
SYDNEY (AFP) — A Qantas airliner was grounded after four snakes went missing from the cargo hold on a passenger flight from Alice Springs to Melbourne, according to officials.

Twelve baby pythons were packed on the Boeing 737-800 in the outback town on Tuesday, but when it arrived in Australia’s second biggest city there were only eight, Qantas said in a statement. Corporate manager David Epstein told public radio the snakes’ escape was a mystery because the consignment had been properly packaged in a tied calico bag inside a Styrofoam box with air holes punched in it.snakes

“Our people called in a reptile expert and there was a suggestion that some of the baby pythons had eaten the other pythons because apparently it is not uncommon for baby pythons to eat each other,” he said. Qantas staff then weighed the remaining snakes to determine if they were heavier, but they were not. “The only conclusion we could draw was four of them had broken free of the packaging,” Epstein said.

“They’re not endangered, so a decision was made to take the plane out of service and fumigate it, so if these snakes ever turn up on one of our aircraft, they will be very much dead snakes,” he said. The Stimson’s pythons, which the Qantas statement was at pains to point out were “non-venomous infants” about 15 centimetres (six inches) long, can grow up to a metre.

  1. RTaylor says:

    I have kin in Australia, but have never visited. They have too many creepy crawlers that will kill you.

  2. db869 says:

    #1 – As if the rattlesnakes, alligators, killer bees, deer*, etc. in the US won’t kill you?

    * Many people are killed by deer each year. Ever seen a car vs. deer accident? It’s pretty ugly for all parties involved.

  3. sargasso says:

    #1. And dangerous animals, too!

  4. Ron Larson says:

    You should see what happens when you hit a full size roo. To make matters worse, they tend to get active at sundown, just when the sun is in your eyes.

  5. Buzz says:

    How about houses that transform into prisons when the mortgage payment is late? Sounds possible.


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