1. Nek Funkhausen says:

    Those eyeballs are freaky. Maybe replace them with a pair of nostrils.

  2. admash says:

    Please do not make me go to different pages to see all the comments. I much prefer to scroll through them, even if there are 50 or mor, please leave them all on one page!

  3. TechFlyOnTheWall says:

    This layout is not netbook friendly anymore,  cannot fit properly on the screen way too big text and graphics.  Why is the comment text being entered weirdly on the right of the text box?  Is it setup for some Asian type of text entry?


    Thanks for listening.

  4. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I think a lot of people are just generally going to say that anything new is worse. However, in this case, I think that while the overall appearance looks nice, the functionality is awful. I would much prefer to see all comments on a single page. I also hate the way that the text box entry is working, if it can be called working. All of the text is right justified. Punctuation goes to the beginning of the line until the next non-space character is typed. I assume this is just a bug that will be fixed. However, referencing each others’ comments and seeing the whole thread is going to be much different. Having pages of comments on cagematch has been annoying to many already, not the “booted to the next page” image that has been created over there. Doing that here is not a good idea.

    All of that said, if the new site crashes less often, that would certainly be nice. Is this intended to address that issue at all?

    Bleh — just trying to fix the final punctuation

  5. PierreB says:

    Like the new design expect for the upper right corner with what I guess is the hilited post – it is off with the rest of the design and looks very offputting. Also too much blank white space to the left – can the content be wider so reduce this amount of annoying nothing space?

  6. jbellies says:

    The micro poll didn’t work for me in Firefox, though I suppose I could have fiddled with NoScript permissions.  Nah, too lazy.  It wasn’t much of a poll anyway.

    Well, the comment input box is right-justified, which is a novel experience.
    Good things: the comments appear in the default font, which of course I have chosen to be very legible.  In the old format, the comments were in gray on white and hard on the eyes.  So I’d like the new format if you 1. bring back the numbers#. and  2.also make the articles show in the default font.
    Thanks for your efforts..

  7. meetsy says:

    I use firefox and the poll worked just fine….

  8. Thomas says:

    Of the new design, the only element I like is the banner and the email notification on email.

    The heading font is too large. Do we really need 2.7em for the font size? Can’t we just get you a new pair of glasses?

    Comments absolutely need to be numbered. Every time you change the site design this is the first thing that is lost. I like that comments are paged, but I would prefer an actual page (1,2,3 etc) rather than just “Older Comments” The simple compromise to people who want to see all comments on one page is to allow people to change the number of elements per page. In fact, if you save that preference with their login profile, you might encourage more people to actually register.

    That the editor is right justified must be an oversight. I can’t believe that was done intentionally.

    I can give you some things I really wish you’d add like a real editor for the comments with a preview button and the ability to quote a previous comment.

  9. Thomas says:

    <blockquote>Chris says:
    4/18/2009 at 1:58 pm

    Running IE6 SP1, 800×600.  Definitely not good.</blockquote>

    I will be the first to say that if you are still using IE6 that you are browsing at your own peril. Further, if you are still using 800×600, then you are already used to a lot of scrolling. I don’t know anyone that targets resolutions smaller than 1024×768 and honestly 1280×1024 is probably more common than 1024 especially on a tech-ish blog.

  10. Thomas says:

    Guess blockquote isn’t working…

  11. Cursor_ says:

    .yltcerroc pu gninil lla ton si tI

    .god gnurts hgih a ekil dnuora secnuoB

    .ylddo etiuq sepyt xob stnemmoC

    .llew sa wols tiB

    .tfosorciM morf etadpu yna sa doog sa si ti llarevO


  12. joaoPT says:

    The poll results on the map are completely idiot.
    Some states have  a -don’t like it- just because the -I like it and  the – it’s better than before score less percentually, while the aggregate positive response is higher… ,
    It’s almost as idiotic as the President Election method…

    PS. I can’t say enough about the suckiness of the comment box. That and the lack of numbers on comments…

  13. The0ne says:

    Website is a bit weird. I’m typing and it’s showing the text on the right side of the box :/  Then towards the end the characters are displayed backwards for a few and returns to normal.

    The website makes very poor use of whtie space. The right side is horrendous. The comment section could be made friendly. Something like putting a comment link on top instead of having to scroll all the way down for long post to reply. Having numbers for the post is nice to have as you can reference it quickly not to mention search for it quickly 🙂

    I don’t see a link to John’s PCmag column any longer. I see a lot of RSS crap on the left side however. Oh well, hope it gets tweaked or reverted back.

  14. Macbandit says:

    !!!TOO WIDE

  15. Mick Hamblen says:

    That big picture of your eyes is creepy. Why is the curser staying in front in the comments?

  16. Steve says:

    What do all these complainers do it for ? a refund. I think the new look is fine and I’m guessing this odd cusor on left thing will eventually get worked out or else everybody’ll get used to it. Thanks for provide a great blog.

  17. Mr. V. Hickle says:

    Ok, so…um… I’m sitting here with an empty can of Raid… and like, the bugs are still coming out of the cracks.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    For one, he should have photoshoped those wrinkles around the eyes.

  19. MrGonz says:

    It’ s pretty  broken right now. But I like the way it’s going. I’d expect a better “Beta” experience at John D’s site.

  20. Kanjy says:

    It’s too wide. Four columns is way too much. I think you’re taking for granted that readers view webpages at full screen, but this just isn’t the case. This site makes me feel a little claustrophobic now, but I can’t say exactly why. Why are all the “related posts” links to domocamp.com? I should mention that I like the “Share and Enjoy” reference above the comments.

  21. Kanjy says:

    Oh, and put all the comments on the same page, starting with the chronologically first post. Comments tend to be discussions here, if you haven’t noticed.

  22. Rich says:

    And is it really necessary to look at John everytime I come to the site? Does he really need that much attention? And what is it with this wierd right to left typing? It’s annoying. 

  23. Mathew says:

    I really like the new site design, with the following SERIOUS caveats;

    This right to left comment box is make me sick, fix it please!

    The site is far too wide.

    The site should be able to survive with TWO columns, one for the blog content and one for all the other assorted stuff.

    Okay, this comment box is causing me to want to throw up, so thats all I’ve got.

  24. brendal says:

    Not enough ABBA photos…

  25. rance bleester says:

    John, ever hear of beta testing?
    And dump the Big Brother creepy eyeball dude staring down at us.
    In the parlance of John and his acolytes, “Sheesh!”, “Cripes”, “This is Crap”, “.
    Is this Esperanto? This crap I’m typing was not edited from the bizarre effects of this crazy text box.
    Using IE7.
    Must be nuts!
    Never ask this guy advice on your website.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Do we really need avitars alongside the names? C’mon, that cheapens the site more than allowing Alphie and Cow-Patty on here.

  27. BubbaRay says:

    ECA, most people have given suggestions and not just griped.
    1) Get rid of the stupid comment formatter.
    2) There are 2 too many columns on the right, and a video of the week is a bad idea.  Seen it once, why leave it up for a week?  Most people visit once a day.
    3) The header is creepy.
    4) There are no comment numbers
    5) The avatars are a waste of space
    6) The boxes around comments are a waste of space.
    7) It looks like “wordpress in a can.”
    8 ) Blockquotes don’t work.

    How specific do you want people to be?  Geez, man, really!

  28. Mitch says:

    those huge eyes of yours John are more than a bit creepy. the rest is fine with me.

  29. Kanjy says:

    Maybe it was the the poll, or one of the other hundreds of things on this page, but it took 40 seconds for the second (this) column and the two columns to the right to load when I opened this page. The left column and the header loaded quickly as usual.

  30. Robert says:

    All is great with the new design except with the distracting face.  Maybe something less distracting and not on you face photo or image.


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