Muslim dad has daughter killed for wearing mini-skirts | Say What? — I wonder how many of these stories go unreported. I guess THAT will show her!

A Russian father of the Muslim faith has admitted to hiring hit men to kill his daughter for wearing mini-skirts.

Garfar Kirimov of St. Petersburg told police he paid the gangsters almost $3,000 to shoot his daughter after she refused to wear traditional Muslim attire for women. The 46-year-old man had asked her to stop wearing make-up, tight tops and short skirts.

The 21-year-old girl was shot and killed by the hit men as she left her medical college, according to the Austrian Times. She is said to have told her father before the shooting, “Dad, we live in St. Petersburg, how could I wear those black clothes?”

  1. zorkor says:

    When you live in Rome, do as the Romans do, thats I always say…

  2. Alex says:

    Now come on guys, we’re supposed to treat the muslim culture with respect. If this is how they do things, then we must respect their choices. It’s the only way to get them to the bargaining table so we can talk about nuclear weapons. We need them to like us. Let’s treat them as cultural equals guys, as friends.. . .

  3. Fat_Anarchy says:

      .”More good news from the “Religion of Peace”

  4. bobbo says:

    Isn’t it an insult against Holy Muslim Family Values to HIRE someone outside the family to kill kiddies?  I’m pretty sure thats true.  Must be a great Dad he cares so much about this to HIRE people to do things he is no longer physically capable of doing himself.  Shows comitment.  Our own religious leaders could take a few pages from this guys book. 

    Start walking the walk of all the BS they talk==because the talk ain’t much different at all.  Sadly, our religious leaders are aping our Political Leaders in this..

  5. joaoPT says:

    C’mon this is  primary manipulation and Dvorak knows it!
    I’m not a Muslim (nor a Christian…), but how many crimes are still happening under the Christianity cloak? Fanatics and troubled people happen under all Religious beliefs (Nobody talks about crimes happening under the Hindu religion…) and Muslims are no worse..

  6. Dallas says:

    Credit to the Christian Taliban  for looking the other way when similar outrageous things are written in the bible.  The Chinese menu system works well.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    And muslims wonder why they are hated the world over.

  8. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I’m going to create a new line of mini skirted burqas.  I think we should take up a collection and have the father killed.

  9. bob says:

    big difference between stuff written in the part of a book no one readsand killing your living breathing daughter.

  10. Wacko Openmindedness says:

    Did you hear about the secular humanist who had his daughter killed because she disagreed with Alfred North Whitehead’s assertion that a spatial point is nothing more than an abstraction? No? Neither have I?

    I wonder why not?

  11. faxon says:

     Oh, come on, people. “Islam – you deserve to know. ”  It’s on all the Muni buses in San Francisco.  “Submission to God”  Also written on the buses.  Why, you are just bigots who hate the Muslims. Damn you Infidels.  (Christ almighty, John, it sure is hard to post a fucking comment this weekend!!!!!) Anyway, Obamarama says we should all suck the cocks of Muslims, so just bow down and start slurping.  

  12. Special Ed says:

    If I lived in Florida I wouldn’t want to walk around with a drop cloth draped over me either.

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    And this has never happened in America? Contracting a hit man is a bit weird though.

  14. Hugh Ripper says:

    Imagine that! People taking the holy texts and using them to justify their political beliefs and outrageous actions. Ring any bells?

  15. Nimby says:

    Alfred1 says: “he will be out in 15 years…that bashes the Brits legal system, not muslims.”

    Oh, Alfie. I thought you were gonna leave. No? Then read a little more carefully. They live in St Petersburg not Great Britainburg. I’m pretty sure Russia has a death penalty.
    If this is how well you read the blog before replying, one wonders how well you read the bible before spouting off.

    JCD: Interesting how you’ve chosen a photo above that is soooo similar to the (even more risque) photo in the referenced article.

  16. as doG is my witness says:

    For every Muslim faith father kills a family member for lewd behavior story I bet we can find two Priests are pedophiles stories. Crazy extreme fanatical people are crazy extreme fanatical people religion just helps some justify actions like these. 
    Hey you kooky Christians and Jews careful here is just a partial list of things that can get you stoned by crazy extreme fanatical believers in your scriptures.    Blaspheming, adultery, not being virgin on your wedding night(ladies only guys ok to F#@k around), worshipping other gods, witchcraft, breaking the Sabbath…

  17. gquaglia says:

    The Islamic religion is the most ass backward religion on the planet

  18. Greg Allen says:

    “Honor” killing is a real and huge problem in some Muslim countries. 
    My impression is that it’s worst in South Asia but it happens in the Middle East and the Muslim diaspora.  (And, I am sure that only the very rare case get’s noticed in the west.)
    But, it should be always be pointed out that a number of Muslims — especially liberal and moderates — take great personal risk to speak out against it. And, of course,  the average Muslim does not do it.
    But is “honor” killing huge problem? Absolutely.

  19. Poppa Boner says:

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Well no shit Sherlock!

  20. Greg Allen says:

    Huge Ripper,
    While there is a lot of Muslim bashing on this board, it is NOT bashing to admit that “honor” killing is real and a big, tragic problem in some Muslim countries.
    However, violence against women is not exclusive to Muslims. Far from it!   
    I’ve never seen statistics but I’d be very surprised if women-targeted violence tracks along religious lines. If atheists claim they are somehow superior in this regard, I’d like to see the statistics.

  21. Lou says:

     They should come out and say these people are nuts. The media has no balls they are so PC

  22. Lou says:

    Hey John ,why am I writing my comments from the right side of the page ?

  23. Hugh Ripper says:


    Agreed. I just feel obliged to point out the hypocrisy of the position the Muslim haters take.
    I believe its also a practise that’s prevalent in Hindu society.

  24. brendal says:

    How many Russian men are shot for wearing tight speedos? Not enough.

  25. Ron Larson says:

    Comments are typed from the right
    except punctuation which shows on the left

  26. Yuval says:

    This is quite rampant in Israel. A documentary I saw about the lack of emancipation of Arab women of the city of Ramlah near Tel-Aviv (not Ramallah, which is in the Palestinian territory) the creator of the film stated at the end that during the shooting of the film 4 (!!!) women she interviewed were killed by relatives over decency or over-independance disputes.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    Religious extremeism is never good. Right Alphie?
    <i>Anyway, Obamarama says we should all suck the cocks of Muslims, so just bow down and start slurping.  </i>
    After you. But don’t wait for Obama to tell you, if that is your thing, go for it.

  28. eaze says:

    yawn, another anti islam story not worthy of a post.

  29. You shouldn’t just this of course. It’s perfectly normal in their culture to treat women worse than dogs.

  30. bavb says:

    i think this has more to do with a crazy/disturbed father than islam just like that guy who beheaded his wife on the name of whatever. additionally with all these fathers killing their entire families here in the US recently we are not immune to cRaZy either.


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