Susan Boyle Stuns Crowd with Epic Singing – Watch more Funny Videos

This video over the past few days has rocked the YouTube numbers. I do not for a minute believe that this whole thing was not a set-up to shock the audience. The woman, who wants to be a singer, is wearing a totally frumpy outfit and has eyebrow makeup on to look goofier than she already looks. The fix is in. Let’s be real here.

Found by Dan McDermott.

  1. faxon says:

    Nor was Janice Joplin.

  2. Ralphie says:

    May God bless Susan Boyle

  3. Mr Anderson says:

    Looks like John C Dvorak dressed in drag 😉 got yerself a new gig thar John?

  4. dcphill says:

    Every time I hear her sing it brings tears to my eyes.
    She is glorious.
    I have also heard her sing “Cry Me A River”
    and she can sure belt those songs.
    Sounds similar to Crystal Gale or Kay Star but not the same as Julie London..

  5. the lost emperor says:

    When I go to an opera, I am sometimes moved to tears, even though the plots are usually ridiculous contrivances that only an imbecile would take seriously. Such is the power of theater, especially when married to great music. Opera-goers, of course, are not deceived into believing that what they are watching is reality. Dvorak is absolutely correct, this was a very obviously staged bit of theater that also happened to be quite moving. The judges were clearly putting on an act; I honestly don’t see how anyone could have been fooled for a second. Yet, the moment still packs an emotional punch, much like opera. There is really nothing wrong with that. So go ahead, weep away, but please don’t go to La Boheme and walk out thinking that someone onstage actually just died of tuberculosis.

  6. iNetSynch says:

    I assume it was only a (short) matter of time before cynical blogs surfaced suggesting the Boyle rocket ride to fame was scripted.

    Even if we accept your claim the show was a setup, the reality remains that it was Susan’s performance and persona along with the reach and power of the Internet that made the “fix” possible.

    I can and have often played the role of curmudgeon and pessimist, and am familiar with the elitist buzz you can feel when taking that stance. However, until proven otherwise, I prefer to adopt the view that the Internet makes over night success, without the fix suggested by our cranky Mr. Dvorak, possible and indeed inevitable if the story rings as true as did the Boyle performance.


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