(Click pic to embiggen.)

His hands were in his pockets, walking away when they hit him.

A third post-mortem examination on Ian Tomlinson, who died at a G20 protest in London minutes after he was pushed over by a policeman, has been requested.

The request to the City of London coroner is thought to have come from the representatives of an officer interviewed about the death on 1 April.
A first pathologist, Dr Freddy Patel, concluded that Mr Tomlinson died from coronary artery disease.

Dr Nat Cary carried out a second test and found evidence of hardening of Mr Tomlinson’s heart but said it was not sufficient to have caused the man’s death.

He concluded abdominal bleeding had caused his death.

The constable at the centre of the allegations was filmed hitting Mr Tomlinson with his baton and throwing him to the ground.

  1. moss says:

    Patel has a long history of producing coroner’s verdicts that solve no crimes and say whatever prosecutors and police want him to say.

    I’d add that the portability, the ease of today’s digital recording is an important part of it all. The dude that recorded this is a Wall Street type visiting from his NY office – just happening by when it occurred.

    Fortunately, he has a conscience. Unlike the commander in charge of the police detail.

  2. George says:

    The man must have had serious underlying medical problems for a simple fall to cause his death. Pushing the man was still uncalled for. Still, I think whatever the UK equivalent of manslaughter charges are appropriate, as the hitting and shoving showed a wanton disregard for the man’s well being.

    As an aside, anyone who has ever dealt with cops knows that “hands in pockets” is not a non-threatening posture. Cops want to see your hands, and that they are empty.

  3. madtruckman says:

    it looks to me like this is more of a condemnation of the british health care system than of police misconduct. how long was this guy standing there acting like an ass?? when will people learn, if you have had your chance to protest (the narrator says it was 7 at night?) and the police are now telling you to go home, i would suggest you listen. right or wrong, these situations always end up bad for the citzens. what im wondering is how many times the police told him and the others to begin moving back and they were not? remember also that these policemen in a major city like london are probably trained to think that people who dont listen to direct orders could be holding a bomb or something to start a terrorist act. not that this guy is, but they have to act as if he could be. heck, these terrorists use kids and women as suicide bombers so that is how the police train. and as #2 says, hands in pockets is NOT a non-threatening posture. he could have had a gun or a triggering device in his pockets. its a sad story all around, but in the heat of the moment, i believe this cop did the right thing

  4. Paddy-O says:

    In slo-mo, the guy was pushed and fell with his hands breaking the fall. If this caused his death the next time he fell would have also…

    He was intentionally “dragging his feet” while the cops were trying to clear the street. Idiot.

  5. Chris Mac says:

    #3 – I disagree and am glad I don’t live in your world.. Terrorist acts are so few and far between that I refuse to live my life in fear of them..

  6. madtruckman says:

    #5 yes you are right, they are few and far between. but when your job is to protect the citzens from these terrorists, how would you act?? and, i hate to say, but just by posting proves that you DO live in my world, virtual or no…..

  7. jbenson2 says:

    #3 – “condemnation of the british health care system”
    You nailed it!

    #4 – intentionally “dragging his feet…idiot”
    Excellent comment. The guy is a perfect example of Dawrin’s theory. Glad he is out of the gene pool.

  8. Breetai says:

    I do enjoy the fact that provoking a response from the cops was the guys intent. I guess on the one hand he got what he deserved for being an A-Hole. Then again, Britian has definitely one damned fascist state with crappy healthcare. You’d be ignorant to think the US any better though.

  9. BrimstoneAshe says:

    While I agree the police used excessive force, he didn’t seem to be walking very sure-footedly prior to the shove. It’s hard to tell with such little camera time on him, but my first time seeing this, I got the initial impression by the few seconds before the shove that he was drunk.

    The shove was uncalled for – no doubt. But I’m inclined at this point to think something else was the cause of this unfortunately death.

  10. Chris Mac says:

    #6 said – yes you are right, they are few and far between. but when your job is to protect the citzens from these terrorists, how would you act??

    simple.. i wouldn’t have shoved him to the ground..

  11. zorkor says:

    I am quite amazed to read so many idiotic comments here who are calling the poor dead man as idiot. So you’re walking coming from work to home with hands in your pockets, and then you deserved to be pushed, right?
    What happened to just telling the guy to move instead of pushing him? Was this guy threatening the police? Why was he humiliated like this? I hope that it happens to some of you here who are calling this guy an idiot and wish you’re family will suffer by looking at your death video and being pushed by police.

    Thats right….never trust the police.

  12. brm says:


    hear hear.

    #4 Paddy:

    “In slo-mo, the guy was pushed and fell with his hands breaking the fall.”

    What the hell tape did you watch? Certainly not the one I saw.

    The guy goes almost completely out of frame when he hits the ground. You have no idea how he broke his fall. He could’ve smacked his head on the pavement.

    Watch it again.

    “He was intentionally ‘dragging his feet’ while the cops were trying to clear the street.”

    Or he was dragging his feet because he was disoriented from his fall. Either way, I fail to see how dragging ones feet makes being attacked and killed by the police OK.


    SCREW YOU. This guy was not putting up a fight.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 11 zorkor said, “What happened to just telling the guy to move instead of pushing him?”

    As anyone with eye sight can see, he was being urged on by the cops for quite a while and he decided to move slowly on purpose. Idiot, now removed from the gene pool.

  14. Santa Maria says:

    I don’t agree with urban protests. They should protest in some stadium or in some rural area where they don’t disrupt normal life. Any “protest” in open urban areas should call for a crushing police/ military response. If someone doesn’t like Western governments; maybe they should leave and enjoy the hospitality of our enemies in Waziristan… while they have their heads connected to their shoulders.

  15. brm says:

    #3 madtruckman:

    “he could have had a gun or a triggering device in his pockets”

    Oh yeah, so I’m going to PUSH the guy who has his finger on a bomb trigger.

    Quit making excuses. It’s obvious they didn’t think this guy was a threat. Just cops beating up on the ‘civilians.’

  16. brm says:

    #14 Santa Maria:

    “They should protest in some stadium or in some rural area where they don’t disrupt normal life.”

    Then it’s not a protest, you dolt. The whole point of a protest is that it’s a visible disruption.

    “Any ‘protest’ in open urban areas should call for a crushing police/military response.”

    Please move to an Islamic theocracy, because you think JUST LIKE THEM.

    “If someone doesn’t like Western governments; maybe they should leave”

    Apply this logic to blacks protesting for the right to vote. Then go jump off a building, please.

  17. LDA says:

    To the ignorant people who say this is “Darwin theory” at work and that it is good he was removed from the gene pool, he has adult children. You seem not to understand the most basic principle of Darwinian evolution. It is the job of the organism to pass on it’s genes, he has already done this so is a victor in the battle for survival against thug cops and authors of idiotic commentaries.

  18. The Elite Establishment says:

    Paddy-O, thank you for your blind support of our agenda. It is slaves like you who can not even see whats going on in a video that we rely upon to confuse the issue and keep everyone stupid.

    Remember when we come for someone it won’t be you … well until you’re the only one left then guess what? Right up your ass with a billy club paddy-o, you see by the time we get to you we won’t need you anymore. Since you’re an idiot we have utmost confidence that you won’t understand that last sentence.

  19. JimR says:

    The cop should be charged with at least assault, and definitely lose his job. The push was unnecessary, cowardly, and very unprofessional. Not the kind of behavior I would want on any police force.

  20. MrMiGu says:

    It sounds like YOU are the one that doesnt like the western form of governments. They are (supposedly) governing on BEHALF of the people, not on behalf of their own interests. If you do not like the fact that you dont live under an iron fisted dictator, why dont you pick one and go live in his country.

  21. Nick says:

    The police murdered this man; the cop scum who killed him should be placed on trial and in a prison cell for as many years as someone who kills a cop would spend.

  22. zorkor says:

    Hmm, what would have had happened if they guy pushed the police back and that “pushing” policeman died of heart attack like him? The UK government would be playing “Long live the Queen” patriotic music till this day. Too bad it was a common man so the government doesn’t give a damn…let his family suffer cuz he was walking around with hands in his pockets.

  23. phiend says:

    This is why they turned all the traffic cams off, This same sort of thing would happen in the states. Most cops have something to prove, just to bad some poor guy had to die.

  24. G20 says:

    Possible the guy also had a few too many drinks, and even legal medications in his blood. It’s odd that he was moving soooooo slooooooo. He might have been pretty tipsy. In the stream, it sounded like there was mention of medics showing up. If he was treated by the medics, there could have been an adverse reaction in his blood of some medicine they gave him.

  25. Rabble Rouser says:

    Eh, wtf… As Paddy0 probably figures, why not just publicly behead the lot of them. They’re all commies any way! We need more of a police state in this world to protect the masses of billionaires. After all, common people should not be allowed to reproduce.

    My REAL thinking — this is another case of “bad cop, no donut.” The cops are getting as bad as the thugs they are supposed to protect us from. There should be a draft, and people should not be allowed to have a career as a police officer, but rather serve for two years, after being trained. Maybe then they would understand that they serve the people, and they are not above the law. Today’s cops believe that they do not have to obey the law, because they ARE the law. If the person would have shoved anyone, and caused their death, there would be a legal price to pay. The same should hold true of police. If they are not trained in proper non-violent means of controlling the masses, then they should be. If they are trained in non-violent crowd control and persist to use violence, they should be stripped of their stinkin’ badges, and thrown in the clink, because they criminals.

  26. sargasso says:

    He was just a guy on his way home from work, who police diverted into a G20 protest. He wanted to pass through the moving police cordon to get out, but was set upon by a constable.

  27. danijel says:

    Uncle Dave,

    If you had been following the story you would’ve known that the movie and the whole incident was reported by Guardian, a UK newspaper and not “the internetz”. Misleading title, that’s all…

  28. UnaKRon says:

    You have the right to protest…until we have had enough…then we get to kick your ass on a public sidewalk that you should be free to walk down.

    Doesn’t sound like a right to me…

  29. Johan says:

    I can’t believe people are actually defending the police, or even find “they were trying to clear the street” to be an ok explanation of their conduct. He was WALKING in the street. The street is for walking. If a police officer would have tried that on me just for walking, I would have kicked him in the nuts. There is a big line between “clearing the streets” and assault. Just as you’re in your right to protect yourself from thugs, you’re in your right to protect yourself from the police, if needed. That being said, he probably had some kind of medical condition.

  30. meetsy says:

    looks to me like the guy was being a pain, but it was uncalled for on the cop’s part to be a raging bully and the bigger ass. Cops need to remember they are people, first, and supposed to “protect the public” not brutalize someone who’s annoying him.
    The cop other cops shouldn’t stand for a bully in their ranks….can’t trust bullies, EVER. They tend to chicken out and run and always prove to be unreliable backup.


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