Given its track record, there’s no reason to trust the government about anything, much less this, so no wonder this story crops up from time to time. Mankind can’t even deal with itself properly, much less outsiders, so if aliens are here, they must be laughing at how stupid we are. And I am. Oops. Did I say that out loud… Oh, blozivorg!

Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere.

Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments.

He delivered his remarks during an appearance at the National Press Club following the conclusion of the fifth annual X-Conference, a meeting of UFO activists and researchers studying the possibility of alien life forms.

Mankind has long wondered if we’re “alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone,” Mitchell said.

“Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. … We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there.”

On a vaguely unrelated topic, check out these spectacular photos of Saturn.

  1. Japanese says:


  2. jcd'slovechild says:

    You know guys that most of those UFOs (Unidentified flying…) are military spacecraft…like they’d own up to it!

    Anyway, I’d like to see what the Pleiadians and Adam Curry have in store for us over “Alabama” (in the morning).

  3. Chris Mac says:

    but as far as former NASA astronaut

    normally, if your good at your job, you keep it

    and.. who you callin we..

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    I, for one, welcome…

  5. jescott418 says:

    Normally I would debunk UFO’s as a American folk tales. But we all know or at least those that have followed UFO sightings which I have since high School in the 70’s that these strange sightings have occurred throughout the world and many including the UK and Russia have admitted to being concerned about them. In fact many countries have officials investigations on going of these sightings.
    My point is that many people aready believe that something is going on. I think our government should come clean on what it knows.
    I think the only thing that’s stopping them is their fear of public panic if UFO’s are extraterestrial and are real.

  6. ECA says:

    It took them 40 years to admit to what happened in AZ, as a experimental fight crash landing..and NOT a weather balloon.

  7. Chris Mac says:

    welp.. i’ve had some strange…

    never gonna blame it on a ufo

  8. bobbo says:

    I saw and even reported a UFO==once==while flying into Japan. Incredibly bright light right on the horizon. Couldn’t have been a star, couldn’t have been an airplane, at least to my experience.

    It remains “UNIDENTIFIED” to this day. The key to all UFO phenomenon.

  9. Thinker says:

    How would we know the truth when we see it? 🙂

  10. Thinker says:

    Excellant cartoon BTW. Sums things up nicely.

  11. jcd'slovechild says:

    #9 When it pokes you in the eye? HAR! Man it’s cold in here…

  12. Mr Diesel says:

    Yes, by all means the government should come clean about UFOs. That they exist but only that they are almost always some plane that they don’t want you to know about.

    I watched an interview last week with two guys who worked at Area 51 (Groom Lake) and they said that the things they worked on looked like flying saucers and just fueled the alien theories.

    If there are real aliens I doubt that they want us to be part of any galactic community unless they need a crew to wreak havoc across the universe like we have done here.

    Maybe they will pick a more intelligent species on Earth to contact, like whales or dolphins.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Mitchell has been saying the same thing since he got back from the moon, and nobody pays attention to him still. Might be one other of those guys who said something similar, the rest all say he’s nuts.

    For each terrestrial “sighting” all it takes is a reasonable amount of knowledgeable and thorough scientific inquiry to cast reasonable doubt on every one. Planets, planes, weather, hoaxes, combined with atmospheric conditions (especially on the horizon), that what it is, every time.

  14. ± says:

    UFOers are just true believers. It’s there religion. Intelligent alien life hasn’t ever visited earth. However, the universe is probably teeming with space faring intelligent life so it is just a matter of time until it happens. When it does, it will be the single greatest unifying event to ever occur to mankind.

    It is unbelievable that people who are capable of typing a cogent sentence could believe that our government is capable of keeping an event of that nature a secret.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 5 jescott418 said, “I think our government should come clean on what it knows. I think the only thing that’s stopping them is their fear of public panic if UFO’s are extraterestrial and are real.”

    You are correct as to why the gov’t doesn’t give the data. It wouldn’t be a good idea for the gov to release it though.

  16. bobbo says:

    I think the odds of space travel are far less than odds for intelligent life elsewhere in the universe: think TAXES!

  17. Benjamin says:

    I don’t want to admit this, but one night I was driving along on the highway. I saw a strange red light blinking through the fog. As I drove closer, I saw that it was the warning lights from a microwave tower: nothing otherworldly at all.

    I think most UFO sitings are easily explained. The unexplained ones are just the Air Force testing tomorrow’s fighter jets.

  18. ArianeB says:

    “Should The Government Tell The Public The Truth About UFOs And Extraterrestrial Life?”

    A UFO is an “Unidentified Flying Object” but this is very different than an “unidentifiable flying object”. Every UFO has a rational explanation, it just not known yet. Once it is known, it becomes just another boring IFO.

    Extraterrestrial Life is probably out there, but civilizations advanced enough to send radio signals out into space are probably very rare, and civilizations that can travel great distances in space are even rarer (if any even exist). The likelihood that one will find us and actually visit us is so tiny, it may as well be zero.

    So when the government says, “Even though we are not alone in the universe, we are absolutely certain that all reports of flying objects that have yet to be identified are NOT space craft from other planets” then they are already telling the truth!

    But there are many idiots who don’t believe it.

  19. amodedoma says:

    They’re there watching, learning things about themselves they can only discover by observing us. I don’t think they sypathize much with us but who can blame them. We’re so busy competing with each other that it’s more important than caring for each other or helping each other. If it’s so easy for us to kill each other, what would we do to them? It’s no wonder they don’t come on a social call. Sheesh I imagine our galactic neighbours must think us a real bunch of primative assholes. I hope it doesn’t mean they won’t try to help us if we need it…

  20. faxon says:

    Don’t tell anyone this: other species on this planet are intelligent.

  21. steelcobra says:

    #17: Exactly. The multicolored lights moving “unnaturally” phenomenon can easily be explained by the fact that the flares used in fighters have had to become more advanced to keep up with heat-seeking missile tech.

    As for the original question: I have no doubt that there’s other life out there somewhere. Whether they’ve come here is dubious at best.

  22. jccalhoun says:

    Did Adam Curry hack Dvorak’s blog?

  23. pupil88 says:

    I’m not a believer. I know. I also know that not many believe what I experienced. I have no desire to persuade or convince.
    The Rendlesham Forest Incident is, in my opinion, the real deal. In 1980, Penniston and Burroughs were deeply affected by the electric-magnetic field surrounding the triangular craft. I, too, was deeply affected by it. in 1954 … a slow down of time and movement. Lt.Col.Halt’s description of a thin blue beam of light matched what I saw. Warren claimed to have seen aliens: I saw aliens.

  24. Ron Larson says:

    Most everyone has a mobile phone camera in their pocket now. Yet the number of UFO photos drops off to almost nothing compared to the 70’s. Strange….

  25. GigG says:

    One thing to remember when first contact is made. Don’t steal the space cash.

  26. Mr Diesel says:

    #25 Alfred1

    I believe the cookbook to which you are referring is from the Twilight Zone Episode “To Serve Man” in which the Kanamits came to Earth in search of a new supply of food, us.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Maybe the Overlords stopped coming to earth when we started using mobile phones because they didn’t want brain cancer.

    Those things are dangerous!

  28. Uncle Dave says:

    I’m curious, Alfred1. Suppose there are aliens. Suppose they, one day, come here and tell us they created us as an experiment. That one of their scientists, long ago, was effectively our God. How would your religion hold up?

  29. B.Dog says:

    They got any money?

  30. sadtruth says:

    Face it, we’re a fly over planet…


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