The woman who gave birth to octuplets, Nadya Suleman, is seeking to trademark her media nickname — Octomom — for a TV show and a line of diapers.

Word of Suleman’s federal trademark filings came as her lawyer confirmed he is talking to production companies about a TV show, but said reports of a signed deal are premature.

Suleman, who gave birth to octuplets in January, brought home the last and smallest of the eight babies on Monday, a hospital spokeswoman said. Suleman also has six other children. All 14 were conceived through in-vitro fertilization.

Suleman is not the only one to claim a trademark on the nickname. A Texas company not affiliated with her has filed to trademark an Octomom iPhone game.

“You press on her belly and she has babies,” the company’s CEO said.

American “Reality TV” culture at its very best.

  1. TThor says:

    How much I really hate this woman… the most cynical human being ever produced. Brrrrrrr… Poor kids! 50 years ago she would have been childless, the kids would have been adopted to loving parents and she would have been in a mental hospital, where she truly belongs.
    Saw her on CNN – jeezz

  2. orangetiki says:

    Scary thing is the illustration looks like a photograph of her.

  3. Personality says:

    She got her wish. As I peer into the future… She kills herself in 8 years.

  4. Kim says:

    My history teacher blasphemes her everyday.

  5. Madtownmoxie says:

    The Dickhead Doctor that did the implantation needs to have his license revoked and be forced to become the Nanny for that Crazy Bitch.

    It is both unconscionable and criminal that he performed that procedure.

    I won’t even get into it as how batshit crazy that chick is. I really feel sorry for the first 6 kids.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    “Octomom”, poster “child” of the liberals.

  7. meetsy says:

    nooo…octomom poster child for the Christian Right!! PLEASE! She only reason she carried all 8 was because she was pro-life. Get a clue, Paddy-O. She IS the Republican poster child for “children first”.

  8. bobbo says:

    Seems to me the term “Octomom” was created by some in the critical review press and entered the public domain. The fact that the term refers to the crazy chick doesn’t give her any protectable rights in it. But given IT today, we’ll have to wait and see.


  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 7 meetsy said, “nooo…octomom poster child for the Christian Right!! PLEASE! ”

    Nope, the ONLY reason this was able to happen was because of out of control gov entitlement & welfare programs.

    The “Christian” right did not enable this. Nice shift of responsibility though, done in true lib fashion…

  10. Improbus says:


    I think you meant IP not IT.

  11. Killer duck says:

    Ok, I’m claiming “Octomoron”(tm) right here.

  12. ECA says:

    PLEASE go read more, as you dont get it.

    She is getting everything paid for her by the corps, she WILL BE backing..
    OCTOMOM DIAPERS..If they can handle 8 kids, your arent going to be a problem..

    I wonder WHOSE being paid to look after the kids while she is on the TV circuit?
    Kids have to go to school.
    They need a stable life.. AND TV ISNT the place for that.

    over 6 years she had 6 kids THEN BANG 8 more..
    she has had her 15 minutes of fame..
    WHAT will she do after its ALLLL OVER??
    Odds are she already has a good amount of money to sponsor LOTS of goods for babies and kids..

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 12 ECA said, “She is getting everything paid for her by the corps,”

    Wrong. How did she pay for the fertility treatment? Who paid for the delivery & hospital?

    A tiny bit of research would have given you the answers, and you wouldn’t have posted…

  14. Ron Larson says:

    Where the hell is the father? If I recall, all the sperm to make these 14 kids came from the same “friend”.

    Well this friend needs to come up and start paying for child support for his children. If should have know that donating sperm to a batshit crazy woman comes with consequences.

    And the stupid doctor needs to also start paying child support payments too.

  15. bobbo says:

    #10–Improb==right you are. Thanks.

    #9–Paddy-O==Meetsy’s post wasn’t up when I posted so had I seen it, I “might” have passed. But reading the thread as neutrally as is possible for an ultra lib, Meetsy certainly has a good argument and you have no argument at all.

    So==knee jerk anti-lib comments like that devoid of analysis really will tarnish your reputation over time – – – – – – – – – – – – – (smile!)

  16. Special Ed says:


  17. meetsy says:

    Paddy, you are wrong. She paid for stuffing embryos up her v-ina with her own money. She may have declared bankruptcy, she may have shorted a bunch of credit card companies, but she DID PAY FOR THE DOCTOR WITH HER MONEY. That has been made very clear…plus, do you really think that quack would take MediCal or Medicare or any publicly funded $$? No. Fertility isn’t covered by those things, not in any state. (Just as abortion is not funded. The only thing funded is birthing.)
    You are wrong, as usual.
    And, yes, she did not just dispose of her abundance of frozen embryos because she is CHRISTIAN. She did not elect to abort some of the little potential babies because she is CHRISTIAN. And, as we all know, all Christians are Republican (right?) she’s no liberal. She probably thinks Rush is a babe…just as you do.
    She’s a wanna-be GOP vice presidental candidate…don’t you think?!!

  18. meetsy says:

    Alfred….she’s SINGLE….go for it.

  19. ECA says:

    She has made to much money from her children to be on assistance..

  20. ECA says:

    AFTER the babies were delivered she became national NEWS and every show she has been on, has given her money..
    CORPS have paid for the diapers, and her sponsorship..
    She does not get assistance ANY MORE. ALL it takes is $6k-10k in 1 year and you are OFF ASSISTANCE.. Only thing she MIGHT get, is public housing..but she still pays the bills.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #22 You artfully ignore that FACT of where she got the $ for the fertility treatment and hospital deliver & care.

    Next time you lie, do a better job of it.

  22. ECA says:

    You are only posting for your own entertainment…you have added nothing to this post.
    You are as stupid as this ladies children for sharing her affections for the next 20 years..

    WELFARE DIDNT OK the procedure.. they didnt OK for her to have another child…PERIOD.
    So, ask yourself, WHAT street corner was she standing on…THEN go visit, and pay for the ONLY hooker you can get.

  23. Daniel Kaiser says:

    Think she’ll endorse a brand of condoms?


  24. Ron says:

    Paddy-O you are a fucking clown. Minus the funny.

  25. meetsy says:

    Poor Paddy-O, I think that you like attention, even if negative….
    however, you need to look at the welfare requirements in’s impossible for a woman to get regular OB/GYN care, much less expensive fertility ($$$$$$) treatments. She might have robbed a series of 7/11’s…or blew a few hundred sailors. I don’t know, but I do KNOW that she didn’t get public assistance for them.

  26. ECA says:

    I wish public assistance was as NICE as SOME of you think it is..
    YES you can get your teeth fixed IF’ there is a school of dentistry around..
    Hair plugs for MEN…NOT.

  27. Toxic Asshead says:

    That’s a good illustration – except it looks like she had a lip reduction.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 Alfred1 said,”We are so screwed…the loons have taken over…”

    Yep, O’Mama just appointed a person from the LA Times to a Def Dep position who believes that news outlets should be licensed & funded by the gov’t.

    The end is near, or a revolution.

  29. ECA says:

    When you go into the SYSTEM, you dont get alot of choice, when you are on welfare. YOUR LIFE is run by the system…SHE gathered money(SOME HOW) over the limit, to PAY a doctor to make her PREGNANT..

    YOU must be <15 years old to think the NEWS agencies ARNT controlled by the Gov and corps.
    Unless you get the paranoia newspapers, you havnt been reading ANYTHING that hasnt been controlled since <40’s..

  30. Rick Cain says:

    If she wasn’t white, would anybody really notice that she has 2 digits worth of children?


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