1. rectagon says:

    hey….. the typing kinda goes from right to left.  Cool and confusing.  The site looks good.  Rotate Johns pic with different expressions. 🙂

  2. pbr says:

    where’s the link to CageMatch? and why is this comment editor in RTL mode ?hmm?

  3. thefakedvorak says:

    so dude, what did you do to the site man.  its shit

  4. Hasif Al-Mahed says:

    what the hell why is the typing left to right,do i look jewish???

  5. Hasif Al-Mahed says:

    right to left

  6. ECA says:

    4 columns?  3 max..
    To distracting..  and you want 80 wide type face..
    Go to the OLD way, 800×600 style, so we can use 2 windows..

  7. Ekim says:

    eekk, formatting is messed up in Chrome

  8. jccalhoun says:

    The design is ok but the commenting box is screwy.  In addition to the weird left to right thing it is also impossible to start a post with a quotation mark. If you just try to start with one it will remain at the end of the text forever and then if you type in some text and then try to move your cursor to the beginning then the quotation mark will appear at the end of the first line.

  9. greensaab says:

    I like the look but the typing thing is messed up like others have explained.  That is the only reason I gave it a bad vote.

  10. Esih says:

    Site looks like it has been hacked! Why change?

  11. tester says:

    The site took forever to load – 45 seconds at least. Tested it out at the W3C  and it had 67 Errors, 68 warning(s) so that might have something to do with it. Also, this backward way of typing is pretty bad………

  12. Broken says:

    Commenting is broken. 4 columns is too much. The site has always been waaay too cluttered, now there’s just more visual garbage to try and ignore while we try and do what we come here to do: read the articles.

    John’s wrinkled eyes staring at you seems odd and makes no sense from a design perspective. It also feels a little creepy. Lastly, the “Dvorak” in “Dvorak Uncensored” is almost hidden and needs to be more prominent. It’s easy to miss and looks more like background art than the name of the blog.

  13. sargasso says:

    It’s all very wonderful, I especially like the way the cursor jumps from one side to other in a surprising and arbitrary way, and the grey-on-grey. The close-up of john’s peepers could use one of those Java scripts that make eyeballs follow the mouse.
    It’s like the old version of “vi”, without the “delete the previous line when pressing return”.

    Wow, this is spooky..

  14. mrgeekguy says:

    1. The site doesn’t render the same in every browser, some things are cut off in Firefox, but not in IE
    2. Your comments are writing from right to left, makes me nauseous
    3. the comments need to have numbers, how in the hell are we supposed to bitch at other posters without numbers?

  15. aerobee38 says:

    The new website design looks like change for change ‘s sake.  It’s basically useless.  Maybe I need to switch to IE and it might look better, who knows.

    What happened to the links to John’s columns? 

    And this box really stinks.

  16. Thermo says:

    I like it, but it needs 2 updates
    1 Fix the typing
    2 add a register and login for the comments

  17. ijsbrand says:

    Yes,  the frontpage is too wide. Which in my book is only allowed when that page has a clearly different layout than the normal bog roll style weblogs cannot seem to do without

  18. Chris says:

    On my system,  the left and right frames appear  and the middle is blank.  I have to scroll down all the way through the sidebars before I see any content.  Running IE6 SP1, 800×600.  Definitely not good.

  19. mike c. says:

    Looks OK except that Firefox and Safari on my iMac won’t show the whole width of the page without scrolling (very annoying) and the comment section appears to be right justified while typing.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Not enough distinction between the name of the poster, time, and the message. The typing cursor is whacked. whoa, stuff appears in odd places as I type. too bizarre. 
    The link to comment seems tied to the headline below…took me a couple clicks to figure that out.
    What’s the “path” thing at the bottom?

  21. robrites says:

    john, john, john… I like the new design and assume that the glitches in comments will be fixed .it is kinda fun and very confusing in its current format.”the eyes” would look better if you pull them back a little and show a little more of your face. right now, you appear to be interrogating us and it is “us” that should be looking at you.. I use Firefox and so should you.

  22. fulanoche says:

    I need my Pin-up of the day.

    ?Cage Match?

  23. admash says:

    Too wide for me, forces fullscreen (and I don’t like fullscreen windows).
    LOVE the new header.

  24. Holdfast says:

    ?Were you getting a lot of complaints about the old one
    The only reason for changing things is because you have an improvement, or you want to draw our attention away from something else.

    This comment box is really annoying!

  25. meetsy says:

    whoa….freeky, I like the cursor jumping from one side to the next….I need a drink…..that will straighten me out.   FREAKY.
    Damn this cursor thing made me forget what I was going to say about the stupid video……….Am I free to go?

  26. Tech_1 says:

    Looks more organised.

    Reminds me of… savethemales.ca

  27. SparkyOne says:

    It is those damn eyes!

  28. Jägermeister says:

    It sucks.

  29. AWFUl says:

    Absolutely hate it. 

    When typing right now the text is on the right then moves to the left.  Put a period in it goes at the beginning of the sentence.  Then later it moves.  Disgusting. 

    When i first saw you peering into my room i was jacking off so it didn’t feel so great having you watch me.  lol  just kidding.  Fortunately Firefox allows me to block unwanted images, so now i see grey space,.  I always liked seeing “Dvorak Uncensored” at the top in red and white.  Always liked the message areas, with t he bubbles, feels more like conversation. 

    This is just awful.

  30. John Schultz says:

    Too wide for a 1280 width display.  The  New York Times is about 1000 px


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