I’m actually surprised someone hasn’t called this a terrorist attack. One thing is for certain; a lot was learned about the inter-connectivity and safety nets we have. Apparently everything from Internet to landlines to cell phones are interconnected. AND there is NO safety net.

The first four fiber-optic cables were cut shortly before 1:30 a.m. in an underground vault along Monterey Highway north of Blossom Hill Road in south San Jose, police Sgt. Ronnie Lopez said. The cables belong to AT&T, and most of the service disruption came from this attack.

Four more underground cables, at least two of which belong to AT&T, were cut about two hours later at two locations near each other along Old County Road near Bing Street in San Carlos, authorities said. Two additional lines were sliced on Hayes Avenue in south San Jose.

In each case, the vandals had to pry up heavy manhole covers with a special tool, climb down a shaft and chop through heavy cables. Britton said the four cables cut in San Jose were about the width of a silver dollar and were encased in tough plastic sheath. One cable contained 360 fibers, and the other three had 48 fibers each.

  1. clippership says:

    If you’re like a lot of people, you’re no longer carrying cash – just a few plastic cards. So when a store loses web connectivity, its ability to process credit cards when I check out, slows down dramatically. I for one am not in favor of reverting back to the use of stone knives and bearskins.

  2. Samson says:

    What are you guy’s talking about? It happened in Ohio too.


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