The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles turned down a request from a vegan driver to display ILVTOFU on a set of personalized license plates because the phrase could be construed as obscene, Tom McGee reports in The Denver Post. “”We don’t allow FU because some people could read that as street language for sex,” Department of Revenue spokesman Mark Couch told the Post. Turns out state plate arbiters forbid hundreds of letter combinations deemed too controversial or offensive, including ARS, SIN and PIG. The department occasionally convenes a committee to add to the verboten list “so that plates stay free of letters that abbreviate gang slang, drug terms or obscene phrases made popular in text messaging,” McGee reports.ilvtofu

That was news to Kelley Coffman-Lee, the 36-year-old Centennial woman who simply wanted to promote her love of soybean curd while tooling around town in her Suzuki. “My whole family is vegan so tofu is like a staple for us,” she told the Post. “I was just going to have a cool license plate and the DMV misinterpreted my message.”

Whether or not the DMV did the misinterpreting — after all, who doesn’t LV TOFU? — the civil servants say their mission is to keep the streets clean. “Standard common practices are: any combination of letters or numbers that carry connotations offensive to good taste and decency, are misleading, offensive to the general public, or represent gang, drug, sex, racial terms,” another Department of Revenue spokesman, Maren Rubino, told the Rocky Mountain News last summer when the list grew to include common text message shorthand, such as LOL, OMG and WTF.

So LOL is offensive? Play the Colorado license plate approval game here.

  1. Tony says:

    I originally read that as “I like to F.U” oO

  2. bobbo says:

    That game is no fun if they don’t tell you what the smutty letters mean.

  3. Mojo Yugen says:

    Well if they have to tell you it isn’t much of a game. Is it?

  4. Phydeau says:

    I mentally added “CK” onto the end of that license plate as soon as I saw it… 🙂

  5. jbellies says:

    Canadian Postal Codes don’t have the letter F. At all. They do have K, so you can see K (zero) K. My favourite Postal Code trick is to remember the leading letter of the codes in Canada’s Largest City. Easy. Moronto.

  6. Floyd says:

    Simple fix if it isn’t taken: ILVSOY.

    That said, tofu is nasty tasteless stuff.

  7. Dave W says:

    Way back in 1980, a friend had a humongous 1969 Cadillac Fleetwood which everyone referred to as “the bardge”.

    The DMV rejected his request for a plate reading “69BARDGE”. Go figure. Sacramento Sickos!

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Whom ever invented tofu should be made to eat it.


  9. chuck says:


  10. Phydeau says:

    Not to mention that tofu has chemicals in it that are similar to estrogen… so if you eat a lot of it you’re getting estrogen. Not so good for a guy! Google “tofu estrogen” and you’ll see.

    Evil tofu! 🙂

  11. BdgBill says:

    Why the hell are vegans so concerned that everyone know they are vegans? I like veal but it never occured to me to wear a t-shirt (or order a license plate) saying so.

  12. The0ne says:

    Hahahaha I read it as tofu but after reading the article now I see and understand the reasoning. Very funny indeed. Reminds me of a picture with dolphins swimming and kids will see them but 99% of adults see sex related things 😛

    don’t think pink elephant!!!

  13. NO FUMES says:

    Why pay the PLZSTAT when they PROVIDE the public nothing but pure CNSRSHP for their plate dollars. Will they be FUGAL*** when they see a plate spelled out as NO FUMES when someone want’s THAT FOR their electric car?

    *** fugue – in psychiatry this means a state of psychological amnesia during which the subject seems to behave in a conscious and rational way, although upon return to normal consciousness he/she cannot remember the period of time nor what he/she did during it; temporary flight from reality.

  14. sargasso says:

    The “PEN IS” mightier than the sword.

  15. Chris Mac says:

    #14 That reminds me of my favorite writing utensil site.


  16. Chris Mac says:

    hmm.. Would IH8TOFU satisfy the powers that be?

  17. Mr Diesel says:

    What if she pulled up next to someone with this plate?


    Would sparks fly or the religious police pull them over.

  18. George says:

    Their list of unapproved 3-letter combinations is nuts. KIA? That’s the name of a car company.

    I remember there was a guy in my neighborhood that had the personal plate “Merde”. I guess somebody wised up as I’ve not seen it again. I’d like to try for “Scheisse” and see if that flies.

  19. James Hill - F'n U for years. says:

    So does liking tofu make someone more of a loser than the fact they want a personalized plate?

  20. Selvy says:

    Well there was also a guy who wanted a license plate saying “Dink01” or somesuch because it’s the family name. That was kind of amusing too.



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