• Will Scott McNealey take over the reins at Sun?
  • Microsoft steals patent loses a $388M lawsuit.
  • 3 strikes law against pirates rejected by the French.
  • Nintendo DSi is a great product!
  • Honda has a car for dogs.
  • Will Wright quitting Electronic Arts to go to the Stupid Fun Club.
  • MSFT says Apple machines are expensive. What? Who knew?
  • AP goes after people using their videos even though they encourage it on You Tube.
  • This show is sponsored by Squarespace.com code word TECH.

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  1. Zybch says:

    Not surprising that Will Wright has had enough of EA dictating what crap he has to turn his game concepts into. His original ideas for Spore were fantastic but EA forced him to make it more accessible and completely ruined it in the process.

  2. Kanjy says:

    The DSi looks pretty cool. Too bad Nintendo feels compelled to release a new model every two years. That’s just too frequent for me. I got a Nintendo DS in 2005 and a DS Lite just last year. I already have a digital camera, and the DS Lite’s screen is big enough for my eyes, so I suppose there’s really no reason for me to upgrade again to the DSi. If Nintendo starts releasing games only for the DSi, they’re really insulting loyal customers such as myself.

  3. James Hill - Destroying the dreams of children. says:

    I’m shocked that Wright stayed with EA as long as he did. However, it’s disappointing that this new venture sounds more like a think tank than a real studio.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    I’m not really defending Apple’s pricing. Because I’ve always thought their products were a bit overpriced, to attrack a loyal sales force. Just as IBM once did, in its day. And nobody complained about IBM stuff being overpriced. But come on, they were lousy with sales force. How could they not be overpricing to support all that?

    On the other hand, the majority of PCs are being made from the most inexpensive of components, mostly from China. Try building one yourself, from quality parts (or just do a parts shopping list) and see how NOT cheap your version of a PC ends up. I’d be guessing that most Apple Macs, outlast most PCs. So perhaps one should factor in repair visits and costs of PCs versus Macs. One might say that Mac owners bought their machines, because they didn’t want to have to worry about their computers quitting on them. Just as easily as saying Macs are more expensive than PCs. Maybe because quality costs more. BTW, a Roll Royce costs more than Yaris. Shocking, I know.


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