BEING fat is fine for men in the business world, but it might just weigh down women’s prospects for promotion, research suggested yesterday.

A study found that being overweight further reinforced the glass ceiling faced by women trying to reach the top.

But for men, a larger waistline seemed to enhance their chances of entering the boardroom.
“The results suggest that while being obese limits the career opportunities of both women and men, being ‘merely overweight’ harms only female executives – and may actually benefit male executives.”

The results echo previous research showing that among white, middle-class communities, women faced “harsher weight standards” than men, Prof Roehling said.

The economy isn’t helping fatties of either sex.

“There are now so many people going for the same job because so many have been laid off,” he said.

“Unless an overweight candidate is particularly well qualified for the job, it is more likely to go to the slimmer, more attractive candidate. It is an employers’ market at the moment.”

  1. cengland0 says:

    Could it be due to obese people having more health care issues and costing the companies more in the long run?

  2. Jeanne says:

    Cenglando: What does that have to do with the disparity in numbers between fat males and females in higher business positions?

  3. mcosmi says:

    guess what…fat people tend to have worse habits, and just the same way enmployers can do credit checks to verify financially sound decisions in your personal life…they can also take one look at a fatty and come to the conclusion that health is not a top concern of that potential employee, and that they make bad decisions when it comes to health.
    Also…no one wants to look at a fat woman…and we all know that many women are hired as eye candy.

  4. Ziggie says:

    #1 – All I have to say to that is I am obese and have a clean bill of health (save all the excess weight). I am seldom sick, seldom at the doctor, and seldom need medicine.

    My wife, on the other hand, is in great shape and is sick every other week with some virus or cold or another.

    Weight != Health Issues.

  5. chuck says:

    no fat chicks (in the morning…)

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    Please, just don’t show the picture of that woman trying to button her pants again I beg you.

    Now the one at the bottom, by all means, put her at the top instead of Dvorak Uncensored.

  7. gmknobl says:

    There’s no excuse to be fat or obese unless you have some genetic abnormality. Otherwise, you’re choosing to be fat. If you’re obese, you choose to be obese.

    Eat less, exercise hard >30 minutes 3 or more times a week, eat a big breakfast preferably with some protein, a moderate lunch and a small, small dinner. Go to bed a little hungry and repeat the process. You Will Loose Weight.

    Simple. Never fails unless you do have that genetic problem which is very rare.

  8. Named says:


    “#1 – All I have to say to that is I am obese and have a clean bill of health (save all the excess weight). I am seldom sick, seldom at the doctor, and seldom need medicine.

    My wife, on the other hand, is in great shape and is sick every other week with some virus or cold or another.

    Weight != Health Issues.”

    You sure, absolutely sure, that your wife is not banging someone else while she’s home “sick” and you’re at work all healthy like?

  9. Twirrim says:

    I wonder about the psychological behind it. Some pure guesswork, no evidence to back my views up other than my experiences with boardroom types before.

    The women I’ve seen that are “boardroom types”, either just somewhere in the business or actually in the boardroom are all extremely driven personalities. They are driven to work hard and prove themselves, and they take that driven attitude to most aspects of life, including fitness.

    The only overweight woman I’ve seen who was in the boardroom was there because she was director of finance and was damn good at handling the figures and her staff, rather than through any form of business acumen.

    Men.. stab in the dark here, expanding waistline seen as a sign of prosperity and success?

  10. bobbo says:

    #10–Twirrim==she was good at her job and good with her people. What is your definition of acumen?

  11. Buzz says:

    Gotta love the headline:

    Number Of Fat Men Outweigh Number Of Fat Women In The Boardroom

    …b, be, because why, Mister Science?

    Well, Bobby, it’s because there are more men in the Boardroom.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    “Unless an overweight candidate is particularly well qualified for the job, it is more likely to go to the slimmer, more attractive candidate. ”

    It’s called natural selection. No surprise here.

  13. Ziggie says:

    9 –

    “You sure, absolutely sure, that your wife is not banging someone else while she’s home “sick” and you’re at work all healthy like?”

    Well, I was sure. Thanks a lot!

  14. Named says:


    Well.. I guess she COULD be sick at work, and you could be banging all the ladies at the office all healthy like…. Nah! That wouldn’t happen, would it?

  15. Nimby says:

    I could afford to lose a few pounds.

    Damn! I’m ready for my promotion and few million of dem bonuses (bonae?)!

  16. Steve says:

    # 12
    >>…b, be, because why, Mister Science?


  17. James Hill - Save the fatties for Greg. says:

    Can we agree that the feminist movement has stalled?

  18. DAIONNA says:


  19. drock says:

    dam girl you fat i would be your boyfriend if you lost some dam weight


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