Obama: Interrogation prosecution possible – msnbc.com — Does anyone but me think this may be some sort of payback for Cheney’s recent mouthing off? Will anything come of it? I doubt it.

President Barack Obama left the door open Tuesday to prosecuting Bush administration officials who devised the legal authority for gruesome terrorism-suspect interrogations, saying the United States lost “our moral bearings” with use of the tactics.

The question of whether to bring charges against those who devised justification for the methods “is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws and I don’t want to prejudge that,” Obama said.

  1. Nimby says:

    A true leader would have ended the abuses, claimed America was better than that, announced his policies and then let history be the judge.

    But, Mr Oh! seems to feel a need to berate America at every chance. ‘…The United States lost ‘our moral bearings'”

    After all, he is a citizen of the world, not the U.S.

    I keep hoping to wake up and find out it’s all just another Nigerian scam.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:


    What flavor is that Kool-Aid?

    You are really a menace to society. You should report to an indoctrination camp so we can reprocess your brain.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why are the right wing nuts so effen crazy? I was always under the impression they believed in applying the law equally to everyone.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #38 You are correct. If Obama wants to prosecute, he should go after everyone from the Former Pres down to the guys who performed the “torture”. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t apply the law to all.

    Can you explain why he wouldn’t want to apply laws to all?

  5. tcc3 says:

    I love how angry you get Alfred. I hope you get the bulk discount on Kool aid.

    I hope you realize that the power shift from the last two election is the fault of the Republicans and their crummy leadership. Your conservative heroes fucked things up so badly that people were desperate for change.

    If what you say is true and Obama screws the pooch and the pendulum swings back, so be it. Maybe the Republicans will have learned and do better with their next shot at power. Its how the system works.

    Time will tell.

  6. smittybc says:

    The bigger picture is that this action by Obama represents the first time in American history where the following party starts prosecuting their political enemies for stuff that happened in the previous administration. This is third world dictator stuff a la McCarthy not a peaceful transition of power.
    The Right wing loons like Hannity wanted this crazy stuff too, to get Bush to prosecute those in the Clinton administration for not taking Bin Laden when we “had him in the plane on the tarmac”, etc.
    Would those that think what Obama is doing approve of Bush going after people in the Clinton administration? Of course the Left doesn’t care and/or is not bright enough to understand what they are suggesting is everything they claimed to be afraid of in Bush, because their nature is totalitarian anyway.
    Regardless of how much media is in love with him, Obama’s a wildcard and his wild swings will give everyone dealing with the president or the U.S. pause over his reliability, the idea of such an unprecedented attempt to criminalize prior policy positions smacks of 3rd world Africa. This is the kind of stuff that really will damage the US reputation abroad.

  7. smittybc says:

    The bigger picture is that this action by Obama represents the first time in American history where the following party starts prosecuting their political enemies for stuff that happened in the previous administration. This is third world dictator stuff a la McCarthy not a peaceful transition of power.
    The Right wing loons like Hannity wanted this crazy stuff too, to get Bush to prosecute those in the Clinton administration for not taking Bin Laden when we “had him in the plane on the tarmac”, etc.
    Would those that think what Obama is doing approve of Bush going after people in the Clinton administration? Of course the Left doesn’t care and/or is not bright enough to understand what they are suggesting is everything they claimed to be afraid of in Bush, because their nature is totalitarian anyway.
    Regardless of how much media is in love with him, Obama’s a wildcard and his wild swings will give everyone dealing with the president or the U.S. pause over his reliability, the idea of such an unprecedented attempt to criminalize prior policy positions smacks of 3rd world Africa. This is the kind of stuff that really will damage the US reputation abroad.

  8. dobbs says:


  9. Benjamin says:

    #40 tcc3: Republicans != Conservatives. That was why the Republicans screwed up. The leadership was full of moderates (Democrats with an R by their name) and not true conservatives. If they do get power back they need to act like conservatives and not spend billions of dollars on pork and wasteful programs.

    Obama has been President for almost four months. Guantamino is still open, the Patriot act is still in affect, the TSA is still full of Nazis, and illegal wiretapping has been expanded. Where is this Hope and Change that we were promised?

  10. tcc3 says:

    I agree with you, Ben. The party could use a return to principles. Unfortunately that distinction is not widely agreed upon. Especially not be those who defend “their guys” no matter what.

    I also agree that I’m not seeing the about-face I would have liked. The continued opposition to the wiretapping lawsuit and padding Justice with RIAA lackeys are especially troubling.

  11. Dallas says:

    #35 Agreed. I look forward to two competing parties based on philosophies that pertain to managing government and fiscal policy – not on some christian taliban inspired morality.

    The GOP needs to rid themselves of this cancerous religious infiltration that our early forefathers warned against and incorporated in the constitution.

    Alfred1 and the rest of the Church Taliban followers are (finally) being pushed out. I’m delighted. The GOP may once again speak for all the people.

    The other cancerous infiltration to fear was brought froward by the great Dwight Eisenhower regarding the military complex.

  12. brendal says:

    All the world’s a stage and Obama merely bows…

  13. Dallas says:

    #48 “..While your heart was cheered when your ilk prevented one of ours from being crowned Miss USA..blah blah…”

    Only a desperate fool like you would choose a nobody dipshit judge on the Miss USA contest as an example of the issues. You are clearly grasping at straws. I couldn’t care less of Miss USA contest or any of the hairball participants and judges.

    Face it, Alfred1, you’re history. The strategy of hiding your vile philosophy of hate under the cover of “conservative fiscal values” has been BLOWN WIDE OPEN. You’re TOAST!

    Start your own perverted bigoted religious party alongside the KKK. You can share the white sheets.

  14. Toxic Asshead says:

    You can guarantee they’ll prosecute. Obama is trying to destroy America and prosecuting a former administration will definitley do major damage.

  15. qsabe says:

    Golly gee. It looks like Druggie Limbaugh and the entire Fox news team is writing for DU now.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 45 Dallas said, “The other cancerous infiltration to fear was brought froward by the great Dwight Eisenhower regarding the military complex.”

    Right. And the Dems who controlled spending by holding the House, from that point forward through 94? wouldn’t listen to that Repub and grew that industry like never before seen in history…

  17. Li says:

    #7 The fringe?! You do realize that 50-51% of the American people want investigations and prosecutions for torture.

    “Put together, all Americans break 50 percent in favor of investigations, 47 percent opposed.”


    Here is a hint, if you ever care to take up quilting; if your fringe is half the size of the total blanket, you are doing it wrong. This isn’t the ‘loony left’ or the fringe that wants prosecutions; it’s the plurality, if not the majority of the American people.

    Face it, the gleeful torturers are the real fringe, loony players here.

  18. tcc3 says:

    Such hate and violence, Alfred. I do hope youre not representative of Rebublicans in general. Its why your party tanked. True republicans have much to contribute to the conversation. I hope they make a comeback.

  19. dobbs says:

    come on Alfred1 and Paddy tell us what you think Jesus would do?

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #57 Come on dobbs. Address the issues. Or, why can’t you address the substance of a post? Is it some liberal psychosis?

  21. Mr Diesel says:

    # 47 brendal said,

    All the world’s a stage and Obama merely bows…

    I think you left the l out of the last word.

  22. Li says:

    Does anyone care to address their mis-characterization of support for investigations and prosecutions as fringe or loony? Or is that like all inconvenient facts to you guys: water off a ducks back?

  23. Paddy-O says:

    #61 Whose characterization?

  24. Li says:

    # 26 Paddy-O said, on April 22nd, 2009 at 6:00 am

    Not to worry. No one is going to try and prosecute. O’Mama is just trying to calm the loony left. If you know any Fed Prosecutors, go ask. He/she will laugh. IF, O’Mama really thinks that he could successfully prosecute the atty’s for the opinions, he’s dumb as a post.

    Your short term memory seems to be kind of faulty, Paddy-O. Have you gotten an Alzheimer’s screen recently?

    By the way, your long term memory isn’t that hot either. In U.S. v. Altstoetter, Nazi lawyers were convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity for advising Hitler on how to “legally” torture and kill political suspects in special detention camps. Look it up!

  25. Paddy-O says:

    # 63 Li said, “Not to worry…”

    Just answer my question and quit babbling.

  26. Dallas says:

    #53 Paddy, I’ve never heard of the democratic party being accused of “growing the military complex” but I’ve heard less outrageous things from you.

  27. Dallas says:

    #55 Alfred1 said “You were ecstatic when that beautiful Christian lady was denied MISS USA crown…”

    I’m afraid your stereotype is about 30 years outdated – much like your views on today’s American culture. I neither watch nor care about Miss America. In fact, I thought that reality show died in 1975. The last thing I want to watch are a bunch of bimbo’s answer questions eight floors over their heads.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 67 Dallas said, “I’ve never heard of the democratic party being accused of “growing the military complex” ”

    I can’t help it if you are ignorant of US History prior to 2000.

  29. tcc3 says:

    It must be a hard life when everyone’s out to get you.

  30. Ah_Yea says:

    Was it Woody Allen that said:

    “Being paranoid is only good common sense when everyone is out to get you!”


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