
  1. fulanoche says:

    where’s the cage match link?




  3. Paddy-O says:

    Waking up Canadian?  From looking at his calendar, he went to bed Canadian… 

  4. SN says:

    Wow, Canadian PSAs.  It must be a really slow news day.

  5. faxon says:

    Funny. Wish I could wake Idahoan.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    No QA before going live with the new look of dvorak.org/blog, eh?

    As for the video… it’s interesting how they had to throw in a symbol for the “nation” of Quebec in order to please the French…

  7. Random Thoughts says:

    Actually… I kinda LIKE the new format.
    Feedback (this page) is somewhat broken, tho.
    Running in REVERSE…

  8. Floyd says:

    There are problems here. Gotta agree with Aargh..

  9. MikieV says:

    Nice to see you trying something new/different with the site design.

    Right-to-left text entry for the comments is interesting, as well. 🙂

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Sorry, but this new layout isn’t better.
    Biggest problem for me.

    Where are the post numbers?  When I want to reply to a particular post, I would simply put #33 or whatever, and Bob’s your uncle.

    How do I do that now?

    Not to mention, it is much better to scroll down the postings and not do the “Newer post – Older post” thing.

    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid.

    Before, it was simple.  Now it is not.  Having to page forward and backward through the posts is a huge step backward.

    No post numbers is just bad.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    I also have to agree, having someone looking at me while typing is disturbing.

  12. GigG says:


  13. Mike Craig says:

    Glad to see my tax dollars at work.  As to the French influence, it’s real and it’s not going away.  Welcome to Canada, eh!
    What’s a PSA
    What site changes? (WE’RE KINDA SLOW)
    This right to left stuff is so wierd, are we set to the Hebrew or Arabic settings?

  14. Grandpa says:

    WoW, right to left is different.  Kind of fun though..  You’re right, the eyes are like a constant reminder that the RIAA is always watching.

  15. godfish says:

    Ok I’m doing it , I want to leave this ucking old USA. it sucks here.

  16. Peter_m says:

    The eyes are creepy…

  17. Sometimes being Canadian is really embarrassing

  18. greensaab says:

    I think the site woke up canadian today.  The comments type backwards..

  19. Greg Allen says:

    Wow! Canadians actually WANT people to become citizens!

  20. mike troiano says:

    I saw this a commercial about moving to Canada last week, and honestly I never laughed so hard

    If they get that snow thing changed, I really wouldn’t mind getting all of the hockey news 😉

  21. Daniel says:

    Hmm, I think I have a great grandparent somewhere that was from Nova Scotia, any chance I get an honorary citizenship status? I would love to have citizenship somewhere else…


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