1. w says:

    Yeah, cause everybody wants to see a bunch of sad bitches and gay men dance in a train terminal in a foreign country. How riveting.

  2. Machine Knight says:

    Nice cheerful vid 🙂

    Reminds me of the improv everwhere stuff

  3. sargasso says:

    Those wacky, Belganians.

  4. Mr. Banks says:

    Julie Andrews always well be a babe

    Of course it was planed, well rehearsed had cameras on tripods all over. In a musical as the story progress people will suddenly hear music and start singing and dancing in lavish locations. For the rest people in the Train Station that day real life was a musical. I don’t care if they were promoting some thing or a twitter/cell text ring of folks all showing up at the same time to do something as if it were spontaneous. Whatever the motive it is Art of the First-order

  5. Amiga1200 says:

    T-mobile already did this in Liverpool Street station in London, UK.

  6. Steve Canuck says:

    It’s great to see Europeans showing their individuality, although as usual they all end up marching in step.

  7. loconavi says:

    Annoyed? Who? Show me a single frown.

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    What does dancing in a train station have to do with hunting, skinning and drinking the blood of a female deer?

  9. skunkman62 says:

    i dont know…made me smile.

  10. Twirrim says:

    Wow. Yeah. They were so annoyed, what with all that smiling, clapping and stuff.

    Is it a slow news day or something that you have to make up a story for this?

  11. Dallas says:

    That was thoroughly enjoyable.
    Unfortunately, not likely to happen in this country – at least not without someone getting tasered.

  12. McCullough says:

    #11. Yeah, I pretty much just made it up. Did it get your attention?

  13. scadragon says:

    OMG! It’s….the …. terrorists!
    How awful….

  14. Thomas says:

    The who point of that exercise was to be more annoying than John C. Dvorak . . . It failed. Youth and exuberance will always fail against old age and treachery.

  15. thelion1856 says:

    there was another video on youtube about a year or so ago here on the blog with some play company dancing around an airport doing a mini play anyone got the link please post it up im looking 4 it cant find it!!! thnx!!!

  16. MarkParker says:

    Who was annoyed? Looked like everyone was having fun. Take a pill, McCullough.

  17. dvdchris says:

    That was completely awesome. There have been a few of these type of stunts, evidenced by the related youtube videos.
    Undoubtedly they brought joy to the onlookers that day. Why the hate, McCullough?

  18. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. says:


  19. Dallas says:

    Oh oh…somebody didn’t find an Easter Egg 🙁

  20. gromnie says:

    #12: “Unfortunately, not likely to happen in this country”


    You’re welcome.

  21. Mark Derail says:

    ROTFL – It’s the new Rick Roll

  22. LibertyLover says:

    Let’s see if this is a terrorist activity:

    1) Surveillance

    Check. They had to know the layout.

    2) Seeking Information

    Check. They had to be able to get everybody into the area unnoticed.

    3) Testing Security

    Check. They did this when only two security guards were in the area. At least I only saw two on the video.

    4) Acquiring Supplies

    Check. Cameras, urban clothing, etc.

    5) Suspicious Behavior

    Check. Dancing to Julie Andrews!!!

    6) Trial Runs

    Check. Looked like they rehearsed to me.

    7) Getting into position

    Check. Line dancing.

    Yep. Terrorists.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    Fun! It needed a relevant song, though. Something, safe, fun but current.

    Feist, maybe?

  24. Greg Allen says:

    Good one Liberty Lover!

    A guy I know was a “watchful employee” who noticed those suspicious brown guys on the Washington ferry which set off a national alert Maybe you remember the story:


    After it was all over, I asked him if he REALLY, HONESTLY thought those guys were terrorists. He kept waffling. I pushed him on that point until he got angry.

    Anyway, I strongly suspect that it was racism rather than their behavior as the FBI claimed.

    Repeated rides? It’s a ferry, for cripes sakes! Taking pictures? Standing around looking at the boat? Talking quietly to your friend? EVERYBODY does this. I do this. You would do it.

    But if you’re Arab-ish and do this, it’s “suspicious.”

  25. orangetiki says:

    IS it me or did the title of this article change from a positive one to a negative one over the days?

  26. Boingtastic says:

    Good one #23!

  27. Miguel says:

    This sort of stunt is getting so tired…

  28. Ron Larson says:

    Two thoughts…

    (1) At 1 point near the end it struck me as similar to the North Korean Arirang Games.

    (2) I couldn’t help but contrast this event with the previous post “Why The Terrorist Have Won” (http://tinyurl.com/d7o7d5). Almost everything the people in the event did triggered the “7 Signs Of Terrorism”. Sadly, I can’t help but think that planning such an event at NYC’s Grand Central Station would trigger a massive police response.

  29. Cursor_ says:

    Had to stop it as soon as Julie started singing.

    If I wanted wonder bread fluff crud I would have popped in Bambi took some oxycodone and dressed in white shoes with a zippered pastel sweater.

    I just threw up a little.


  30. ramuno says:

    I love poeple bringing art to the people. It is even okay that it is usually sponsored or part of an ad campaign.

    Yes, this can go too far if it becomes just commercial with no artistic value. Even with the hokey song, this hasn’t crossed the line for me yet.


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