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A poll reveals Minnesotans, by and large, want Republican Norm Coleman to concede the state’s U.S. Senate race to Democrat Al Franken.

Public Policy Polling said its survey (.pdf) indicated 63 percent say Coleman should call it a day rather than continue to fight in court, USA Today reported. That percentage includes “almost all of Franken and (independent candidate) Dean Barkley’s supporters, as well as a third of respondents who voted for Coleman last fall,” the polling organization said.

Fifty-nine percent said Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican, should certify Franken the winner and he should be seated immediately.

A three-judge panel has voted that Franken won by 312 votes out of nearly 3 million cast.

Like Coleman, maybe Pawlenty will have to get an honest job after the next election cycle?

  1. Toxic Asshead says:

    #64 – yes there is merit.

    Among many other things there are documented inconsistencies in which absentee ballots were discarded and which were counted. There are also at least 5 precincts in which the recount resulted in more votes being counted than there are registered voters.

    Bush V. Gore resulted in legislation defining a uniform standard for counting votes. This case hopefully will result in legislation defining a uniform way of applying that standard – which is what’s missing here. Even if Frankenfurhrer ends up joining the Congressional Clown Consortium – these issues need to be clarified. Franken’s camp is fighting because because clarifications will make it harder for ACORN to play their games in the future.

  2. MikeN says:

    #64 #65 is correct, but these are not the issues in the court case. The Coleman campaign wants to include absentee ballots, about 5000, in the count, even though the do not meet the legal standards for a valid absentee ballot. Their argument is twofold. That such ballots were counted in many places on Election Day, a count that cannot be undone, and that such ballots were accepted during the recount, WITH THE AGREEMENT OF THE COLEMAN CAMPAIGN.

    They are currently trailing because they agreed to count illegal votes, and now they want some more illegal votes to be counted in the hopes of getting back in the lead.

  3. MikeN says:

    Phydeau, regarding filibuster, here is something from The New Republic.

    >the D’s had the nerve to suggest they might filibuster some of Bush’s judge appointments,

    They didn’t suggest. They did filibuster judges out of taking their seats, for the first time ever. And now they are indeed suggesting they may do the same thing.

    Do you have any proof that the Republicans are filibustering more? The nuclear option only dealt with eliminating the filibuster for judges, though Democrats did propose getting rid of it altogether in the last decade.

  4. Phydeau says:

    #67 Do you have any proof that the Republicans are filibustering more?

    Every time you see in the paper “The Democrats want to pass bill X but they don’t have the 60 votes necessary.”

    The Constitution only requires a majority in the Senate to pass a bill. The reason why the Democrats need 60 is because the Republicans have notified the Democrats that they will filibuster every bill the Democrats bring to the floor, unless they are allowed to modify it to their liking. This is a blatant misuse of the filibuster. It was meant to be used in extreme cases.

    This constant filibustering is a big ol’ “f*ck you” from the Republican party to the American people. “You didn’t vote for us, you voted for the other guy? Well screw you, we’re going to make sure the guys you elected get nothing done.”

    The people have spoken — they have voted the Republicans out of power. And rightly so — just look at the disaster they’ve created. But the Republicans aren’t willing to listen to the people. They don’t give a sh*t what the people have said. I mean, hell, look at the most powerful Republican in the nation, Rush Limbaugh. He laid it out right up front, he hopes the president fails.

    That’s a very interesting article you linked, and it seems the majority can’t just make the minority stand up and talk, but the comments on the article give ideas on how to show the intransigence of the Republicans, like forcing constant quorum calls. And now I’m wondering how difficult it is to change the parlimentary rules that allow this mess…

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 68 Phydeau said, “Every time you see in the paper “The Democrats want to pass bill X but they don’t have the 60 votes necessary.””

    So, how many filibusters since O’mama took office?

  6. Phydeau says:

    #69 Hard to tell… how many times have you seen that headline? And what we won’t see is the bills the D’s don’t even attempt to introduce to the Senate because they’re so whipped by the R’s.

    Democrats are such wimps. 🙁

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 70 Phydeau said, “#69 Hard to tell”

    Really? I just looked it up. There hasn’t been ANY filibusters since O’Mama took office.

    Ergo, not a valid argument.

  8. Phydeau says:

    #72 Take a hike, Paddy O’Troll, you’re trolling again.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #72 Sorry to expose your duplicity, once again. ROFL!

  10. Phydeau says:

    #73 Yeah, you’re the ROFLest one around, Paddy O’Troll. Run along now, and let the adults converse.

  11. Norm Coleman says:

    Look, I got within a Bush hair of getting enough votes. If I can’t have that seat, I’m sure as hell not going to let that a-hole Franken get it.

    I don’t care what it takes. And the people can go frank themselves.

  12. MikeN says:

    That’s your defense of ACORN? Check out the comparison in registrations in Seattle, where ACORN had to operate under strict guidelines to avoid the fraud they conducted before.
    The number of registrations dried up.

  13. MikeN show me a link to news of ACORN orchestrated actual voter fraud, people being charged with trying to vote more than once or voting with false identities? It’s just a Republican boogyman. If that dog could bite it would have in the general election campaign.

    McCain made a dumb move to bring it up in such way and any one who bought it was a sucker. I’m mildly astonished some of you are still falling for it.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Lyin’ Mike, Maybe you should post a link to back up your claim


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