As if opening car doors, pedestrians, bad drivers and everything else isn’t bad enough for bicyclers…

A cyclist was knocked out after being hit by a corpse thrown from a speeding car.

Student Wu Dan, 16, was riding home when the incident happened.

His uncle Yun Tsui said: “A car passed and a package came flying out the door. It had a dead woman inside. My nephew was very upset.”

Police believe she was the victim of a car accident and was being dumped by the driver who had hit her in Dongyang, eastern China.

  1. faxon says:

    Come on, John! Everybody is interested in the PIRATES!!!!

    So that is what I will comment on.
    Now the FBI is looking into whether or not the pirates can be charged with a Federal Offense!!!!!! Wow!!!!
    I suppose if Obama were President in 1941, he would have charged the Emperor of Japan with a crime, and tried to prosecute.
    What the fuck is WRONG with this country???
    How about blowing them the fuck up, and not having anything left over to prosecute???? Then turn Mogadishu into glass.
    No. The Messiah’s administration wants to supply them with New York ACLU lawyers!!!!

  2. sargasso says:

    Why did I immediately think, Florida?

  3. pfkad says:

    Faxon is an idiot. But on topic, my sister lived in India for a short time and on a taxi ride the driver ran over a person lying in the road. My sister was upset to say the least, but the driver’s response was, “Don’t worry lady, he was already dead.”

    Asia! Where they understand that life is cheap and act accordingly.

  4. Selvy says:

    #1—really? That is soooo Bill Clinton. I wonder if he’ll make the agents (ala Terry Tate from one of the old Nike spoof ads) read a piece of paper asking if they may take the suspects into custody with the intent of bringing them back to the United States for prosecution?

    That is the real problem. Just like looking to outside courts in order to decide US cases (ala Ruth Bader Ginsberg), it’s like people in these administrations keep looking for ways to supercede US law or otherwise purposefully limit their own actions…and if it results in poor decisions or invites more actions on the part of outside parties (foreign entities),oh well…

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    About the topic:

    “My nephew was very upset”. I expect that is a bit of an understatement!

    About #1, I only have two words…

    Navy Seals

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – faxon – The Messiah’s administration wants to supply them with…

    Still bitter about the election?

  7. JimR says:

    faxon, I sure hope you don’t own a gun…

  8. AdmFubar says:

    wow china sure has become innovative.. this is their version of the kamkazi pilot, cept they are dead to start with..

  9. faxon says:

    #7 What the hell do you care?

  10. faxon says:

    #6 Hell yes. This guy is fucking dangerous.

  11. Nimby says:

    Could have been worse: They might have dumped the body at the milk factory…

  12. dead_dump says:

    How about mixing them in with the fly ash used to make the cheaper Chinese made wall board used in all the new houses where their occupants are being made physically sick from the sulfur fumes.. There is a winner, buy a house that depreciates rapidly, have your builder in bankruptcy and find out your house is killing you.


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