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Why is this man smiling?

A poll reveals Minnesotans, by and large, want Republican Norm Coleman to concede the state’s U.S. Senate race to Democrat Al Franken.

Public Policy Polling said its survey (.pdf) indicated 63 percent say Coleman should call it a day rather than continue to fight in court, USA Today reported. That percentage includes “almost all of Franken and (independent candidate) Dean Barkley’s supporters, as well as a third of respondents who voted for Coleman last fall,” the polling organization said.

Fifty-nine percent said Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican, should certify Franken the winner and he should be seated immediately.

A three-judge panel has voted that Franken won by 312 votes out of nearly 3 million cast.

Like Coleman, maybe Pawlenty will have to get an honest job after the next election cycle?

  1. ObamaSucks says:

    I agree – Minnesota deserves Franken and all the stupidity he brings to the table. Dumb bastards.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #1 STFU, you guys lost already.

  3. Improbus says:


    Like the alternative is any better.

  4. Phydeau says:

    Cue the wingnut sore losers in 3… 2… 1…

    Dang, ObamaSucks, you’re ahead of your cue. 🙂

  5. Paddy-O says:

    I thought lawsuits where now the established means of determining the winner of an election? Didn’t Gore establish that?

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    At the end of the day you could have the same ole crap as before or we can have new crap.

    Not much of a choice from what I have read and heard.

    Seat him and heal the nation already.

  7. ObamaSucks says:

    #2 Yo Momma’s Lawyer
    I said I agree – you’re a bad winner.

    #3 Improbus
    You may be right, a politician is a politician.

    #4 FIDO
    Bite Me

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I listened to Al on the radio for a while, and read one of his books. He’s got some crazy views like any long-shot politician, and he was never really serious for any extended length of time, but he does have some brains.

    He’ll be fine, and won’t make any list of historically wacko senators. I mean, has anyone really listened to Rep Michele Bachmann (R-MN) lately? Talk about a wacko…

  9. Greg Allen says:

    How come Coleman isn’t being branded as a “sore loser” the way the press did to Al Gore even while the votes were still being counted.

    “Liberal media” my foot.

  10. BigBoyBC says:

    Is this race still unresolved? WTF!

  11. MikeN says:

    Coleman should drop his case. He has no real chance now, though he could have won it if his lawyers had a clue. He’s only losing because he agreed to allow illegal voted for Al Franken, while Al returned the favor by not allowing illegal votes possibly for Coleman.

  12. stopher2475 says:

    “I thought lawsuits where now the established means of determining the winner of an election? Didn’t Gore establish that?”
    The case was Bush v Gore which means Bush filed the lawsuit.

  13. Phydeau says:

    #5 I thought lawsuits where now the established means of determining the winner of an election? Didn’t Gore establish that?

    Paddy O’Troll, excellent troll attempt! Trying to provoke the people still mad about the Supreme Court giving the 2000 election to Bush. 8.5 out of 10! 🙂

  14. Toxic Asshead says:

    Coleman should fight this as long as possible for the sake of all Minnesotans – who are better off with an empty seat rather than Franken. It’s called damage control.

    There are a lot of issues with funky vote counting, that unfortunately will not be resolved by this although one thing has been made very clear: if you really want your vote to count, don’t vote absentee.

    There were valid reasons for Jessie Ventura’s win for Governor. The fact that Franken will probably eventually be seated is a huge embarrassment for MN. Similar to McCain, Coleman should be ashamed of a lame campaign he ran.

    “Selected not Elected” – at that phrase now has merit, unlike 2000.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 14 stopher2475 said, “The case was Bush v Gore which means Bush filed the lawsuit.”

    Bzzzt. Wrong answer McFly. Gore filed the 1st lawsuit in Tallahassee.

    There’s a box of Rice-a-Roni for you though.

  16. stopher2475 says:

    Keep it. I hear food is hard to come by in the FEMA camps.

  17. Phydeau says:

    *rimshot* stopher shoots, he scores! The troller is pwned! Good one, stopher. 🙂

  18. Phydeau says:

    Toxic Asshat and James Hill are today’s winner of the Wingnut Sore Loser award with Mutual Masturbation Cluster! Congratulations guys, for spewing nonsense and reinforcing each others delusion! 🙂

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 19 stopher2475 said, “Keep it.”

    I understand. Being the constant recipient of consolation prizes leaves a bad taste in your mouth after a while.


  20. Noam Sane says:

    Coleman should fight this as long as possible for the sake of all Minnesotans – who are better off with an empty seat rather than Franken. It’s called damage control.

    “All Minnesotans” made up their own minds, it would seem. It’s called an “election”.

  21. GregA says:

    I think this is the type of case that republicans should fight to the bitter end. That and their impeach Obama campaign that they already have going;) Oh, and keep Palin on the center stage as well;)

    In other words, republicans should keep on keeping on;)

  22. Paddy-O says:

    # 24 GregA said, “I think this is the type of case that republicans should fight to the bitter end.”

    I agree, it was hilarious to watch the Dems do it while frothing the whole time. Should be interesting to watch Repubs do the same.

  23. Brian says:

    Sigh, Franken is just Rush in new cloths (and less 150 lbs) A fanatic is still a fanatic.

  24. RBG says:

    Funny how Franken didn’t want to take the same advice when Coleman won the election the first time.


  25. J says:

    Minnesotans want him seated……or libs?

  26. Coleman lantern runs on white fuel says:

    Time for the Empty Suit to sit down already. Why are Republicans so bad at understanding Democracy? I guess they were empowered with the stolen Florida election in 2000. This is almost as bad as Texas style gerrymandering to get their way. GOP “oh we can keep the Dems one more vote shy of 60 by denying MN it’s representation for as long as the courts will let us drag this out, not because its right but because we can.”

    I’m surprise we haven’t seen any astroturf roots demonstrations with Fox news hosts broadcasting from the World Trade Center in downtown St. Paul.

    Al Franken is just as big a clown as a lot of long seated Senators the big difference is he knows it. He is more of a man than Rush, O’Reilly and the rest because he was willing to put his name on the ballot and not just hide behind a mic.

  27. Phydeau says:

    #28 Minnesotans want him seated……or libs?

    Unfortunately for you wingnuts, the answer appears to be yes to both questions. 🙂

  28. bill says:

    Just exactly where is Minnesota? I heard they have a lot of lakes.
    We need more comedy in government.
    Al Franken will do just fine, and isn’t he know for his sarcasm? I my watch CSPAN more often now.

  29. Phydeau says:

    #31 Seeing as how two comedians (Stewart and Colbert) are the best news programs on TV lately, more comedians in government might be a good thing. 🙂

  30. SparkyOne says:

    Enough already. Someone please ask Mr.Franken to be seated. How rude, leaving him standing there all this time.


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