A Taliban firing squad killed a young couple in southwestern Afghanistan for trying to elope, shooting them with AK-47s in front of a crowd in a lawless, militant-controlled region, officials said Tuesday.

The woman, 19-year-old Gul Pecha, and the man, 21-year-old Abdul Aziz, were accused by the militants of immoral acts, and a council of conservative clerics decided that the two should be killed, officials said.

The two had hoped to travel to Iran, which borders their home province of Nimroz, but their parents sent villagers to bring them home, said Sadiq Chakhansori, the chief of the provincial council. Once back home, the pair was either turned over to the Taliban by their parents or the militants took them by force, the officials said, providing slightly varying accounts….

In remote and dangerous regions of Afghanistan, Taliban fighters operate what are sometimes referred to as shadow governments, where militant leaders serve as government officials and run their own police units and pseudo court systems.

What can you say? There’s no end to such stories.

Thanks, K B

  1. gquaglia says:

    Religion of peace.

  2. ECA says:

    can I ask,
    WHAT are these folks drinking??
    WHERE did we dump our radioactive waste, last time??

    and Christians are any better?? they havnt recovered since they were thrown to the LIONS..

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Oh, those wacky Taliban!

  4. RBG says:

    If we kick their butts enough I’m sure they’ll convert to our religion of peace.


  5. algore says:

    This is why diversity is so important. Oh how our culture could benefit from such a culture as Islam and the religion of peace.

  6. GetReal says:

    I believe our policy towards Afghanistan, Pakistan and other “host” countries should be:

    1) Let them live their lives any way they want to. It’s not our business. It’s insane to think that we can, or should, try to change the culture, beliefs or type of government of any other country. We have no legal or moral duty to do so. In fact, the legal and moral arguments weigh against that exercise.

    2) To know what’s going on in potentially unfriendly “host” countries we must use spies “on the ground” augmented by technological means, just as has been done throughout history.

    3) If an attack comes from a foreign country, we promptly bomb and send in small special forces teams to destroy the offending bases. We should not “invade”. Collateral damage is their fault.

    You may not remember this but:
    When the Iranians captured our embassy and held our citizens hostage, they did the same to the Russians. After one brief meeting with a Russian diplomat, all the Russians were immediately released. I bet I know the gist of that conversation. Amusing isn’t it?

    In other words, we should get real.

  7. algore says:

    Funny, I dont remember reading about christians rounding up people who are planning to be married and shooting them in the head with AK-47’s, and Im still looking for that article that describes how christians are cutting the clits out of 10 yr old girls… I am really enjoying the Quran that I have sitting on the floor next to my toilet. Im saving on toilet paper by ripping a page or two out and wipe my ass with it.

  8. zorkor says:

    No wait a minute , gimme a proof that in Islam, two lovers should be executed. Before you post crap against Islam, I suggest you to read something about it while removing your racist ego. It will help you.

    Its the culture in Afghanistan that forbids unmarried people to meet each other.

    In Islam there is no such thing like executing people like these two poor souls..

    Islam is the most beautiful religion in the whole world and its fast spread proves it that is a true religion. Just dont start bashing Islam when someone having a muslim name does something bad…use your grey matter (or whats left of it) and study something before posting crap…

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 zorkor said, “Islam is the most beautiful religion in the whole world…”

    “Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.” (Surah 5:51)
    “Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]…until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued.” (Surah 9:27-)
    “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them.” (Surah 9:121-)

    Shall I continue?

  10. Alex Wollangk says:

    #8: I agree. I’m sick of people railing against Islam because of some whack-job extremists and I’m Christian.

    It wasn’t a Muslim who said:

    “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”

    It was Adolph Hitler.

    The actions of the Taliban do not condemn Islam any more than Hitler’s actions condemn Christianity. The only religion I would be surprised to hear used to justify in-humane acts is Buddhism, but I wouldn’t be all THAT surprised.

  11. Jopa says:

    “What can you say?”


    We must fight these people and eradicate their Nazi culture from the face of the earth! THIS IS WHAT WE MUST SAY.


  12. green says:

    Lucky they didnt get married because the coalition loves to blow up wedding parties from above. It’s quite quite possible they saved four generations of family from being blown to bits.

    Get Some!

  13. ethanol says:

    Anyone else find the irony that the couple were looking to escape to Iran?!?

  14. orangetiki says:

    Religion is a crutch of society plain and simple. I can easily imagine people just getting brainwashed and wrapped up into this culture of killing and punishment just because some book written thousands of years ago said so. Take the protesting of how now it’s legal for a husband to rape his wife. It’s all women on one side against and all men on one side for. At least that’s what I see from the pictures. Think about prisons and how you have to act tough. Join a group / gang so your butthole doesn’t get stretched to the size of a tube of paper towels. It’s an act, a trigger of survival instinct. Violence brings more violence. To do all this, killing a couple married or not just because they wanted to leave the area is ridiculous. And to blame it on a religion that is to be about peace and self betterment, it’s a shame. What’s worse is this story probably happens more often then not.

  15. sargasso says:

    #13. There is no love between the Iranians and the Taleban.

  16. gquaglia says:

    and Christians are any better?? they havnt recovered since they were thrown to the LIONS..

    Wasn’t that like 2000 years ago. Too bad the Muslims can’t seem to catch up with the rest of the world.

  17. RBG says:

    6 GetReal. Get real. So I take it you have no problem with genocide, as long as it occurs in someone else’s country.

    I take it if an offending country does not operate out of ‘bases’ your plan is completely flummoxed? Have we finished bombing Afhani and Iraqi enemy bases yet?


  18. And Now for Something Completely Different says:

    Ah, life under a religious theocracy! It’s always nuts. The Christians didn’t fair a lot better, giving us Holy Wars(tm), crusades, witch trails, and such. This is why the ‘religious right’ scares me, especially trying to impose their ‘view’ on marriage on me. Hey, I don’t belong to your religion, why MUST I live according to the Old Testament if I don’t even believe in it? If you want to live like the Old Testament (say, the Amish) GO DO IT! No one is stopping you! No one seeks to FORCE the Amish to dance or listen to music or wear bright clothes…they can do whatever they want. And if I want to go to Las Vegas and drink and gamble, I should have that choice. Freedom! Isn’t freedom what our troops are DYING for in Iraq?

    P.S. Funny how in 40 years I’ve NEVER seen a state initiative passed, or big protests trying to ban Hindu marriages or even Satanist marriages. These fake religious nuts think heterosexual Satanist marriages are ok, but gay Christian marriages MUST be stopped…LOL. Doesn’t the Old Testament ALSO say “No Other Gods before me”. So how can Hindu marriages be just as honored/sacred/respected/endorsed at the state and Federal level and these anti-gay folks have NEVER sought to stop THAT! It’s cool to worship or gods or even Satan, just as long as you’re not gay! LOL LOL

  19. brm says:


    The difference is that Hitler wasn’t going on and on about fighting a holy war every time he blew something up. Because, well, he wasn’t fighting a religious war, and all the terrorists *are*.

    I’m guessing you’re an atheist, since the Hitler quote is a favorite quote from that bag of tricks. Funny how atheists always ignore that the atheistic communist regimes slaughtered many, many more than did Hitler.

    Anyways, you’re missing the point – no one cares about what Christianity was like a hundred or a thousand years ago. The fact that there is a declared Jihad is what’s relevant.

  20. And Now for Something Completely Different says:

    NOTE: Before someone goes on a rant, I DO agree ‘modern’ Christians have largely abandoned their old practices of overt control in the last 100 years. Now it’s down to just political issues. The extreme middle east Muslims are like the radical Christian KKK, nuts and everyone knows it. Modern Islam just needs to do a better job of trying to marginalize them like modern Christianity has largely done with the KKK.

  21. bobbo says:

    #19–brm==”Funny how atheists always ignore that the atheistic communist regimes slaughtered many, many more than did Hitler.” /// Didn’t you just ignore your own sage insight that those regimes “did not kill in the NAME of their atheism?”

    Why the loose screw?

  22. Phydeau says:

    Dang, I’d think this firm law’n’order philosophy of the Taliban is something the average wingnut would approve of… Death to uppity women! Death to blasphemers! As long as it was the Christian Taliban, of course… 😉

    Seriously, maybe religions need time to mature. Islam is about 700 years younger than Christianity. If you think of what Christians were doing to infidels in 1300, it was probably pretty nasty.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 22 Phydeau said, “Seriously, maybe religions need time to mature. Islam is about 700 years younger than Christianity. If you think of what Christians were doing to infidels in 1300, it was probably pretty nasty.”

    Accurate. I’ve made that comparison before. That’s why that part of the world needs to be quarantined for a few hundred years…

  24. Greg Allen says:

    This couple executed for “redefining marriage.”


    This is the same mind-set that wants to ban gay marriage.

    Both American and Afghani religious conservatives feel that their societies will crumble if people challenge the Allah/God-dictated family system.

  25. Special Ed says:

    Wouldn’t you like to make those clerics beg for mercy? If there were ever a group that deserved a cock punch…

  26. bobbo says:

    Is the aging and dilution of the christian religions “really the model” that the Muslim religions will follow–aka–give them another 700 years to mature?

    I say no. The key difference is that by and large the christian religions were all about the religion and much about turning their backs/trying to corrupt what was taken as “the outside world” aka the secular/political world. After they kept getting their noses bloodied for a thousand years, they came to terms.

    That is not likely going to happen with Muslims as they make no separation between State and Religion.

    I think its going to be kill or be killed, just as the Muslims preach.

  27. Steve says:

    Religious leaders need to revisit the concept of religion and redefine their religious goals. Whatever happened to the ultimate goal of religion: to facilitate world peace? Why the need to oppress a peoples’ God given right to freedom? Nowadays it’s all about converting everyone to the ‘right’ religion, and controlling every thought and action of each person who is a member of the religion. This is why I have accepted the ideals of Buddhism, because we are free to admit that the basis for all religions are good, but that the practices of some religions are overly conservative and outdated. The problem with the Taliban is that they are 1000 years outdated, and prefer to cram their religion down everyone’s throat by going so far as to supplant proper government with religious dictators. There’s nothing wrong with the Taliban’s religion, but there is everything wrong with the Taliban’s interpretation of the religion. It is too bad they won’t wake up one day, close down military shop, and use their religion to inspire morals and ethics rather than spend each day fighting everyone in the world who doesn’t want to conform to their rules. The Taliban = the Nazis of the new millennium.

  28. algore says:

    Save the endangered spotted owl and the old growth redwoods. wipe your ass with the quran

  29. LibertyLover says:

    #24, You are correct, but I don’t think you explained it well enough.

    It is all about control. If you can’t control the masses, you are just another joe on the street. “We can’t have people running around willy-nilly having fun without our permission!”

    That’s all any kind of centralized institution is about, whether it is the Girl Scouts of America or the Taliban.

  30. bill says:

    Is this one of those Darwin Award Moments?

    100 years from now will we all be subject to these guys? Or will there be some kind of ‘forbidden zone’ where the radiation is still to intense to travel in for 40,000 years?

    How much crap does it take for the cleansing to begin?


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