Are all BK ads spicy?

Mexico is protesting a whopper of an insult. “The taste of Texas with a little spicy Mexican,” a narrator’s voice says.

An advertisement for Burger King’s Texican Whopper burger that has run in Europe shows a small wrestler dressed in a cape resembling a Mexican flag. The wrestler teams up with a lanky American cowboy almost twice his height to illustrate the cross-border blend of flavors.

Mexico’s ambassador to Spain said Monday he has written a letter to Burger King’s offices in that nation objecting to the ad and asking that it be removed. Jorge Zermeño told Radio Formula that the ads “improperly use the stereotyped image of a Mexican.”

Press officials at Burger King Corp. offices in Miami, Florida, and Madrid, Spain, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Burger King is known for its signature Whopper hamburger.

  1. Don says:

    HEHEHEHE, and they are so cute when they are angry too!


  2. LibertyLover says:

    “They got — little hands — little eyes — they walk around telling great big lies . . .”

  3. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    How do Mexicans tell when they are hungry? Their asshole stops burning.

  4. Hep hep hep says:

    I do not understand the problem
    Is it because we have become too politically correct in everything we do to the point of having no substance in any of the marketing we do or communications that we have

  5. OvenMaster says:

    “Jorge Zermeno told Radio Formula that the ads ‘improperly use the stereotyped image of a Mexican.'”

    I would hope that Señor Zermeno would be willing to educate Burger King on the proper use of a stereotyped image of a Mexican. 😀

  6. AdmFubar says:

    wasnt this a jack black movie???

    have any stereotyped texans complained??

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    Haven’t all the Burger King ads been on the weird side even since they started using that creepy guy in the costume?

    They’re creepier than the Bill and Jerry “Churro” ad.

  8. Eduardo Arredondo says:

    This is the “controvertial” video:

    I’m a mexican and personally I don’t find it ofensive, it’s kinda funny.

    It’s just an opinion from an embassador, the mexican people couldn’t care less.

  9. mr show says:

    The thing is many luchadors (“Mexican wrestlers” to the dumb masses) incorporate the Mexican flag/flag colors into their costumes.

    I guess the impetus behind the offense was making the wrestler the lesser of the cowboy (as his clownish help)? This doesn’t exactly rank up there with the Frito Bandito character…

    Is it wrong of me to be insensitive and not really care as I’m preoccupied with other things? I think Jorge Zermeno should try to help his country improve its conditions. Work to lessen your country’s poverty and corruption and you’ll have my respect (as if he’s asking for it and as if improving Mexico is that simple to do).

    In the meantime it’s late and I want a BK burger…damn!

  10. mr show says:

    #7 I agree! The relatively new Burger King creeps me out. That plastic perma-grim and dead eyes…

    The King from the 1970s was far more friendly (although maybe too much [i.e., potentially stoned]….hey it was the 70s).

  11. Cursor_ says:

    Ok maybe he didn’t read the description of the burger to clearly.

    Taste of Texas (full size, bold) and a little spicy Mexican. (A hint of, smaller but strong)
    Hence the luchador.

    People really really need to THINK. Its like the Taco Bell ads that got pulled as an insult when the dog was actually voiced by a latino.

    Switch the brain on.


  12. Hmeyers says:

    It’s Mexico’s ambassador who is complaining.

    Now doesn’t he have something better to do than be watching tv commercials and trying to find something to take offense at.

    Looks like he’s trying to put the ASS back into ambassador.

  13. Toxic Asshead says:

    The Frito Bandito character was cool and should be brought back.

  14. Personality says:

    So what is the proper stereotype? Guys with guns beheading rival drug pushers?

  15. jbenson2 says:

    The world is going nucking futs over this political correctness crap. Heaven help anyone who tries to add humor to an advertisement.

  16. tcc3 says:

    You know, I don’t remember diminutive farmers getting all pissy about the breakfast ad from a few weeks ago.

    It takes a big ego to take offense at trivialities. When its always about you its easy to be insulted.

    What happened to the famous macho attitude? This sounds a lot like whining to me…

  17. SP101 says:

    “I dun got to show you no stinkin’ bage”

    Now, that’s is my stereotype.
    Here’s another one;

    Old, bent over, grey haired Chinese ladies, wearing the most ridiculous purple toned plaid, paisley, and stripped clothes, all terribly mismatched, and a cheezy old dirty baseball cap, carrying pink plastic bags.

    You may not like it, but it is what I see every day. So, even if true, the politically correct police call me a racist. That, and the ones with cars drive lousy. Like they are the fuckin’ center of the universe. Which, of course, they are. They don’t call it the “Middle Kingdom” for no reason.

  18. Piculin says:

    I posted a couple of links to youtube to show BK ads in Spain, using cliches about our neighbours France and Portugal, and our own country, but for some reason it says I’m trying to spam…
    Among others, a Portuguese lady bith a moustache, French guy with croissant, Spanish matador and conquistador…

    I guess the ambassador has to much spare time

  19. dwmusic says:

    I thought the ad was a charming portrayal of a gay couple who met by chance, and who were meant for each other.


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