How many of the activities listed are ordinary things that ordinary people do? Or used to do before they became too afraid to do them anymore because of things like this. When the population is too afraid or is spying on its neighbors or government becomes oppressive in the name of protecting the people, the terrorists have achieved their goal.

But don’t you feel safer?

  1. jccalhoun says:

    So are the producers of this video terrorists then since they almost certainly did all of those seven steps except perhaps “testing security” to make this video?

  2. soundwash says:

    i wonder why they dont call “truthers” “liers” instead..i they are more (than less) considered to be spreading lies than truth, no? *shrug*

    #24: Mr Diesel, yes, i argued with myself about adding that in. however, it is the first time i’ve seen independent research that was more than the usual collecting of somewhat anecdotal news and video evidence to present a case for foul play.

    since I found the publication linked on the link page to one of the NoAgenda podcasts a week or so ago, i figured it’d warrant a look.

    the publication is thorough, detailed, very well referenced, uses actual scientific process (not armchair/internet science) and brought to bear the tools from two Universities on the samples.

    it is *the only* independent publication
    i have come across that in my opinion, could stand up as evidence in court of law.

    on the surface, if i were opposing council in a court of law, the only major play i can see to
    discredit it, would be the chain of custody of the samples themselves. -this can easily be verified, however.

    for these reasons, i felt listing it did not detract from the overall case i made above and
    “worth the risk” of being labeled a truther, crackpot or whatever you wish.

    i spent almost a month (9/14-10/4) at ground zero, volunteering at Javits and St. Paul’s church, feeding the recovery workers. i also
    put up an Australian EMT rescue tech for two weeks who flew himself in from Australia to search for survivors on the pile.

    for several weeks i listened first hand
    to many accounts from professional recovery
    workers, local and foreign, who had worked recovery on building fires and collapses many times prior, who were seriously questioning the mechanics behind the collapse events well in advance of any conspiracies or official statements.

    -i myself shouted “aww give me a break, that
    was demolished” at the TV when the second
    tower fell and later was downright pissed
    off when i saw #7 drop.

    i may be “too close” to these events, but nonetheless, you cannot ignore the grave
    threat to our founding principals, liberties,
    our very way of life, not to mention the lives
    of most all the rest of the world, democratic or otherwise, that this event is being used usurp.

    look, if we are going to give our elected officals the authority to look under every rock, every nook and cranny across the globe in order to hunt down fellow humans who fit an extremely vague and ever changing profile of “terrorist threat” -we better be dam sure about the events
    we have used to justify this unprecedented behaviour.

    a final note:
    to add to the absurdity that this event
    produces almost daily, just released today,
    (and *if* this is a valid DHS document)

    DHS doc Titled:
    “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment”

    read about it here:
    (there is a PDF link in the article)

    -amongst other things, DHS
    is now going to profile returning military veterans as possible terrorist candidates.

    where does it end?

    i sincerely hope this is false.


  3. BubbaRay says:

    No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

    Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms!

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    #32 soundwash

    I sure hope that website isn’t real.


  5. deowll says:

    Typical cold war crap for those to young to know.

    Most of this means jack: a tourist or somebody new to the location is going to do this.

    Some of it like getting military/police ids and equipment would most likely be criminals and should be reported besides breaking a dozen laws on the face of it.

    Most schools are just about equiped to deal with some kid showing up with a nail file. Well one parent did wear a sheath knife in but when he was told he could be arrested for that he put it in his car. Was he a threat? No, He was a red neck concerned parent who showed up for parent teacher conference wearing what he normally wore.

  6. whooptedoo says:

    Aside from the actual content, I’m always suspicious of videos that need an emotionally manipulative soundtrack.
    Oh and delivered by the homely “mom” figure wearing the passionate/exciting red clothing.
    How about making a video for the seven signs of manipulative scaremongering?

  7. wyliesau says:

    how sick are you people???
    this is worse than George Orwells “1984” and old east germany togther!!! this is how HITLER was getting BIG.


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