After seeing what little good the embargo of Cuba has done regarding regime change, I have to assume that we’ve wanted Cuba to be the way it is — a Communist bastion. Why? Just lift the whole embargo and let everyone go there. This didn’t work to anyone’s benefit.

President Barack Obama directed his administration Monday to allow unlimited travel and money transfers by Cuban Americans to family in Cuba, and to take other steps to ease U.S. restrictions on the island, a senior administration official told The Associated Press.

The formal announcement was being made at the White House Monday afternoon, during presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs’ daily briefing with reporters. The official spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to upstage the president’s announcement.

  1. #28
    Paddy your literacy problem explains a lot about of your lack of understanding of the world and your position in it.

    Like I said and I’ll print is slowly so you might understand and not make false accusations about not reading the article.

    “L O O K S L I K E T H E B A B Y S T E P S A R E S T A R T I N G
    E A R L Y ”

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #35 What about the phrase, “It remains to be seen” don’t you understand?

  3. Phydeau says:

    #37 pedro sez:

    cuba is evil

    OK, I’m guessing disgruntled expatriate over wacky wingnut, though the two aren’t mutually exclusive, in fact I’d bet there’s a positive correlation. 🙂

    Correction: cuba can be America’s playground again!

    Ah, another hint… so, pedro, did your parents or grandparents own casinos in Cuba, and that mean ol’ Castro shut them down???

  4. Publius says:

    Does Cuba have coral reefs and nice quiet bays?

    Can we scuba there now?


  5. badtimes says:

    #5- maybe yes, maybe no. The younger generation of Cuban-Americans don’t remember the old country like their forebears- for them, home is S. Fla. I’ve read some interviews with the younger generation- when they talk in private, they support an end to the embargo.

  6. RSweeney says:

    Let’s see.

    Cuba has 1957 Chevy’s and 1959 Cadillacs that Americans want.

    America has 2009 Jeeps and Explorers that Cubans want.

    I see some business potential here.

  7. seeingitreal says:

    This is the first step; next step is to open it up to everynody and get the resorts open.

    By complete and utter coincidence, I’m sure there are some guys in Chicago with names like “Timmy The Chin” and “Knuckles” who will be very happy to help get the casinos running again!

    ObaMessiah didn’t make it to the top in Chicago without help, and he’s going to have to repay those people sometime.

  8. Cursor_ says:

    Cuba should have been killed with kindness from the start.

    No dictatorship lasts once you give people economic and social freedom. Look at the USSR. Between their inept handling of their nation and our enticements they collapsed.

    Cuba will do the same. No people can remain thralled forever.

    Ike screwed up in the first place. Just like Wilson did with Minh.

    That’s what happens when you let bigots in power.


  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Look at the bright side, Star baseball players for the MLB by the bucketfull.

  10. SparkyOne says:

    So we gonna get to see Elian Gonzalez again?

  11. Special Ed says:

    I’ve always wanted to scuba dive in Cuba, looks like I may have a chance. Not to mention we’ll have another influx of lawn care professionals.

  12. Dallas says:

    Great news. I may go there soon before Castro kicks the bucket and it becomes a madhouse to visit.

    Obama change is happening fast in less than 100 days. WOW. Does he have enough Bush De-Crapper spray? I think so.

    The sad truth is the Cubans in Miami are in a generational clash. The old farts want to keep the embargo (rather cut of their nose..) while the younger generation (less than 50 yrs old) wants the embargo lifted. It’s about time we we stop kissing the FLorida Cuban’s ass every four years to get their vote like a frigg’n election pilgimage. This is the right steps to finally freeing this Island of a tyrant who is effectively dead- flood the country with capitalism.

  13. deowll says:

    Do business. If things are better elsewhere people will want change. Maybe they can make things better. If not then let them have what they want.

    Of course in Cuba power still comes out of the barrel of a gun.

  14. chuck says:

    #3 – well, I think the biggest downside for republicans is that it might get Obama re-elected.

  15. MikeN says:

    So there will be freedom to go to Cuba, but how about freedom to go FROM Cuba?

  16. BigBoyBC says:

    I always thought that the embargo did more to keep Castro in power than anything else.

  17. Named says:


    Yes they do. At Jibacoa the reef is about 10 metres from the shore. You just walk out into the water and stick your head in.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Might be fun to go to the town of Daiquiri and taste its namesake…

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Naive, Naive, Naive.

    As I said before, just because the US government will allow us to go there doesn’t mean that the Cuban government will allow us to go there!

    Except for visiting the closely controlled tourist spots, not one American will see an inch of Cuba.

    No 50’s cars to take home, no finding that-out-of-the-way reef, nothing.

    Most Cubans will probably not know the embargo has been lifted.

    Remember, the Cuban government wants to stay in power, and letting a bunch of Americans run around willy-nilly isn’t in their best interest.

  20. MikeN says:

    The real reason lefties like the Hollywood people who visit love CUba is that the slave labor force produces high quality prostitutes.

  21. Phydeau says:

    #56 You might want to do some research what Cuba was like under Batista and the other despots before Castro. It was pretty much as you seem to think it is under Castro, kind of a playground for rich sleazy Americans. Which just shows your ignorance.

  22. Phydeau says:

    Yes, pedro, we know you’re still sore about Castro after all these years. 🙂


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