
Click image to go to No Agenda.

John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an international perspective

Queue / cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

No Agenda

Running time: approx. 90 mins.

  1. ECA says:

    2 in 1 week..

  2. ECA says:

    Do I need to listen or is this more rambling on inconsequential meaningless babble.
    We could probably get more out you JCD isf you read the NEW TECH TIMES and commented on how is discerns the tech levels of today compared to what will happen in the NEXT 10.
    Listening to 2 people ZZZzzZZZzzzZZZzzzz, I can do going to a drug house or OLD folks home and talking about WWII.  I do notice that you try to bring up topics, but 90 minutes to talk over 4 subjects, just isnt doing it.
    I dont really care what the Subject is…JUST get some depth into it, on BOTH sides.  I dont care if you talk about the reconstruction of the sarcofigus for the tablets of the 10 commandmants and finding that it created POWER to the MAX and a radio freq msg to the stars, or if you talk about the relitive comparision of CRAPPY MP3 players for $10 hitting the market.
    I dont care if you talk about the Flux comparison of Multi generators that spin in 2-3 directions..or if Korea REALLY made a NUKE inside a moutain, or faked it with 10 tons of explosives..
    You are a skiff in a windless sea, wondering from point to point and Im wondering if you will ever find land or a nice shoel..

  3. FaeGiN says:

    Wow. This show is really REALLY going downhill faster than Adams sense of reality.
    John you are one of my favourite podcasters and fellows of the net in general but this thing with Adam is reducing you to a shadow of your former self!
    All this conspiracy shit that WE KNOW you don’t even believe anyway, is boring BORING BORING bullshit.  Plus the fact that it seems that ‘no agenda’ has turned into ONE AGENDA: Give us a donation!!!
    Thats too close to begging already and getting a bit shit.  I mean, to be honest I think most folk wouldn’t give a shit if there was ads if it meant a stop to all this talk of donations etc. 

  4. killer duck says:

    .At least he got her before she had a chance to propagate the genes.

  5. B.Dog says:

    One thing about the pirates out there on the high seas is that nobody has the jurisdiction to try them. The Dutch and Germans know this. The pirates are sometimes handed over to the authorities in Somalia. It’s a catch and release program, basically. The rule of law isn’t operating in that impoverished war torn land. Kenya graciously agreed to try pirates there. The poor country is getting a little overwhelmed by the hundreds of pirates dropped off there. Kenya has given notice that they would very much prefer it if the world could think of some other place to dump the captured pirates.

  6. willblake says:

    2674/2 equals 1337, leets.

  7. Aaron says:

    You can’t please everyone, but do know that many of us appreciate the show. What the heck is going on in this commenting window? It’s a little weird on Mac OSX. I guess I’ll keep typing until it looks somewhat normal

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    Djibouti has almost no natural resources except a large salt lake. What it does have is a strategically located deep water port. The United States has operated a joint task force in the country since late 2002.

  9. Hasif Al-Mahed says:

    under international nautical law pirates can be killed by anyone. there is no trial.

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    2674=2*7*191, but I think willblake got it right: 2*1337.

    I _liked_ the cork story!

    Food safety — “what’s the fear?” Salmonella, e.coli, etc.

  11. Todd Peterson says:

    Perhaps you can do the planning and scheduling of future shows _ BEFORE you start recording?

    We don’t care about the minutiae of your schedules.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    One heckuva TWiT this week, JCD!

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    And THANK YOU for bringing back the old text entry boxes and the colorful page. I was getting used to the severe rectangular comment boxes, but the gray-on-gray color scheme was rather depressing.

  14. Adam Curry says:

    God this show rocks. Thanks for the donations! Please dig deeper. My dope habit is extremely expensive! I don’t smoke the crappy shit.

    Stay tuned for the next show! Its going to be bigger and better with 4 times the jingles!
    And we will only spend 420 seconds on each topic cause my attention span lasts less than 7 minutes. Then i will smoke another bowl and yell at John for not believeing that there are RFID chips in food.



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