What’s next… Pet Rocks? Sheesh!

  1. Robart says:

    This is almost as good as my invention, the weightless weights.

  2. Dallas says:

    The next generation 32nm version is much shorter. Save your money till then.

  3. Rob says:

    This is perfect for fatties who want to pretend to exercise and then, when they don’t lose weight, want to be able to pretend it’s genetics or hormones or some such BS. Then it’s back to the couch, free of guilt to eat bon-bons.

  4. chuck says:

    I prefer “Virtual” ropeless jump-rope. You just watch someone else do it on the interwebs.

    Hey, I’m virtually jumping right now!

  5. Jopa says:

    They say jump, you say how high.

  6. jumpjumpjump says:

    I think this was made for prisons… they can’t have rope for obvious reasons. $60 is what the tax payers will pay for the convicts to get in shape!

  7. Sean says:

    Oh, yeah, they’ll let them have a battery operated computer-contained jump rope… As someone with a little experience in the Prison system, I know they won’t be using these in the prisons. At least not the Maximum security one near me.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Sean…my company sold box cutters and other assorted tools for making UTP cables–to a prison educational program–and they use them.

    I trained the trainers and when I asked how the fsck they were going to use the stuff, they explained the process of getting shears, butcher knives, and all that inside.

    This “rope” is stupid. Heavy ropes work best, and the coordination of arms and legs is part of the benefit.

  9. Bastian says:

    i like “bank-snap” where I think I have money in the bank and then spend it (aka credit cards).

  10. Special Ed says:

    At least this jump rope you can use while sitting down. I’m working on a wireless extension cord…

  11. Another marvel of the “power of marketing”
    It never ceases to amaze me. As far as I am concerned two major examples of the power of marketing ( that is beyond any sense of the needs , wants and desires of the consumer in our “New” economy” are SUV’s and bottled water sales. Its amazing here in Winnipeg Canada to see people lugging heavy bottles of water to their cars and up flights of stairs when Canada has an overabundance of the freshest drinking water around.

  12. BigBoyBC says:

    $60 gimic or a $2 piece of rope?


  13. Theemy says:

    In the Soviet Union, the rope jumps you.

  14. BubbaRay says:

    I can see the ShamWow guy selling these now.

    “Are you getting this, camera guy? And if you order now, we’ll throw in a real rope, a $100 value — for FREE!”

  15. A Finn says:

    Can anyone be stupid enough to buy this? Doing exercise is the easiest thing in the world and it just amazes me that some people spend dollar after dollar on silly equipment. Run, walk, take the stairs, play tennis, go to the gym or anything but don’t fall for the what ever new gadget of the week with silly names like Buttmaster1000X.

  16. Paul says:

    That looks great… if you are a mime trying to exercise.

  17. Alan Parekh says:

    I love technology and generally defend products that use it even when there is a simpler solution but this is a device that didn’t need to be invented.

  18. A Soldier and a Father says:

    BubbaRay said, on April 8th, 2009 at 11:30 pm

    I can see the ShamWow guy selling these now.

    “Are you getting this, camera guy? And if you order now, we’ll throw in a real rope, a $100 value — for FREE!”

    and it’s made in Germany and you know the Germans always make good stuff!


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