
CAMBRIDGE BAY, Nunavut – A man aboard a small passenger plane fought to push open the aircraft’s door at 23,000 feet over northern Canada and leaped to his death, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing with the door ajar, police said Thursday.

The Adlair Aviation plane with two pilots and two passengers was flying from Yellowknife to Cambridge Bay, a community in western Nunavut, when the man jumped Wednesday night, said Staff Sgt. Harold Trupish of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The Beechcraft King Air 200 twin-turboprop was about 110 miles (180 kilometers) from the Cambridge Bay airport when the man jumped, he said. Police were searching for the body of the 20-year-old, whose name was not released. Trupish said the pilots reported the passenger became unruly and they struggled to keep him from pushing the door open and leaping out.

“The plane came in with the door open,” he said. “Somehow they were able to control the aircraft to land. The three other people are all OK.”

It was probably the food.

  1. bobbo says:

    So one pilot and one passenger “fought” to keep one passenger “in” the airplane while that one passenger FOUGHT to jump?

    Sounds like the “suicide” with knife wounds in the back. Wouldn’t one pilot and one passenger pushing one UNWILLING passenger out of the airplane make more sense?

    The dude better have a history of mental illness – – and not an Italian last name “if you know what I mean”, bada bing!!!!

  2. Pete says:

    #1 would be suprised if there was any mob in Cambridge Bay nunavut.. look it up.

    Some polar bear just got a free lunch…

  3. Copy wrong says:

    Travis Pastrana gave Dvorak permission to use his image to be associated with this story ?

  4. AlanB says:

    Darwin Award?

  5. MikeN says:

    This story is BS. I watched Goldfinger, and if a door opens on a plane, then everything flies out.

  6. John Paradox says:

    Look! Up in the sky

    It’s a bird

    It’s a plane



  7. sargasso says:


  8. jasmoran66 says:

    I bet when they find his body, they’ll take him straight to prison on some terrorism charge. That kind of nonsense on a plane must not be tolerated!

  9. fw says:

    Quote: “The plane came in with the door open,” he said. “Somehow they were able to control the aircraft to land.”
    HAH, as if doors have much to do with the actual flying. 😀

    #5 perhaps that was sarcasm, but if not.
    It all depends on altitude and pressure.
    If the plane had cabin pressure and lost it.
    And on a little plane i would think it is way less violent because the volume of air equalize quickly with the the atmosphere outside.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – bobbo – The dude better have a history of mental illness – – and not an Italian last name “if you know what I mean”, bada bing!!!!

    LOL 😀

    #5 – MikeN – I watched Goldfinger, and if a door opens on a plane, then everything flies out.

    The school system failed you.

    #7 – sargasso – Claustrophobia?

    Bird flu?

    #8 – jasmoran66 – I bet when they find his body, they’ll take him straight to prison on some terrorism charge.

    Only if he drifted into the U.S…. which would be one heck of a drift…

  11. Special Ed says:

    Hopefully a FROG.

  12. Lou says:

    Must have been the poor food on the flight.

  13. cheapdaddy says:

    What a horrible way to find out the Red Bull ad is a lieeeeeeeeeee.

  14. wiglebot says:

    It is a small plane with the door toward the back. It was probably only going around 200+ mph. It is not that big of deal to open the door and jump.

    Too bad he forgot his bag of money and parachute.

  15. John E. Quantum says:

    The DAW (Darwin Award Winner) had at least two minutes to think about things. I wonder if he changed his mind?

  16. fulanoche says:

    Celebrate D.B. Cooper Day!

  17. BubbaRay says:

    Closing the door ain’t that tough.
    1) Descend to 12,500.
    2) reduce airspeed to 20 kts. above stall. Heck, throw out the gear and flaps if that will help.
    3) Feather the engine on the door side. Maintain airspeed.
    4) close door.

    What’s the big deal? This whole thing sounds fishy.

  18. roastedpeanuts says:

    Maybe there were snakes on the plane.

  19. Cranky Canuck says:

    It was a medical flight. So you can already assume the person was already in a “disturbed” condition before the flight.

    .. argh… I don’t even know why I am wasting my time responding to this post.

  20. Uncle Patso says:

    Wasn’t the plane in Florida in which the pilot died right after takeoff and a passenger had to land it also a Kingair 2-engine plane? (Blogged here just the other day.)

  21. father time says:

    #17: I didn’t complete pilot training, but what you describe is possibly the most dangerous thing you can do in a twin.

    Of course the plane was pressurized, but the operation of the door on a King Air is not familure to me.

    The story would have been more interesting if the guy’s history had been disclosed. It is too bad he couldn’t receive the help he obviously needed, maybe he is the product of healthcare rationing?

  22. MikeN says:

    We can no longer see the numbers for each comments.

  23. Li says:

    Yes, the lack of numbers is crappy, as is this bizzare from the right crap with the punctuation all in the wrong places.

  24. Honky Doodle says:

    It has now been reported in the media that this missing and presumed dead individual was detained earlier in the same day by the RCMP for medical reasons related to his behavior
    So why was he on this flight not in hand cuffs and why is he going to Cambridge Bay where there is much less medical facilities than in Yellowknife where the flight originated
    Is this another case of the Queen’s Cowboys/Girls not properly trained to do the job correctly
    Finally I am getting more upset every week with the reports about how our National Police force is performing
    It is the last ting they should be doing is allowing a mentally disturbed passenger on a flight in a small aircraft

    This blog format is not only ackward, but was it designed and written for Oriental Characters by some oriental code writers

    Just wondering that is all


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