How many of the activities listed are ordinary things that ordinary people do? Or used to do before they became too afraid to do them anymore because of things like this. When the population is too afraid or is spying on its neighbors or government becomes oppressive in the name of protecting the people, the terrorists have achieved their goal.

But don’t you feel safer?

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    This video was bullshit the first time I saw it and it didn’t get any better with age.

    this is exactly the kind of knee jerk reaction that has people calling for every little thing like taking pictures of landmarks (buildings).

    Some people take pictures of bridges and power plants for the hell of it. I don’t but some do.

    Now what, we go on vacation and stand at the end of the Golden Gate bridge and asking people about it and get the police called on us?

  2. sargasso says:

    Terrorists, correct me if I’m wrong, are not especially clever. A doctrine that sends it’s best and bravest to a certain death, leaves behind only old men and a lot of young virgins. Wait a second..

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Makes me glad I’m not a land developer or downtown redeveloper.

    I’d be a terrorist!

  4. Jennifer says:

    Gotta love how every mid-level politician and police chief is now a seminar away from being an expert on terrorism…

  5. Thinker says:

    Wow, this reminds me of the ‘Modern Jackass’ episode of ‘This American Life’

    The person talks with such authority on something she really knows little of. But perhaps she got briefed by her boss, or read it in an article somewhere and now she’s the authority, out to save the public.

    Just like what they read in the last issue of ‘Modern Jackass’
    I think she still has my copy.

  6. thepenguin says:

    I remember when people would actually go over to their neighbors to say hi, what the hell

  7. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. says:

    Now, kiddies, if mommy or daddy EVER say anything mean about the President, you have to call the FBI, OK? Because, kids, your parents are possibly evil terrorists, and you are not really their kids. No. They probably killed you real mommy and daddy when you were a baby. Did you ever wonder why they like to be ALONE sometimes???

  8. soundwash says:

    what terrorists?

    so far, the only terror i’ve seen is that which the government has inflicted on it’s own people..


    (from under what rock was this video dug out from?)

  9. Zybch says:

    So according to this video, if I’m out jogging (yeah right) and I pass someone sitting down, I should call the cops or DHS because they’re a TERRORIST!!

  10. Bill says:

    Can you remember how it was when you were growing up? I’m old now but i can still remember what it was like to be unafraid.
    I feel sorry for the kids of today they must be scared shi*less!

    I’m sorry we didn’t take care of business when we had the chance to.

  11. Twirrim says:

    The Terrorism war was won from square one. Instead of realising it was a propaganda fight, the US, UK and so on all took it as a guns and missiles fight. Instead of winning anything, we all just went and gave the other side more ammunition.

    #10 Are you saying you were unafraid during the cold war? With repeated nuclear bunker drills and the like?
    I’m a young guy, so excuse me if I’m ignorant on that, but I seem to recall reading that there was always the build up over commies coming to eat the little children, rape your dogs and whatever.

    I don’t really see the terrorism thing as any different from “How to tell if your neighbor is a commie”

  12. eyeofthetiger says:

    haha, note to terrorist the Paseo Missouri bridge has enough holes in it. Not that there is a crappy river “boat” casino 300 yards away. That park is also where KC has Ocktober Fest 🙂

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    8. Sending your troops to ‘democratise’ other countries.

  14. Killer duck says:

    I like how 4:00 mins in the girl reports the guy who is sitting on a park bench with a notebook. If that is the new bar for terrorism we’re all fukced.

  15. RicoSauve says:

    I know.. glad I don’t live in the states.. I like to go sit in parks with laptop/pen & paper and write stuff… I must be public enemy #1 or something

  16. chuck says:

    I think the US Federal Government does at least 5 of the 7 signs. Does that make it a terrorist organization?

  17. Li says:

    Using binoculars? Really? All those terrorist birders and tourists!

  18. Greg Allen says:

    As a person who lived with terrorism, here’s what I concluded:

    1) Suspicious people are never terrorists.

    2) Governments focus on the LAST target, not the next. So, were screwed.

    3) You can’t do much to protect yourself, anyway.

    4) Even so, super-sizing your meal is far more likely to kill you.

    Or running reds.

    Or not getting the lump checked-out.

    Or the gun you bought to protect yourself from the terrorists!

  19. Now for something completely different says:

    Just use bloody common sense. There were ‘terrorists’ 3,000 years ago in the Egyptian empire, 2,000 years ago in the Roman empire, 1,000 years ago in medieval Europe, and there will be terrorists 1,000 years from now. They’re always a tiny minority of nut balls. Since they ARE a tiny minority, they can’t literally bring down a system (did the Oklahoma City bombers stop “the government”?). What they CAN do…the ONLY thing they can do is do some symbolic scary act that gets the big powers to eat themselves (which is what we’ve been on the verge of doing since 9/11). Just use common sense, and otherwise ignore them. You CAN’T make reality perfectly safe, but the ODDS are still good for all of us. For those of you living in Wyoming, don’t get all hot and bothered about it, you’re 10,000 times more likely to die in a drunk driving accident than from terrorism.

  20. OvenMaster says:

    Of course the terrorists have won!

    We obsess about them.

    We cannot help but think about them constantly because our “media” and “government” keeps ramming the fear of what they might do to us down our throats 24/7.

    The constant 7.5 year long drumbeat of George Bush’s “War on Terror”® made terrorism as common as light bulbs and white bread.

    Terrorism has been a common everyday word everywhere else in the world for ages.

    And frankly, no, I don’t feel safer. Thanks a lot, GWB!

  21. soundwash says:

    some other points:

    why does no one pose the question of “the exit strategy” for the “war on terror”?

    as far i can see, this war will never end as it is against a stateless enemy and it is far too profitable, both in political/governmental power and monetarily via arms sales and military build ups. -not to mention the orgasmic abuse of war powers The Fed and US Treasury seems to be addicted to.

    -plus, it seems as soon as one fairytale terrorist organization loses it’s appeal, they start focusing a “new” emerging threat.
    -and then there is always domestic terror waiting on tap to continue the fear mongering and abuse of power.

    iirc, the six or seven supposed terror attacks that were supposedly thwarted on US soil during bush’s term later turned out to completely false, or fabricated evidence based on payed informants. -you may have heard of related arrests, but never any convictions.

    anyway..think about it..i cannot recall *ever* hearing of any exit strategy concerning this war.
    and to beat the proverbial dead horse some more..

    8 years later, the FBI’s favorite Most Wanted boogy-man, Usama Bin Laden, still does not list Bin Laden as connected to the 9/11 incident, (nor any refernce to Al Qaeda for that matter) -which one can only infer that they do not have proof beyond reasonable doubt that he had anything to do with it. -otherwise they would have to provide such proof and update his FBI’s Most Wanted bulletin stating such.

    -yet the second most wanted terrorist on FBI’s most wanted (Adam Yahiye Gadahn) does have links or support to Al Qaeda listed.

    -adding more insult to injury, a recent peer reviewed chemical analysis (march 2009) of the dust at the WTC collapse has revealed a considerable amount of what appears to be highly specialized, un-ignited thermite in the dust.

    found here

    -further, we have congressional testimony that the intelligence used to justify the Iraq War was false, which in turn, casts an even longer shadow back to the validity of original events that started us down this path.

    in the end, we are left with more questions than answers as to the validity of the war on terror.

    to those who fear independent thought and only know how to scream “wingnut”, i only ask that given the unprecedented speed in which we are giving up our liberties in the name of a stateless enemy who’s face is not only unknown, but changes almost on a weekly basis,

    -would you rather have half truths or undeniable proof, if you were in a court of law where your liberties and those of your offspring were at stake?

    how many more liberties are we to give up before we are declared “safe” from this faceless enemy?

    how many more lives are to be wasted in it’s endless pursuit?

    can you even logically win a war on terror given the emotional nature of humans?

    finally, maybe we need only ask “Cui Bono”

    -as this simple question more often than not, points us to the rocks that need to be overturned to find the answers we seek.


  22. Troublemaker says:

    How often do terrorist acts happen in the US?

    Maybe once every hundred years or so?

    This bullshit make me want to puke.

  23. bobbo says:

    The most recent stupid terrorist media driven hysteria is those priates that just got killed. They it seems were more than just pirates–they too were terrorists. I guess when I have to get the plumbers helper out to unclog my toilet, that shows terrorists activities as well. Those terrorists are “EVERYWHERE!!”

    BS Media. They are more a political tool than a safeguard. We need a new approach to “news and information.”

  24. Mr Diesel says:

    #21 soundwash

    You had some good points, especially on the loss of rights.

    Then you go and post a link to an article that shows the dust from the WTC attack contains thermite. Really? So does my laptop and car and my house. Does that mean that the government can make my house and car and laptop explode at anytime?

    Just because dust contains materials that can be used to make thermite doesn’t make it thermite. It sounds more like a “Truther” article to me.

  25. Simon Cowell says:

    This list actually sounds more like how to pick up women than terrorist activities.

  26. Wretched Gnu says:

    Terrorist: Hey buddy, I’m, uh, “seeking information” about those two giant towers over there. What’s the deal with those towers? People work there?

    Citizen: Yes.

    Terrorist: Really, now? [takes some notes] Lots of people, or just a few?

    Citizen: Lots

    Terrorist: And they’re Americans who work there, right? What country am I in again?

    Citizen: Yes, Americans, mostly.

    Terrorist: How strong are those buildings, would you say? Could they withstand the impact, say, of a giant metallic whale?

    Citizen: Possibly.

    Terrorist: And you say that these American people work there *in* the building, is that right?

    Citizen: Yes, in the building.

    Terrorist: Not beneath?

    Citizen: No, inside.

    Terrorist: [takes notes] Thank you, my friend. This has been a *very* interesting conversation. Very interesting indeed… [skulks away, rubbing hands together]

  27. Ron Larson says:

    Gotta love the scary music… sort of sounds like “Tubular Bells” from “The Omen”.

    Be afraid! Report all of the oddballs!

  28. zorkor says:

    Terrorists are the new USSR Communists. Remember How the Hollywood movies used to portray the deadly communist bear waiting to invade America and rain ballistic missiles to all US cities. Everyone knows how much true was that.

    Now the commies have been replaced by terrorists. The West and the Hollywood movies cant stop scaring the crap out of everyone regarding terrorists.

    Have you ever met the people which the west call the terrorists? Most have a hard time feeding their families than to think about fighting a war with the west.

    Everyone knows who is behind 911, only fools think that a guy hiding in a cave ordering such a big act..

    regarding terrorists winning,
    Overblown balloon, thats I always say…

  29. Uncle Sam says:

    # 16 chuck said, on April 12th, 2009 at 7:35 pm

    I think the US Federal Government does at least 5 of the 7 signs. Does that make it a terrorist organization?

    No it doesn’t, but we’re watching you now!

  30. Cursor_ says:


    Before the USSR there were Nazis.
    Before them Anarchists.
    Before them Spaniards.
    Before them Native Americans.
    Before them Confederates.
    Before them Brits.
    Before them French.

    This is Machiavelli: 101.

    This is how those in power stay in power.



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