
  1. Rob (AU) says:

    You think it’s gross, I live in South Australia and have to see this every night, 6 or 7 times.

    OK, I dn’t get it, what is with this comment box, right to left with punctuation appearing on the left then transposed to the right as typing is continued

    Very hard to proof read as typed

    I do, however, like the idea of email notification of followup comments :-)!?

  2. Gonzo Jr. says:

    Love the music. Can anyone tell me which music this is?

  3. Miss_X2b says:

    Bless You!!

  4. GREG says:

    🙂 !i love the shooting spray! and the quivering lip!

  5. moondawg says:

    the comment box is way fucked up and also the first minute of that video I was NOT thinking about sneezing….   .

  6. jopa says:

    I nearly puked when I saw what’s coming out of them…
    When I sneeze, gold comes out

  7. The DON says:

    I was laughing a lot until I the text regarding the ‘get a flu shot’ appeared. Then all of a sudden, I was very worried about this advert.
    I find it to be visually stunning and amusing to an extreme, but in the context, very disturbing. I am sure Adam Curry will have plenty to say about this one 🙂

  8. 2akeens says:

    Somebody remove the “rtl” tag from this comment box, please?

  9. pokey says:

    The snot and whatnot is shopped. I call BS.

  10. The Warden says:

    Either they injected fluids into nasal passages or used FX because slow motion sneezes usually emits finer mist spray

  11. Don says:

    How about showing a slow motion orgasm. The one chick is kinda hot.

    They prolly just injected some extra yuck up the nassle passages to get the lovely splatter effect.

    You hae to wonder how many sneeses they had to film to get the ones they actually used.


  12. AdmFubar says:

    man them aussies are some major booger factories…

    #6 get your fillings tightend!!!

    #1 you have a choice of not viewing it on line… stop looing at it so much! 😛 yeah i know it is on broadcast…

  13. Jumpin' Jersey Joe says:

    Yes, most sneezes produce a very fine mist of water droplets…alot of which can carry cold viruses and other VERY nasty, ugly stuff that can stay in the air, suspended, for a good long while until they’re breathed in by a new host…and VIOLA! It spreads fast.

    Remember this: WASH YOUR HANDS OR, USE HAND SANITIZERS OFTEN during cold & flu season! Sneezers usually catch part of their virus-polluted sneeze crap on their fingers…which they use to touch public elevator buttons, public doorknobs, public-you-name-it.

  14. Ah_Yea says:


    And skip the flu shot.

  15. Thinker says:

    Cool! Pleases the adolesent in me…though after the 5th time it would be boring. 🙂


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