
A Muslim organisation has issued a fatwa over mobile phone etiquette, it has been reported.

In the north Indian city of Kanpur a panel of clerics from the Islamic group Jamia Ashraf-ul-Madaris has set new rules over using phones. The panel objected to the use of aayats (verses from the Koran) as ringtones. It argues that people answer calls midway through the aayat, leave the verse incomplete. Ghyasuddin, a senior cleric, told the Press Association: “Listening to aayats partially is anti-Islamic. This kind of action amounts to a gunah (sin).

“People should abstain from these practices. It would leave a bad impression on young children.” Mr Ghyasuddin also criticised using mobile phones in the toilet. “If the phone rings and an aayat can be heard in the toilet, it is a sin,” he said.

In Islam, a fatwa is a legal decree which is made by someone who has an extensive knowledge of the Sharia law. The panel also refused to allow people to put their phones on vibrate mode while offering prayers. “It distracts you while offering prayers. It’s disgraceful if one can’t even give a peaceful half an hour to Allah,” Mr Ghyasuddin said.

But, if a phone rings in the toilet, and no one hears it…is it still a sin?

  1. Jumpin' Jersey Joe says:

    “DEATH TO AMERICA” will probably be the universally required stone-age religion ringtone before long.

  2. Mr Diesel says:

    Why declare a fartwar over this?

  3. Pete says:

    “But, if a phone rings in the toilet, and no one hears it…is it still a sin?” Allah will still hear it

  4. deowll says:

    If these murderers are the best the faith has to offer so the worse for the faith.

  5. Miss Manners says:

    It gives me great pleasure to flush while someone is in the can talking on their phone.

  6. Thomas says:

    #5. And fart VERY loudly. The really noisy diarrhea farts.

  7. Micromike says:

    This is one topic I absolutely don’t give a shit about. Does anybody give a shit about Stupid laws in Muslim countries. We have enough stupid laws to deal with here in the USA.

  8. zorkor says:

    The best Fatwa i ever heard. Its about time it came. At least we deal with religion much better than the Christians who molest children in churches…

  9. Jeff says:

    To be fair Zorkor that is only the Catholics and Mormons (and maybe a Protestant group here or there). The rest of Christianity is simply committed to the oppression of defenseless countries, ethnic-racial minorities and women.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Jeff said, “Christianity is simply committed to the oppression of defenseless countries, ethnic-racial minorities and women.”

    Right, like all the Christians oppressing women in Afghanistan and other Mussie countries. ROFL!

  11. Jeff says:

    Sh*t… I forgot to include eugenics, purges and of course blaming the Jews for all the worlds problems. Of course being a Muslim… you might know I thing or too about the last statement.

    I think you are probably pretty safe on the eugenics aspect and everyone seems to have fallen guilty of employing genocide.

  12. zorkor says:


    or you can bomb the defenseless children and women to smithereens in the name of democrazy? No?

  13. Jeff says:

    No, I was thinking of Utah. I was thinking of the deep South. Hell, I am still thinking of most of America when I referenced the discrimination of women. You don’t really have to look at a history book, just look the f*ck around you every once and a while.

    There are of course different levels of discrimination. You are simply referencing extreme examples.

  14. Jeff says:

    It’s called democratic peace theory. Yes, by definition we are allowed to bomb defenseless countries in the name of God (or western principles) if necessary. It is basically the belief that democracies do not come into conflict with one another. It has been expected from every president from WWII on.

    No, it has no basis in reality. The stats do not really back it up. Further, no precise definition of democracy has ever been formulated. It is simply an extension of imperialism through the conduit of democracy.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 14 Jeff said, “I was thinking of the deep South. Hell, I am still thinking of most of America when I referenced the discrimination of women. ”

    Like Louisiana where Kathleen Blanco became governor?

    Remember, engage brain before posting. 😉

  16. Jeff says:

    Yes, and Texas has had at least one woman governor too. That proves nothing. I think you might want to take a look at the statistical analysis of the problem rather than give me a couple of outlier examples.

    Women make up the majority of the population in the United States. How many of them are represented in government?

    Why are issues like right to birth control, abortion and sexual aides universally opposed by a majority. Is this not gender discrimination?

  17. squid says:



    or you can bomb the defenseless children and women to smithereens in the name of democrazy? No?”

    Who is the coward using the women and children as shields?

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 17 Jeff said, “Women make up the majority of the population in the United States. How many of them are represented in government? ”

    So, since women make up the majority of voters, women are discriminating against women?

  19. Jeff says:

    No, the system of religion and to a lesser extent secular laws discriminate against women and minorities by way of endemic structural problems within our system of governance.

    There is less choice because of racism and sexism. Candidates need backing, a woman and a minority is much less likely to get that than a white man.

    Therefore, women do in a way discriminate against themselves (or at least deny themselves) the option of a female candidate because one is simply not available.

  20. eaze says:

    not worthy of a blog entry McCullough

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 20 Jeff said, on April 14th, 2009 at 1:17 pm

    “No, the system of religion and to a lesser extent secular laws discriminate against women and minorities…”

    Since women are the majority and the ballots secret, the only ones stopping women from holding all elected positions, are women… Indisputable fact.

  22. Jeff says:

    Paddy-O, I don’t even know where to begin. I love when people talk about indisputable facts. There is no such thing in a social science. That, however, is not really the message that I was trying to get across.

    I pretty much have given up on it. My suggestion is to take a couple of college classes and get back to me when you have completed your graduate thesis.

    At that point I will be more than willing to compare notes… until than, I see no point.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 Jeff said, “Paddy-O, I don’t even know where to begin. I love when people talk about indisputable facts.”

    Start at the beginning. Women make up the majority of voters in the U.S. Ballots are secret. Only women can prevent women from being elected.

    Prove something else…


  24. Lou says:


  25. Killer duck says:

    #10 High 5.
    #9 …and that’s different from Islam how??

  26. Zorkor says:

    Hey squidhead,
    Prove to me that all those women and children who died and still dying under the name of democrazy were being held as shields…
    I recommend you speak with your mouth and not the bottom…
    Hopefully you will make more sense then….

  27. Jeff says:

    Paddy-O… no, I am done with this. I could talk about endemic and institutionalized sexism or historical events as reference points but they would be lost on you.

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 Jeff said, “Paddy-O… no, I am done with this.”

    I don’t blame you. Hint; if you want to challenge established, known, facts. Bring some of your own to the table…

  29. Ron says:

    #28. Jeff- Give it up, we have all learned that Paddy-O is nothing but a clueless troll who will argue the color of the sky if you’d like. His mom hasn’t let him out of the basement for years. I kind of feel sorry for him, but we just give him a pat on the head like a retarded nephew, and move on.

  30. SP101 says:

    Religion: the worst thing that ever happened to humanity.

    Islam: the worst thing that ever happened to religion.


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