Nanny State!

Two boys using a laptop

Two American Fork fifth-graders could face criminal charges for looking at pornography on a school computer, but some people are wondering how they were able to access the images in the first place.

Police were called last week after two 11-year-old boys at Forbes Elementary School pulled up images of sexual acts on a school computer and then showed the pictures to nine other students, said American Fork Police Sgt. Gregg Ludlow. The incident came to light when one child told a parent and another told the principal.

Ludlow called the images “pretty explicit” but declined to elaborate. He said the boys made multiple attempts on different days to access inappropriate material. Ultimately, they typed the word “lesbian” into a search engine and were able to pull up pictures not blocked by the school’s Internet filter.

The school suspended the boys for two days. They could face charges in juvenile court of dealing in material harmful to a minor or lesser charges for viewing pornography at school, or be referred to the probation department instead of going to court, among other possibilities, said Chris Yannelli, deputy Utah County Attorney. If they are adjudicated in juvenile court, consequences range from community service to serving time in a juvenile detention facility, he said.

  1. Alex says:

    …doesn’t the statement “but some people are wondering how they were able to access the images in the first place” imply that the level of knowledge of those asking the question leads to the inference that any security they implement (filters) would be get-aroundable?

    I just found that line incredibly hilarious. “How’d they see porn in the interwebz! Oh noes!”

    Now I’m not apt to call people retarded or anything but… fuckin’ ‘tards.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    My son, 8th grade, got caught using a free online proxy server to get around the school filters.

    He was suspended for the rest of the six weeks from using a computer at school. You may not think that is harsh but 50% of his daily schoolwork has to be done on a computer — which he was prohibited from using.

    Guess what he got to do when he got home at night instead of playing video games and watching TV and riding his bike and . . .

    He learned a valuable lesson and one he hasn’t forgotten since.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Had these kids been caught watching naked middle-aged white men then they would personally get a personal and private reprimand from a Republican Senator.

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    GregA…In these times it’s worthwhile to have a basic understanding of computer forensics. Just knowing what is possible, and some fundamentals, will get you the ammo to make an impression on students.

    s7acker presents a perfect example…with the right approach and a little skill you can nail the little bastards with the records kept by OSX and Windows.

    Consider contacting the nearest RCFL: and getting a tour or speaker to come visit.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    #34, Nice way to insinuate that watching gay white men leads to pedophiliac encounters.

    I was told there was no connection in another post but when I see a self-proclaimed gay man making the connection, I have to wonder just how honest either of you are. Is there a connection? If not, why push the image then? You are only hurting your own cause.

    I mean, if you can’t take your own identity seriously, why should I?

  6. Kanjy says:

    I think it’s really unfair for you to post that picture of those two boys with this story, implying that they are the boys in the story. That’s just mean.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    #36 Libertylover,

    I was poking fun at Mark Foley who DID sent dirty text messages to underage pages.

  8. Nimby says:

    It is soooo time to stop prosecuting children for being children.

    On the other hand, getting them into juvie for a while might not be a bad idea. Learn some new life skills they’ll need when they have to register as sex offenders and can’t find a job.

  9. dvdchris says:

    Why is porn in quotation marks in the headline?
    It was porn, wasn’t it?

  10. deowll says:

    You can’t block all the crap no matter how hard you try.

    What the school did seems reasonible. What others did seems insane.

  11. oplama says:

    Doesn’t this depend on your definition of what is, is?

  12. Glenn E. says:

    What are they going to do when nude women learn to fly? Any kids looking up, will be punished?! That’s about what this internet exposure amounts to. Nude women zipping about on the superhighway. Close your eyes, don’t look, or point them out. Or you’ll face charges by the Thought Police.

    Why is it our society gets all bend out of shape by the idea of some kids getting a bit of advanced sex education? But doesn’t think the constant exposure to violence on Tv and in movies, is anything to fret about. And when these kids form gangs, and start carrying knives. It’s all “boys will be boys”. But just get caught with a few jpegs of a nude Jenny Jamison. And the adults go to pieces, over their morally degraded offspring. Well at least they’re not lying in a pool of their own blood!!

    I think the only real danger is that such an early exposure might encourage them to be lovers, rather than fighters. And that most worry the crap out of the US military. Because what can they offer that’s better than nude women? Unless they start openly pointing out how many foreign bases and ports of call, have civilian sex trades established nearby to service the servicemen. Don’t these outraged parents understand that little johnny will get to see just as many nude women, abroad, as he will on the internet? But with the serious complication that he’s far more likely to get a STD from the real ones, rather than the pix.

    Frankly, I think that organized religions, and the military, are far too involved in governing people’s sexual needs. That they would curtail them getting their sex fix from safer sources. And they won’t be needing marriage or wars to get laid. And thus “their side” won’t be quite as strong, from having superior numbers!

    The major religions want more babies, from married and unmarried couples. Just as long as they’re countable as of “their belief system”. Even though these kids aren’t given the option to chose, before being counted. How can these major religion validate their claims to their numbers, when babies and small children aren’t smart enough to know what they believe in?

    And self-sex is their worst nightmare. Like getting your news for free, without buying a major newspaper. It’s bound to start reducing their numbers. Just as the Tobacco industry worries it won’t survive, if it can’t hook enough smokers as children.

    But isn’t six billion people enough already. Rather than be concerned with the production of more, to up some side’s number. Why don’t they try capturing the hearts and minds of the ones that already exist? Perhaps it’s because kids are always going to be more gullible than adults. And these “sides” can come up with a convincing enough argument to get adults to join up or switch sides, most of the time. So they rather their were a steady supply of children’s minds to count on. And thus, it’s so very wrong for kids to learn about sex, before their plumbing works. Because they might just be too sated by it, afterward, to make their own children, as adults. And they won’t sustain a super-power nation, thru war.

    Kind of like Sweden, with its more free thinking sexuality. Who isn’t obsessed with saving the rest of the world from a rival belief system, economic system, or political ideology.

  13. Lou says:

    WTF ?

  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 33 LibertyLover said, “He was suspended for the rest of the six weeks from using a computer at school. ”

    Wow, exactly what I recommended above.

    #25, maybe you should get some training in this area? I only charge $250/hour.

  15. just wow says:

    Oh, noes! 11 year olds looked at naked women! Next thing you know, they’ll be masturbating!
    Let’s get real here. 11 year old boys have been sneaking Playboy for decades and showing it to each other, and masturbating in the school bathroom long before the internets Before that it was the Sears catalog; before that it was sneaking peeks at the swimmin hole.
    Admittedly, what they can find online is far more wild than what could be easily accessed in earlier decades, but still. Criminal charges?? Are we joking here?


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