That’s it, I’m never eating out again.

  1. GF says:

    Your fired.

  2. GF says:

    Opps, you’re fired!

  3. KAMV says:

    Children are our future.

  4. McRo says:

    I worked a lot of fast food (Jerry’s, Wendys, Pizza Hut) when I was younger and I never did any crap to people’s food, and I never saw anyone I worked with do any crap to people’s food.

    This makes me sick on a lot of levels.

  5. Killer duck says:

    Fired…ha. I’m sure a lawyer will be on this case in no time. I can see the $ ringing now. Even if they can’t prove who the victim was in the incident on video its likely they could do a class action lawsuit for everyone in the delivery area for this store. I’m sure there is an innovative lawyer out there that could make the case this is not an isolated incident.

  6. PMitchell says:

    And the wonderful stimulus package will provide these 2 with part time unemployment benefits

    way to go President Obama

  7. Noel says:

    I only eat fast food at Subway or Tim Horton’s, where they make the food in front of you.

  8. GF says:

    That’s not all, there is more:

    They have been fired. Keep an eye out though. They may end up working at another fast food store in Conover, North Carolina.

  9. GF says:

    [Fixed. – ed.]

  10. Lou says:

    Domino’s food sucks without the boogies.

  11. Brian says:

    #7, and were are you when they prep the food??

  12. gquaglia says:

    If this is the worst that happens to your food, then you are lucky. I remember hearing about a few retards that used to shit into the chili at the Wendy’s they worked at. Fast food joints are usually staffed by the tards of the world, you really can’t expect them to act like you and me.

  13. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    That is almost as gross as catching flies between frozen hamburger patties at McDonalds!

  14. MrGilly says:

    This is prima facia evidence of violation of FDA food preparation and handling rules. Why are these people not charged and in court? That is what needs to be widely published on the Internet! The laws that need to be upheld are not!

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – Noel – I only eat fast food at Subway or Tim Horton’s, where they make the food in front of you.

    I doubt you’ve seen the folks who made the donuts and cookies.

    #9 – GF

    Amazing… 😛 and there are so many folks out there who need an income.

  16. TooManyPuppies says:

    FACT: This happens in every single restaurant in the country. Everybody knows it, so let’s not pretend “shock” or “outrage”.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    Well, at least they didn’t do this:

    #16 – TooManyPuppies – FACT: This happens in every single restaurant in the country.

    Where’s your evidence?

  18. The0ne says:

    Meh, I had always wondered why kids always wanted to work at fast food places and figure I let me university internships go and give it a shot. Well, I ended up at McDonalds and was put to heavy, dirty labor. This manager was pathetic. She had me scrub the floors and bathroom floors with a toothbrush with no gloves and them head straight to cooking your delicious burgers and what not!

    Sure I complained but she just shut me and and told me to either do it or I’m fire. Needless to say, 2 weeks and I was gone and never since worked at these stupid places.

    Lesson learned, NEVER get curious about stupid things!

  19. OvenMaster says:

    #16: When I was fresh out of high school, I worked in my share of fast food joints, restaurants, and factory cafeterias. Not once did anyone even mention tampering with patrons’ food, never mind actually do it. Some of the bosses were real f-tards, but health and cleanliness were always tops.

    The only time I ever saw deliberate food mishandling (refusal to unlock a refrigerator after 5pm to put perishables inside) was in a Canadian restaurant on my first — and only — day. I quit on the spot.

  20. steve says:

    a better reason i never eat out is the food is overpriced and boring almost anywhere i go,i like cooking and eating to much to let some simpleton prepared it for me who has the sanitary standard of most third world folks-you folks now what i’m talking at home it cheaper-tastier and healthier and you might even like your own cooking.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    A few years ago, finances were tight and we gave-up eating at restaurants until our credit cards were paid off. (same with take-out, grocery store deli, etc.) It took us about a year.

    We never ate better!

    What started out being a money saver, ended up being a positive life change and we never fully returned to our old eating habits.

    With just a little practice, you can usually cook better than restaurant food. Certainly better than fast food.

  22. Grandpa says:

    Greg Allen, you’re right. I know my buggers taste better than his!

  23. jalford says:

    You gotta ask yourself, Are You Hungry Punk!

  24. soundwash says:

    big deal.

    chain food eats are notorious for this.

    buy at a family owned eatery..they have pride.
    -but if you piss them off, -it could end up all the same.

  25. Charbax says:

    Where’s the evidence that they actually delivered those meals to customers and that they weren’t just making fun, saying it was for a customer and actually throwing the stuff out once the camera was turned off?

  26. Greg Allen says:


    He. He. Blech.

    I am not too worried about getting sick in restaurants. (Maybe I SHOULD be, but I’m not.)

    I had just slowly lowered my standards and started believing that restaurant food is good.

    You can EASILY make a sandwich better than Subway — and just as fast. (not if you count the shopping, I suppose.)

    You can EASILY make a hamburger better than any fast food chain.

    The hardest was pizza, actually. The toppings and cheese are no problem but the crust took some trying. My pizzas now are just as good as any chain, IMHO.

  27. Don says:

    Contrary to popular myth, there are no food police who can lock these Bozos up. The worst that can happen is the store get fined, and prolly some kind of lawsuit. The local city healthy inspector may give the location some additional scrutiny. But proving damages to any one individual or even a group could be pretty tough.


  28. Uncle Patso says:

    # 20 steve said, in part:

    “a better reason i never eat out is the food is overpriced and boring almost anywhere i go”

    It also contains about six to ten times as much salt as it should…

    You can’t fool me — those guys actually work for Papa John’s!

  29. The Warden says:

    It’s a known fact that farting on food actually brings out more flavor. Try it at home and you’ll see! Even Dvorak will tell you they piss in wine to help it ferment thus making it taste better!

  30. ObamaSucks says:

    Since the guy is a member of the fruit of the loops club just hope he doesn’t have AIDS or worse. Guess it could be classified as a secret recipe ingredient.


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