1. There you go – Adult Disney
    Wonder what the web site will look like as well

  2. Cursor_ says:



  3. orangetiki says:

    So remind me how watching a fanboy’s wet dream sells deodorant?

  4. Improbus says:

    100% AWESOME!

  5. jmsiowa says:

    Because that is their target audience?

    “honey need anything at the store?”

  6. JoaoPT says:

    These were not the girls I was looking for…

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    100% EPIC!

  8. hhopper says:

    Pretty cool HD 720p.

  9. KD Martin says:

    I must admit, for a YouTube clip, the production values are quite high.

    Thanks, Gasparrini!

  10. tpressman says:

    the listed stunt coordinator is none-other than the producer of Star Wars… Rick McCallum…


    He must be bored. Everyone in the movie business works in porn at some point, whether they like it or not. And porn doesn’t always mean “pron”.

  11. KD Martin says:

    #10, Thanks for pointing that out. As a return on the favor, I edited your URL. Please don’t include “www” on URLs, wordpress hates it.


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