• Hackers break into Lockheed, the Defense Department, the Air Force Air Traffic Control system and the Power grid. Cripes!
  • China Mobile decides to do app store.
  • Oprah joins Twitter and the service is slammed by new users chewing up bandwidth. It may be a fad.
  • Belkin has unique USB charger that slips into the car cigarette lighter.
  • VM Ware does private cloud.
  • Google Android computer appears.
  • MySQL specs new and the product is faster?

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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    About China Mobile.

    Just a “For your information”.

    If you plan to do a lot of traveling to China, get Verizon.

    I had a very weird moment my first time in China when my Verizon phone rang. (It was setup to allow international calls). It’s one thing to allow international calls, and something else to actually get one.

    It was someone from the States who didn’t know I was in China. They called my regular cell number and it properly and seamlessly connected to my phone. I found that in most areas of Metropolitan China I could use my phone just like I was in the states. Including Voicemail and Messaging.

    Pretty cool.

  2. prh says:

    Luckily we still have Postgre SQL if Oracle should decide to kill MySQL.

  3. Zybch says:

    Huh, there have been car USB chargers for literally years. What makes this Belkin one so wonderfully fantastic?? Payola?

  4. Named says:

    RE: Twitter.

    You mean to tell me that a service that has a cat as a member tweeting his comings and goings is not actually a fad but a serious proposition? I don’t believe it!

  5. jescott418 says:

    This is the next terrorist attack. We have done too little to protect our communication network. As always with the US we tend to react after the attack.

  6. Jim says:

    #3 yeah, I was curious myself. I bought one with a triple outlet 3 or 4 months ago. Perhaps John has started reading press releases verbatim.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    “Hackers break into Lockheed, the Defense Department, the Air Force Air Traffic Control system and the Power grid.”

    I suspect that they are either working for the US Intelligence community. Or these hackers really are US Intelligence, posing as the Chinese. We have to take their word for it that it is the Chinese. And by scaring us with this report, they can get even more intrusive communication regulations, over what happens on the internet. How come the Chinese can block so much stuff on the internet, they don’t like from get there? And the US can’t block there hackers’ attacking sensitive areas of the infrastructure. Mark this as an excuse, in the near future, to stifle more freedoms, in order to “reduce terrorism”. Always their justification for stealing more freedoms and rights.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    If Oprah joined Twitter, it was either to recover her lost viewership (who has gone to Twitter). Or because she’s part of a Scientology vanguard, to use Twitter for their evil and exploitative ways. Perhaps both reasons.

  9. brendal says:

    All the world’s a’tweeting and Oprah is merely a player.


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