Where else but America (and perhaps a Japanese game show) could you find something like this.

Here’s what fans can expect from the Fifth Third Burger:

Start with an 8-inch sesame seed bun that requires 1 pound of dough and is made specially for the Whitecaps by Nantucket Baking Co. of Grand Rapids.

Spoon on nearly a cup of chili and place five one-third pound hamburger patties on top of that. (Get it, 5/3 pounds of beef for the Fifth Third Burger?)

Add five slices of American cheese and liberal doses of salsa, nacho cheese and Fritos. Top it off with lettuce, tomato and sour cream, and you have a burger that can be sliced with a pizza cutter and feed four people for $20. Jalapenos are optional.

  1. Personality says:

    Mmmm. Food left out in the sun. Delicious.

  2. Misanthropic Scott says:

    I have little doubt I could eat that. However, if I did so with any degree of regularity I would quickly double in weight. I’m trying not to be YAFA*, so I won’t.

    * Yet Another Fat American

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    3,500 calories per 1lb of fat.
    It takes about 300 calories to burn off on a moderate 40 minute walk. I don’t think over-eating is much of a game. Snorting Tabasco sauce, now that’s an opener event.

  4. ECA says:

    5×1/3 is NOT 4lbs..1.66 lbs maybe..
    1lb of bread..and you are past HALF way to 4lbs

  5. oplama says:

    What no fries.

  6. Micah says:

    5/3 is the name of the bank that sponsored the stadium. We have Fifth Third Field here in Toledo where the Mud Hens play.


  7. Improbus says:

    I couldn’t even finish my IHOP breakfast this morning. I am turning into such a light weight heavy weight.

  8. Jeff says:


  9. BigBoyBC says:

    OMG! It’s got frito’s corn chips, nacho cheese and sour cream. There is a place her in Los Angeles that does a 1-pound, 4-pounds what a load that guy will drop.

  10. The0ne says:

    Just looking at the burger makes me want to puke. I like meat but that’s just disgusting.

  11. AdmFubar says:

    can i get this supersized???

  12. Benjamin says:

    what? No bacon?

  13. Atrop- says:

    May contain traces of Valkyries.


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