The Fog!

WASHINGTON (AP) – The president’s new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth’s air.

John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.

“It’s got to be looked at,” he said. “We don’t have the luxury of taking any approach off the table.”

Holdren outlined several “tipping points” involving global warming that could be fast approaching. Once such milestones are reached, such as complete loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic, it increases chances of “really intolerable consequences,” he said.

Twice in a half-hour interview, Holdren compared global warming to being “in a car with bad brakes driving toward a cliff in the fog.”

  1. Li says:

    #32 Ah, but if you harvest the wood and use it to build things that will last a few hundred years (high quality furniture, wood paneling, artwork ect.) all that carbon is sequestered for that period of time. It’s not like you just grow the forest and then burn it down!

  2. J says:

    missy Scott seems to have this trolling thing down to a “science”

  3. Rabble Rouser says:


    I am sick and tired of hearing people say that the climate isn’t changing, or humans are not responsible for climate change, or any other bovine fecal matter like that.

    The only “scientists” who deny that climate change is taking place, are the ones funded by the corporations that are causing the climate change. Wake up sheeple!

    I am kind of glad that OUR President is taking a proactive approach for a change. The last resident of the White House was in a state of denial on this issue.

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    BTW — You all know what Paddy-0’s last name is, don’t you? In case you haven’t figured it out, it’s FURNITURE!

  5. Paddy-O says:


    Sounds familiar, I think Torquemada would say something similar to the people back then who wouldn’t parrot what the “priests” said… LOL

  6. Li says:

    #39 Do you have any concept of what the Spanish Inquisition -did-?! Get back to me when they propose stuffing climate change deniers into an iron maiden.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 40 Li said, “Get back to me when they propose stuffing climate change deniers into an iron maiden.”

    Just give idiots like Rabble Rouser enough authority…

  8. Mark Derail says:

    #38 that would sound like P-a-t-i-o furniture.

    Paddy-O is definitely not someone to get comfortable with. You’d want Angel H. Wong for that.

    I’m just *happy* that SUBURA is putting PZEV exhaust systems in all their vehicles !!!

    If all highly polluting cars/suv’s, usually the luxury ones pollute the most, had PZEV years ago, places like LA would *NOT* have smog problems and such high asthma cases.

    In a luxury vehicle, PZEV only adds 500$ to the cost, and saves tons of smog creating pollution.

    I don’t worry too much over CO2 from cars – many industries, or the eletric coal plants, put out more CO2, than all the cars.

    However, there is a lot of nasty stuff out of our tailpipes, made a lot worse in idle traffic, that PZEV, and ultimately hybrids, are the best bet – for the next 20 years.

    It’s going to be at least 20 years, once EV’s become cheap and common, for the gas cars to die off in recycling centers.

    So any car bought today without PZEV (most hybrids have PZEV or SULEV) is a major smog causing polluter for the next 20 years.

    Obama should be enforcing PZEV & SULEV across all cars immediately.

  9. Todd Peterson says:

    I beg you!!! Please please please don’t do as the EU. Don’t waste all your money on this scam!!!! There are sooooo many real problems that needs to be addressed first.

    “Global warming” is a political agenda invented by the UN, it is not a scientific problem.

  10. MikeN says:

    Li, the claim is that growing trees for lumber doesn’t absorb carbon because so much of the wood becomes sawdust, and the production process releases too much carbon. It may be just environmentalist advocacy, since the conclusion is that you are better off with old forests.

  11. MikeN says:

    Suppose for $10 billion, you could eliminate the threat of global warming with this solution. Would you do it? You could then cut back on global warming research and save more than $10B.

  12. BigBoyBC says:


  13. Mr Diesel says:

    #37 RR

    I don’t believe all the bullshit so called scientific evidence about “climate change”.

    The climate has always changed and man wasn’t here to cause it.

    Let’s just take the most recent screwup by those so-called scientists. You know, the ones reporting the loss of arctic ice and then finding the dumbasses put their instruments on a MOVING ice flow and they didn’t all the extra ice there.

    So give it your best shot.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Mr. Diesel,

    Now some of you want our teleprompter nimrod to modify the climate? That’s some good thinking.

    Still got that Obama Derangement Syndrome goin’, don’t ya.

    Get over it, he won.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, Lyin’ Mike,

    I planted some spruce trees around my place a few years ago. So far I haven’t seen any sawdust around them and I darn well better not.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Lyin’ Mike,

    Now, NSIDC is back with a warning that the amount of ice that is less than two years old is at record levels.

    I know you don’t have a link, you so very seldom do.

    There is so much new ice this year simply because so much of the old ice sheet melted. That old ice sheet was old ice.

    There is a difference in the properties between old sea ice and new sea ice. For starters, old sea ice doesn’t melt as quickly and is denser.

  17. Mr Diesel says:

    #48 Mr Fusion

    You might not believe me but I voted for Obomba.

    But ODS usually hits thinking individuals when the yes we can and change change change wears off.

  18. Li says:

    I voted for Obama as well. I’m still convinced he was better than the alternative, but he’s gonna need to grow a pair and go against the Goldman Sux boys pretty soon if he plans on having a remotely successful presidency. The Masters of the Universe only care for themselves, and they will suck every last drop from the society long before they will admit that they have screwed up.

  19. MikeN says:

    Scroll down for sea ice young and thin.

  20. B.Dog says:

    I see it as a Canard. It is perhaps similar to GM’s hydrogen powered car hype. The big O pretends to give a shit, then has everyone paying carbon credit taxes to the new and great Bank of the Universe located offshore.

    People, there was a goldarned ice age that lasted from 1.6 million years ago to 10,000 years ago. Let us rejoice in our warmth and love of all mankind (excluding only insurgents).

  21. Li says:

    I think we are going to have to love the insurgents too if we are really ready to join the kingdom of heaven.

  22. Uncle Patso says:

    # 11 Breetai said:

    “#10 Greg,
    Because global warming is NOT science. It’s an environmentalist religion.

    The science it’s based on is the backbone of what the local weatherman relies on. They have a poor track record for a reason. The science is junk and shaman and witch doctors are as accurate as they are. People like you shouting the sky is falling of junk science are the reason things like the island of trash in the pacific bult up.

    Point the finger at something with reality behind it not one of your fairy tales.”

    The way I remember it, it was the tree-huggers, the eco-freaks, the save-the-Earthers who were going around saying not to make so much plastic and stop dumping in the oceans. You’re saying this is why we have trash islands in the oceans? I don’t see the logic, though I do agree that a lot of the arguments I see here consist of fairy tales.

    Climate change is not a fairy tale; it is not a joke. The very real danger is that shifting climate zones, along with major droughts will lead to huge crop failures, leading to about a BILLION people starving to death. And if you don’t think that will cause big problems for the entire planet, you’re nuts.

  23. RS says:

    A little late for April Fools. Or when in ReDoubt, send a lot of hot gas out of Washington.

  24. soundwash says:

    what do they mean “consider” climate
    engineering ??

    ffs, they’ve been trying for years..

    they’ve been going nuts spraying aerosols (chemtrails) here in the NYC area for years and recently (since January) stepped it up to major levels.

    here is snapshot outside my door from january:

    the sky was clear 40min before i snapped that
    pic. and i can snap a pic like that just about
    every other day. we hardly even have nice blue
    skies anymore. on clear days it’s more like a
    blue- white haze.

    if you stay in the area when they spray at this
    you get a pretty bad sore thoat on top of it.

    they are f’n nuts to consider doing anything more than they already are. they base all this on basically a 30 year snapshot of hard data. we still have no clue how weather works in the grand scheme of things. -let alone a manipulated view of the carbon cycle to serve the agenda.

    as it stands right now, these lunatics have basically come out and said the best way to
    combat global warming is with taxes and tearing down forests to make room for bio-fuel

    shear lunacy.

    no doubt, i imagine they will go ahead and spray some more crap in the air and use the current cooling trend to say “see, we can effect weather, it’s getting cooler”

    -somebody pleeease pinch me.


  25. john says:

    Global warming caused by clean air regulations? I thought getting rid of acid rain was supposed to be a good thing:


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