The US Homeland Security Department, under fire for saying US forces returning from the Iraq and Afghan wars were potential right-wing extremist recruits, said Wednesday it honors US veterans.photo_1239820962633-1-1

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano sought to douse anger among conservatives and veterans groups like the American Legion over a report from her department warning of a rising threat of right-wing extremism. “We are on the lookout for criminal and terrorist activity but we do not — nor will we ever — monitor ideology or political beliefs,” Napolitano said in a statement amid charges that the department had done just that.

American Legion chief David Rehbein on Tuesday blasted the report as “incomplete, and, I fear, politically-biased” and took special aim at its warning that returning veterans having difficulties reintegrating society could be recruited by right-wing groups for possible terrorist attacks. In a letter to Napolitano, Rehbein underlined the document’s mention of Oklahoma City bombing author Timothy McVeigh’s US Army background and called it “as unfair as using Osama bin Laden as the sole example of Islam.”

The report said that fears of possible new restrictions on firearms, as well as troubled veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, “could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.” Rehbein said the accusation, leveled in an April 7 document designed for local law enforcement officials, was “without any statistical evidence.”

It’s humorous when a government is afraid of the same people they train to kill. Who was it that said people shouldn’t fear their government, but the government should fear the people?

  1. MikeN says:

    Typical liberal military hatred.

  2. Dr. K says:

    All part of the attack on the fairness doctrine. Once they establish the new enemies of the state, they can go after their voices.

    This is shaping up to be 1984, only a few years late…

  3. Dr. K says:

    All part of the attack on conservatives. Once they establish them as the new enemies of the state (or at least President Obama), they can go after their voices with the fairness doctrine.

    You liberals can laugh, but someday, if they are vindictive enough, the conservatives might use these tactics on you…

    This is shaping up to be 1984, only a few years late…

  4. Paddy-O says:

    Nice pick on the Sec DHS O’Mama.

  5. sargasso says:

    “Who was it that said people shouldn’t fear their government, but the government should fear the people?” – maybe, Marx (Groucho?)

  6. Paddy-O says:


    “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

  7. mr show says:

    Why would vets who risked their lives to serve and saw their buddies die be hostile to a government who is staffed by hostile people like Napolitano? hmmm

    Labeling someone worthy of respect and gratitude as dangerous and unstable is not going to gain you any supporters from vets.

    Maybe so-called right wing extremists pose a threat but her warning seems like a bunch of noise similar to the Home Office official in Britain (Jackie Smith) who told Brits to expect certain groups to riot. Seems like justification for a larger DHS budget and more intrusion into our lives (whether you’re right, left or other).

  8. McCullough says:

    #5. Yes, thank you.

  9. eyeofthetiger says:

    Ah, the Reagan years.

  10. Toxic Asshead says:

    It’s a trial balloon. This administration throws this stuff out to test how much BS the public is ready to take.

  11. brm says:

    Screw Napolitano. She bankrupted our state and then hightailed it out of here right as the shit hit the fan.

  12. Bob Hand says:

    I’d expect as much when her boss accuses the military of “air-raiding villages and killing women and children.”

  13. Santa Maria says:

    This is ridiculous. We should bring in legislation to give all past and present military personnel immunity from civilian prosecution.

    The military is the cornerstone of our society. They define and represent the United States. Our nation’s borders extend to the tips of our soldiers’ gun barrels the world over.

    How can anyone doubt them, no matter what a military man did or does. Military men earned that right by being the cream of our society. The best of the best. The rest should just shut up.

  14. lakelady says:

    anyone who doesn’t think that any unstable person with weapons training is a possible threat is a fool. The same applies whether it’s a vet, a gang member or a meth addict. It’s simple common sense and in no way is an attack on conservatives (the word isn’t even in the document). And it doesn’t even imply that most or even many vets might be dangerous…just that SOME MAY.

    Jeez people use your brains once in a while

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #13 We have MUCH more to fear from the psycho nuts in D.C. than from ANY serviceman. ANYONE but a fool knows that.

  16. mr show says:

    #13 This story is in reference to the report.

    I suggest that you read it and see that it explicitly refers to veterans and the threat from right-wing groups. Nowhere does it mention other groups who may be a threat. Unfortunately to many, “right-wing extremist” and “conservative” are synonymous.

    I think the most telling is this quote from the document:

    “The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence”

    So this is another example of DHS trying to fear monger…

  17. billabong says:

    The answer to the question you asked was the same people who gave us the right to keep and bear arms.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    Well, let’s think about this.

    They have anger issues, they are armed and they have been fed a steady diet of Rush Limbaugh on radio.

    Sound like Timothy McVeigh to me!

    (I’m joking of course. But Ive heard that the right wing radical groups DO recruit heavily among vets — so THEY obviously thing vets are potential domestic terrorists.)

  19. Jack D. Ripper says:

    “The purpose of Terror, is to Terrorise”. V. I. Leinn

  20. Mr. Obvious says:

    Change you can believe in!

  21. jbenson2 says:

    Looks like Napolitano is going to fit right into the Obama administration’s very nicely.

    She is starting to share in his view of small-town bitter Americans xenophobe hicks who cling to their bibles and their guns.

  22. Nimby says:

    Nappie was a screw up as governor of AZ.
    I predicted she would screw up in HS.
    She fits in with the administration,though!

    Truth, I fear people like her much more than some ultra right wing Rambo.

  23. Phydeau says:

    They’re behind the times on this. The vets returning from Iraq know they were f*cked over by Bush and his bogus wars. I doubt very much that they’ll become right-wing radicals. As I recall, Obama even got a higher percentage of the military vote than previous Democrats. And he got a hero’s welcome during his surprise visit to Iraq recently. The soldiers know who got their back, and it isn’t the Republicans.

    The old cliché of the Republicans supporting the military died on the streets of Iraq… it was an IED that destroyed it.

  24. Phydeau says:

    #22 Truth, I fear people like her much more than some ultra right wing Rambo.

    Your fear is misplaced. The only other act of terrorism in the US in recent history before 9/11 was an ultra right wing Rambo, Timothy McVeigh.

    With Rush and Glen Beck stirring the flames of hatred, openly calling for our president to fail, and all the other traitorous sh*t they spew, it’s reasonable to worry that some 21st century Timothy McVeigh might get inspired and try to take out another federal office building.

    Why do you wingnuts hate America so much?

  25. mr show says:

    #24 Sure the attack of the Murrah building in 1995 was one. And then there was the 1993 attack of the World Trade Center. I don’t think their inspiration was Rush but a much older one. And can you say that Rush was an inspiration for McVeigh’s murder? Please explain because I don’t see it. They may be full of bull and complete blowhards but I don’t think talk radio inspires terror.

    Anyway, I think it’s healthy to be skeptical of one’s government and to question it at every turn. Eternal vigilance is a virtue, isn’t it?

  26. deowll says:

    I think the people running this government are anti military to the point they don’t even like the people in the military.

    Their problem is they need the military about as much as they need blood in their own bodies.

    To many people don’t like us or would be happy to take what we have.

    A country that can’t take care of itself is in deep dark trouble when problems show up.

  27. Mr Diesel says:

    #23 and 24 Phydeau –

    I read your posts and wonder how you can possibly make the leap that talk show hosts are inciting right wing extremists to commit acts of violence. It isn’t happening. I have listened to Rush off and on for years and realize that he is an entertainer. He does what he does for ratings and to make money, nothing more. I like some of his ideas but I rarely support everything he espouses.

    I guess I am now labeled a right wing extremist. Former military, believe in the tenth amendment, support Texas’ right to leave the union, want lower taxes and believe in a right to life platform that supports abortion up to the second trimester (not third or late term and sure as hell not Obomba’s let the child die in a closet position).

    I attended a Tea Party last night and notice all the Tea Parties weren’t covered in the so called main stream media. Hmm, wonder why? It must be because they have their noses shoved so far up Obomba’s ass they no longer have a grasp of reality and the reality is that people are pissed with ALL politicians, not just the current administration or Congress.

    A change we can believe in is coming and I hope I live long enough to see it happen.

    I hope it isn’t right after Nappy burns down a religious compound somewhere killing everyone.

  28. Phydeau says:

    #25 I didn’t say Rush was a direct inspiration for Timothy McVeigh — you never know that unless the guy writes it down. I’m saying that he’s spewed out hatred for a couple decades and while it’s hard to quantify, I do believe that he has made the U.S. more polarized.

    (But the end is in sight for him. Outside of his base of dittoheads, he’s about as popular as syphilis. And from what I’ve read, the average dittohead is in his 60s, so eventually Rush’s audience will die off.)

  29. Phydeau says:

    #27 Regarding the tea parties… bad news for you.

    THEY’RE GOING TO NEED A LOT MORE TEA BAGS…. As April 15 approaches, this is generally the time most Americans are inclined to complain about paying Uncle Sam. It’s supposed to be as American as apple pie — we all think we’re paying too much in taxes.

    At least, that’s what we’ve been led to believe. The latest survey from Gallup shows these assumptions don’t seem to apply right now: “A new Gallup Poll finds 48% of Americans saying the amount of federal income taxes they pay is ‘about right,’ with 46% saying ‘too high’ — one of the most positive assessments Gallup has measured since 1956. Typically, a majority of Americans say their taxes are too high, and relatively few say their taxes are too low.”

    The same poll found that 61% of Americans believe the income taxes they paid this year are “fair.”

  30. Sea Lawyer says:

    #29, since an estimated 43% aren’t paying any income tax, I would say your opinion poll isn’t telling us anything we shouldn’t already expect.


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