1. Simon Cowell says:

    One Brit’s head-up-his-own-ass view of American conservative media.

    Apparently, nothing new for him to comment on concerning the emerging British fascist police state or, the eventual take-over of England by massive Islamic population growth.

  2. Wretched Gnu says:

    Wow — an accurate look at the media. And from a Brit!

  3. And Now for Something Completely Different says:

    I love the well made point that Fox News is always talking about their ratings, being #1 in cable news and THEN complaining about “the media”. Dude, if you’re #1 in cable news, and print media (newspapers are dying off) then YOU are the media…or at least a BIG part of it. You can’t claim to be the dominate dog and an underdog AT THE SAME DAMN TIME!

  4. brian t says:

    So it’s fine when Bill Maher or Jon Stewart does it? It’s just a bit of humorous comment, so now you’re going get your [knickers in a twist | panties in a wad] because a non-Merkin is doing it? Humbug.

  5. bobbo says:

    #4–brian==”So it’s fine when Bill Maher or Jon Stewart does it?” /// It being a comedy show? Have you just ignored Jon Stewart as he made this point repeatedly? No? Why then give the bone head award to the good conservative “repeat it until they believe it” talking point award.

    News and Commentary should not compete with (and fail against) a comedy show for substance.


  6. brian t says:

    Weird: this is only part of a longer piece he did. It started with a look at British news readers. So, someone has edited out the first part, and put up the second part for Americans to take get offended at. The whole thing is at YouTube video ID _amyJCLmMY8 .

  7. DocColorado says:

    Why would we give a rats ass about what the British think?

    They tax the HELL out of their viewing audiences, and have the most LEFT WING news “Organisation” one could imagine. BBC?

    Most of their TV after 10pm is stupid lawn bowling, ensures you’ll go to sleep after watching it for about 5 minutes.

    Maybe Obama should look into this TAX


  8. Paddy-O says:

    Title is wrong:

    How The Brit Gov’t instructed Charlie Brooker To Say How He Sees Fox And The Rest Of American TV News


  9. bob says:


  10. Jägermeister says:

    The truth hurts, doesn’t it…

  11. User7 says:

    All of the people he pointed out are guilty of being passionate. Right or Left all of the people he pointed out are moved by their patriotism, and make an entertaining show out of it.

  12. Cornfused says:

    Heck, that’s how I see it, and I’m an US Citizen.

  13. James Hill - Owning Uncle Dave as long as he's posted. says:

    No need to watch, because the Brits control nothing. Just because the right is still in charge is no reason to get pissy.

  14. LibertyLover says:

    I deleted FOX News from my TIVO lineup and from my web browser bookmarks after they snubbed Ron Paul during the last election cycle.

    I haven’t watched them since.

    Personally, I couldn’t give a flying sh*t about them.

  15. Fetchez la vache says:

    This seems right on the money and money is what puts Fox on the air.
    Are they fair and balanced? NO, but I’m glad I live in a country that they(Fox) can continue spew out there bias views. I just hope there viewers watch BBC, CNN ect. listen to NPR, and for a laugh of equal absurdity on the left MSNBC. As for the truth make up your own mind but remember the reputation of that sly fox he should not be trusted.

  16. Nimby says:

    Fox News = British Parliament

    I see them both as very entertaining, more than a little wacky, a kind of theater (theatre) of the absurd.

  17. Peace Out says:

    Their “patriotism” the new word for “racism”! Fox News is the biggest load of shite I have ever had the misfortune of watching! America needs to look in the mirror and then learn how to read; Thou Shall Not Kill… Yes, it’s right there in that novel you keep shoving down peoples throats “The Bible” read it sometime! Islam is not the enemy Simon Cowell #1

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 19 Peace Out said, “Thou Shall Not Kill… ”

    Actually the correct translation is: Thou Shall Not Murder…

    What was your point?

  19. Peace Out says:

    #20 Paddy-O said, Thou Shall Not Murder… Murder: the crime of killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense or with any other extenuating circumstance recognized by law. Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan and maybe Iran next. Your far right news and your far right wars are destroying the world and are based on lies and racism!

  20. Fetchez la vache says:


    Can we hold paddy while you hit him?

    He does not speak for the majority of us. His kind lost the last two election cycles hopefuly we are moving in a better derection now.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #21 ROFL!

    I can see that you are new here.

  22. Someone Else says:

    Fox is too whiney, angry, preachy, and self centered. In other words, it’s too Liberal.

  23. Twirrim says:

    Oh Goody, more anti-brit crap from Dvorak.org

    Fancy putting this clip in context?

    Fancy looking at who and what Charlie is and what his show does?

    He’s deliberately over-opinionated, very vocal and foul mouthed, exaggerating even the slightest gripe for comedic purposes.

    Oh no.. it’s British, heck let’s just be egotistical and claim it’s an attack on us.

    Whatever happened to journalism, to checking and understanding sources?

  24. SimonSezz says:

    I watch BBC News whenever or local news when I can. I can’t stand Fox News, CNN, MSNBC. Look at how those stations reported news in the early 90’s. Now look at them and it is all opinionated news, and most of the stories are just so the station can express their points of view instead of just reporting the new unaltered. I think that the stations think we as Americans need to have drama and entertainment in our news instead of just plain news stories.

  25. jccalhoun says:

    “head-up-his-own-ass view of American conservative media”

    Yes because that Keith Olberman guy in the clip is so conservative…

    “have the most LEFT WING news “Organisation” one could imagine. BBC?”

    You have obviously never listened to Democracy Now. http://democracynow.org/ Amy Goodman makes the BBC look like Fox News.

  26. MikeN says:

    Paid for by a yearly tax on everyone who owns a TV.

  27. Li says:

    BBC is neo-liberal, a philosophy that barely has light between it and the neo-conservatism of Fox, when you boil it down to basics. Of course, there is the appearance of conflict between the philosophies, but they have essentially the same foreign (interventionist) and domestic (quasi-fascist police state) policies, so I would argue that this is all just for show. The fact that Rupert Murdoch runs a neo-lib network in Britain and a neo-con network in the US should be evidence enough that there is no functional difference between the too.

    A few people here mentioned Amy Goodman and Ron Paul. Ever wonder why those two (and their counterparts) almost never get a fair shake or even air time at critical moments? Because the western media is essentially controlled by this axis of false-dichotomy, and they don’t want to have their quasi-liberalism or quasi-conservatism revealed as a fascist front and sham by exposing people to actual liberals and conservatives.

    Most of you have bought the lie, but I’ll support both Amy -and- Ron for as long as I have the freedom to do so.

  28. LibertyLover says:

    #30, Good post.

  29. jgo says:

    “Most of their TV after 10pm is stupid lawn bowling, ensures you’ll go to sleep after watching it for about 5 minutes.”

    #7 – Clearly you have NO idea what you are talking about.

  30. fw says:

    News for you:
    It is hardly only them that has that view about America news.


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