Obama: Interrogation prosecution possible – msnbc.com — Does anyone but me think this may be some sort of payback for Cheney’s recent mouthing off? Will anything come of it? I doubt it.

President Barack Obama left the door open Tuesday to prosecuting Bush administration officials who devised the legal authority for gruesome terrorism-suspect interrogations, saying the United States lost “our moral bearings” with use of the tactics.

The question of whether to bring charges against those who devised justification for the methods “is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws and I don’t want to prejudge that,” Obama said.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Problem is, just because he seems a little paranoid, that doesn’t mean he’s not right…

  2. Dallas says:

    #73 So, do you agree with these writing?

    “They (gays) insist we conform our religion to their agenda, and pronounce sinful sexual acts as blessed by God…as an alternative for our children…they want to date our kids, without any recrimination from us…and receive communion at our churches, and have our ministers bless their perverse unions…

    Don’t know about you but I find this as 50’s era mentality. They support the reason why the GOP is disassociating themselves from these loons.

  3. Phydeau says:

    Excellent display of wingnuttery!

    And how weaselly… “We broke the law, while telling you to trust us, telling you that it was all legal. We told you our finest legal and military minds advised us that it was 100% OK. In other words, we lied to you. And now that it’s coming out that we lied to you, we’re going to blame YOU for letting us do all these illegal things! It’s all YOUR fault, Democrats!”

    And poor Alfred… I don’t know whether to recommend medication, or put him on the terrorist watch list… who knows what these wingnuts will do when they feel pushed to the limit?

    And from one of the articles:

    Overall, 58 percent support the prohibition Obama declared before taking office, but there’s a wide gap across party lines: 71 percent of Democrats and 56 percent of independents in the poll said torture should never be used, but most Republicans, 55 percent, said there are cases in which the U.S. should consider using torture against terrorism suspects.

    There you have it in black and white. Republicans, the party of torture. You know, Paddy O’Troll and Alfie and all the other wingnuts, go ahead… preach loud and long your unwavering support of torture. Be proud of your beliefs! Tell everyone you know that Republicans believe in torture!

    Oh, and especially tell any soldiers you see, that way they’ll know that if they ever get captured by any enemies of America, they’ll be tortured too. Support the troops, Republicans!

  4. Phydeau says:

    Remember the schoolyard bully? He always had a couple weaselly little friends with him, who’d cheer him on and talk real tough to his victims while he was bullying them, but never had the courage to actually take anyone on themselves.

    For some reason reading Paddy O’Troll and Alfie made me think of those weasels… 🙂

  5. deowll says:

    I saw this coming years ago and I’m not super bright. I don’t know why shrub and company didn’t figure out that this was going to happen too.

    I think we can count on it when the party in power goes out of power somebody is going to jail from hence forth.

  6. tcc3 says:

    “irrational insistence we model our life as you see fit…”

    As opposed to *your* irrational insistence that we live our lives as you see fit.

    I’m perfectly happy letting you and yours live however they want. I don’t believe the reverse is true as your hate filled tirades keep showing.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    Torture re-defines America.

    It makes us one of the bad countries.

    I know conservatives don’t give a damn about this — but for me, it’s very disillusioning.

  8. Hugh Ripper says:

    #80 Alfred1

    What would Jesus have said about the use of torture?

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    The Senate Report points out one prisoner that was waterboarded at least 89 times over several months. That doesn’t include the other torture he received. Apparently he didn’t know anything afterall.

    The most galling aspect is that the Bush government threw the Abu Graib soldiers under the bus by denying they had been ordered to torture prisoners. The higher ups though were exonerated and hailed as heros by Bush and Cheney. Do the right wing nut torture deniers no see how Bush prosecuted his own soldiers for doing what they were ordered to do, in a war zone, by the same administration that had prepared documents saying this was legal?

    Damn do I want to see these guys prosecuted!!!

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 84 Mr. Fusion said, “Damn do I want to see these guys prosecuted!!!”

    But why doesn’t Obama want to prosecute the guys who did it and, those who ordered it? Why doesn’t Obama think the law applies to all equally?

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #85, Cow-Patty,

    Why are you asking me to answer for someone else? When and where did Obama say that he doesn’t want to prosecute war criminals? When and where did Obama say he doesn’t think everyone should be treated equally?

    Why does your mother still let you live in the basement? Does she ever read the garbage you write or insist on putting NetNanny on your computer?

    So many questions for such a simpleton.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    You posted your beliefs on #38. I thought that since you voted for O’Mama you might have insight into why he doesn’t believe the laws apply equally to all. My mistake.

    Like most Obamabots, you are clueless as to what what he actually believes in or, represents…

  13. Greg Allen says:

    Could the conservatives at least concede that the MURDER of prisoners is worth investigating?

    Or will they argue that dead prisoners are an essential source of intelligence?



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