then what’s left to someone like this.
    I have no sympathy, we all run the risk of consequences of the decisions we make. As for his family I’m sure his wealth will leave them much better provided for than the victims of his institution’s mismanagement.

  25. ECA says:

    I like how china does it…

    2 shots in the head??
    I cant see how he got past the first one..

    I find it interesting that ALOT of the bad guys, JUMPED ship, and placed GOOD people in the job before they left..

  26. Delta Dan says:

    #27 you need to listen to No Agenda to get the joke. Someone needs to compile a list of all those rats that jumped ship so we can give them over to an exterminator.

  27. Jägermeister says:

    I’m glad to see that Japanese business ethics are gaining ground in these troubled times.

  28. Mark T. says:

    It should be interesting to see how Barnie Frank spins this into a positive.

  29. Mark T. says:

    Oh, and it will BUSH’S FAULT.

  30. hmf says:

    Um he hung himself. Where is all this “shots in the head” crap coming from…?


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