I would normally not care about anything this psycho says, but this is a classic. According to her Republicans and hate groups have a bigger limbic brain and it pushes against the frontal lobes and makes them all racists, haters and apparently dissenters.Olberman, of course, agrees with all this. Can anyone be more offensive than this woman?

  1. soundwash says:

    #50 Said:

    “BOTH parties made this mess through their actions, not inaction, and played the public for fools. And the public has been fools to allow it to happen.

    Both sides still don’t get it. The country is bankrupt. There will be no national health care, no missile defense, no social security, no new american century. This debt can’t be repaid and this level of borrowing can’t be sustained for more than a few more months at best.”


    -why cant everyone see and think as clearly as this?


  2. jcd'slovechild says:

    Janeane Garofalo? Her performance in Team America was to die for! HAR!

  3. Chris Mac says:

    This new age of tolerance is great!

  4. Noam Sane says:

    Clown nose, John! Clown nose!

    Yes, she’s so much more offensive than say, Michael Savage.

    This kind of hyperbole goes on all the time in politics. What bugs John and the rest of the conservative patriarchy is that this comes from a woman. The nerve of this chick to have strongly worded opinions!

    Thanks for sharing your strongly worded opinion of her, John! Because you’re allowed to have them, being a old white guy.

  5. Thomas says:

    She’s better looking than Dvorak . . . And, she did NOT propose some ugly new web site for Dvorak . . . So, better than Dvorak.

  6. jcd'slovechild says:

    Yah I’ve heard it all with some explaining away her ignorance as sarcasm or satire as “humor”.


    Let me be clear, you guys need to get out of your mother’s basement and stop huffing your brain cells away…

    She’s a talk radio FAILURE and as far as her stand up rants go she was a failure on Henry Rollins’ show. All of the money pumped into Air America could not save her “Radio Sedition” POS show.

    Maybe she could get a job after her stint on “24” as a spokesmouth for the current administration. Or she could work for the genius McCain (Meghan that is…).


  7. Toxic Asshead says:

    Let her rant. It helps people get a clearer idea of what the left is all about.

  8. ECA says:

    If the smart people dont WANT the job(because they know better, or other reason), then they will be RULED by those of lesser knowledge.

    If this is what Filtered processed water is doing to people, I will drink out of the toilet..

  9. jcd'slovechild says:

    #68 Yah you’re right…let her rant.

    You know, come to think of it she is kind of hot. Darn you Jeanane and your feminine wiles.

    If only she’d take over for Olby life would be perfect…

  10. bobbo says:

    It certainly would be “humor” IF SHE WAS SMILING while she said it==but she wasn’t so we must take her at her word.

    What the RIGHT WHINENUTS really ought to “get” from this bit of nonsense is just how THEY SOUND when expressing their displeasure of Obama. I saw “Hope Obama Fails” and “Obama Will Take our Guns” signs in the crowd.

    It is the opposite side of the coin and just as batshit crazy and hypocritical. Enjoy the mirror image.

  11. Wretched Gnu says:

    John, your capacity for logical argument is somewhat wanting.

    In the first clip, she’s not discussing “dissent” one way or another. She just happens to be voicing her opinion on the Tea Bagger *motive* for dissent.

    See the difference?

    And only a fool would look at the racist posters being wielded at those rallies — in conjunction with the fact that *no tax increase has taken place*, and that the tax hikes will affect the wealthy, primarily — to see that racism plays a major part in this particular dissent.

  12. Mr Diesel says:

    I guess the huge tax increase on cigarettes doesn’t count or maybe those kind of taxes that impact the economically challenged in society isn’t really a tax.

    Oh yeah, intending to let the Bush tax cuts expire is raising taxes although that hasn’t happened yet but it will.

  13. zombie…eat..brains says:

    Yes the cigarette tax is unfair!

    When the tax on cigarettes equals what cigarettes cost in public healthcare dollars I’ll worry, right now your cigarettes are still being subsidized. Enjoy, smoke em if you got em their a bargain.

  14. Toxic Asshead says:

    #71 – Obama has stated more than once he wants fuel prices to go up so green tech is more cost competitive. I hope he fails.

    He wants to reduce our nuclear arsenal: I hope he fails.

    He clearly wants to reduce the number of SUVs on the road: I hope he fails.

    He wants to institute a carbon cap and trade system: I HOPE HE FAILS!

    Unlike Garafalo and her ilk, there is no blind hatred here: each item (and many more) are individually considered disagreements where I hope he does not succeed.

  15. #75 Toxic Asshead
    “Obama has stated more than once he wants fuel prices to go up so green tech is more cost competitive. I hope he fails.”
    Best way to move to a sustainable energy system for the future I hope he succeeds. First President in over 30 years willing to bight the bullet and take the short term pain for the long term betterment of the country.
    “He wants to reduce our nuclear arsenal: I hope he fails.”
    I hope he succeeds he will be another in a long line of Dem and Repb. Perses with such a goal.
    “He clearly wants to reduce the number of SUVs on the road: I hope he fails.”
    He drives an Escape he wants fuel efficient vehicles, less SUVs on the road will make more room for yours enjoy. I hope he succeeds
    “He wants to institute a carbon cap and trade system: I HOPE HE FAILS!’

    Best plane yet to clean up emissions and push toward clean energy. You got a better one? Lets here it. I hope he succeeds

  16. Mick Hamblen says:

    Ah yes John C. baiting the far right to get hits and not surprisingly it works (^)(^)

  17. praline says:

    Dvorak’s post is an IQ test.

    It is a splice and dice, designed to make Garofalo look bad.

    If you take the video seriously, you FAIL the IQ test.

    Most readers of this blog fail. Badly.

    Did Dvorak himself fail, or is he just cynically playing us rubes who line his pocket? Or does it even matter?

  18. williamsjm says:

    I love her. Yes, she can be a crack-pot but who visiting this isn’t also a crack-pot? I think she’s hot. She’s smart and funny. I bet she’s got a lot of money and is good in bed. If no one’s already called it I got dibs on her.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    While amusing, so far no one from the right whine nuts (thank you Bobbo) has shown her to be wrong. Judging from most of the comments, she is more than correct.


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